Napoleon Hill Yesterday and Today!


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“When the plans appear, they will probably “flash” into your mind through the sixth sense, in the form of an “inspiration.” This inspiration may be considered a direct “telegram,” or message from Infinite Intelligence. Treat it with respect, and act upon it as soon as you receive it. Failure to do this will be FATAL to your success.”
~Napoleon Hill




The dictionary defines coincidence as a remarkable concurrence of events without apparent casual connection. Some common synonyms are chance, serendipity, providence, and fate. Generally a coincidence is an unusual striking occurrence of two or more events that come together by mere chance. We have all wondered, “Isn’t this strange that this is happening to me now?”

In the minds of many people, there are no chance happenings or coincidences because it is believed that everything happens for a reason either known or unknown to the participants. Albert Einstein defined coincidence as “God’s way of remaining anonymous.” Whether things happen for a reason, or happen coincidentally is anyone’s guess, but regardless our thoughts and actions do reveal the human mind at work.

In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote a chapter on the brain as well as a chapter on the subconscious mind. These chapters suggest to many readers that the human mind is the greatest unsolved mystery that remains. We still need to discover how our minds can be used for the betterment of all mankind.

Hill wrote in Think and Grow Rich about the Great Depression and stated, “Nothing as widespread and effective as the depression could possibly be just a coincidence.” Behind the depression was a cause.

No doubt many events can be judged as a coincidence because they seem to happen without causation. Most events that may seem coincidental are more than likely to do with our pattern of thoughts and corresponding actions and/or reactions. Thoughts and actions have an influence either directly or indirectly on the outcome. Either way, coincidence or not, it makes one stop and think!

The best to you at whatever you do!


~ Don Green
Executive Director




The Napoleon Hill Foundation PMA Distance Learning Course

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PMA Distance Learning

Now accepting registrations for the June 2017 class!

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Starts June, 2017.

Note: This course is a prerequisite for our annual leader certification course.

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PMA Distance Learning

El Curso de Napoleon Hill a distancia comienza
junio 2017!

Enscríbase HOY!!
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“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

Have you been inspired by Dr. Hill’s words? Subscribe to Napoleon Hill’s Thought For The Day.

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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

“We just need to accept that while life is often a mystery, we–each and every one of us–have a role in it as the mystery unfolds. We need to act on our dreams and be present to the appearance of the divine in our day-to-day existence. That is our destiny. ~ Squire Rushnell

Dear Readers:

Napoleon Hill believed fully in the sixth sense and used it to guide him in his daily life. He believed that our thoughts can be elevated and our awareness increased as we align with likeminded people who share common interests. This being said, I would like to add that the more we are open to interaction and the thoughts from others, the more we work in tandem with the Universal Mind. As an experiment, consider how you may have noticed coincidences and/or synchronicities in the past and even now going forward. Sometimes an event in our life may occur at just the right moment that aids us in making a life decision that causes us to travel a different path. We may note that as interesting, and nothing more, but then later another coincidence happens and we begin to see a pattern. It is suggested that you journal these events because as a dream is often forgotten upon awakening, so too are coincidences forgotten that only seem to apply and relate to you. The more diligent you are in picking up the details and writing them down, the sooner you will begin to raise your level of awareness and see a pattern developing from beyond your own capabilities. Do this for a reasonable amount of time, say a month, and then reflect back upon your findings. As you perfect your skills, you will become aware that the Universe is a guide by your side providing you with subtle, yet pertinent direction in your life’s journey.

Two books I would like to recommend for your reading list are When God Winks by Squire Rusnell, subtitled How the Power of Coincidence Guides Your Life. This book gives you examples of how coincidence or “God Winks” can and do work in a person’s life. I have read this book more than once, and am always amazed at how we know so little about the intricacies of awareness. A flap of a butterfly’s wings, can and does change events for the positive or negative. Nothing is insignificant.

The second book is The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity by MacGregor & MacGregor, a husband and wife team. This book gives an in-depth study of what synchronicity means for the layman, and also details exercises as to how you can bring closer awareness into your daily life regarding these types of events. It is not magical, mystical, or diabolical, but a process that puts us in “conversation” with Universal order and outcomes in our lives. There is a fair size bibliography at the end as well that can provide you with many titles for future reading.

Finally, Carl Jung is the Swiss psychiatrist who began the discussion of synchronistic events in earnest. His examples and stories detail how he believes there is a Higher Power that works in our lives and it is there for us to see in the “God Winks” that happen to us from time to time. Be open, be aware, be not afraid, and thereby remain able to be taught something new. Your life will be the better for it.

Be Your Very Best Always,
Judy Williamson

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The Law of Success


Tune In On A Higher Plane
by Napoleon Hill

A master mind alliance, properly conducted, stimulates each mind in the alliance to move with enthusiasm, personal initiative, and imagination, and accelerates the capacity of the minds in the alliance to receive and transmit thought through the sixth sense.

You will find that when your mind comes in contact with other minds in a master mind meeting, you become conscious of a form of stimulation which amounts to mental intoxication, or excessive elation. This condition lasts for many hours after the meeting ends. Two or more minds working together in a spirit of harmony have the effect of stepping up the vibrations of the individual minds. This is similar to the change which occurs when an electronic broadcasting station transforms vibrations audible to the ear into electrical impulses of a much higher frequency so that they can be released through space. Such an increase of the vibratory rate of the mind enables you to tune in on a higher plane of communication than is ordinarily experienced, and enables you to make contact with Infinite Intelligence, the influx of which is the power of faith.

Source: PMA Science of Success Course. Educational Edition. Napoleon Hill Foundation. 1983. Pg. 54.

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by Nathan Johnson

Napoleon Hill said, “No mind is complete by itself. It needs contact and association with other minds to grow and expand.” The proper use of a mastermind group is the cornerstone to all great achievement, and it is one of the steps that people most often overlook. On our own, we can only ever have a limited amount of experience, a mastermind group allows us to draw freely from the experience, training, skills, and knowledge of others who align with our definite major purpose. The resulting benefits include a magnification of the combined qualities of each member, as well as increased courage, faith, and a host of other positive advantages. In other words, on your own, you’re a single brushstroke, but in a mastermind group you could become a Monet.

The first thing you need to do to put the power of the mastermind to work is create one! The moment you outline your definite major purpose, it will immediately be clear the sort of person, or people, who would be most appropriate in aiding in the attainment of that goal. By aligning with someone who possesses the knowledge and experience you lack, along with the qualities of dependability, loyalty, and positive mental attitude, you will find a partner who will help to see your mission through to completion. A partnership with the appropriate individual(s) is essential, and with regular meetings and maintained harmony, your mastermind will tap into a collective power far greater than the number of its individual members. In 2008 I was put in contact with a direct to customer skincare and make-up company that was looking to expand their brand. They wanted to form ties with a reputable person in the beauty industry, and I was looking to partner with a company that would allow me to further my purpose of education and utilization of beauty as a tool for improving self-esteem and confidence. The company owner combined her experience and large base of representatives with my reputation and in depth industry knowledge, and together we planned a series of major training/recruiting/selling events along the California coast. Over the course of a month, we sold over $1,000,000 in product and recruited an all time high number of new representatives. This is a feat neither one of us had ever done on our own, and it was possible only because of the power of our combined experience, knowledge, training, and expertise. The accomplishment of $1,000,000 in one month has been dwarfed by millions more in reorders—all because she and I combined in a mastermind.

Read the rest of Nathan’s article >>>

Nathan has utilized Napoleon Hill’s 17 Principles of Success to help several struggling businesses go from surviving month-to-month to generating multi-million dollar profits. He has worked with countless individuals to help them achieve their life goals, whether it be transforming their finances or stepping into their dream career. Nathan can be reached at or by phone at 917.698.2923

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Foundations for Success


Think and Grow Rich:
The 1937 Edition
by Napoleon Hill

This edition of Napoleon Hill’s Classic Think and Grow Rich is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, the ONLY original version recommended by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, originally printed in March of 1937.

The most famous of all teachers of success spent a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort to produce the Law of Success philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized and explained for the general public in this book.

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The PMA Bookshelf

For advertising information please contact us at Napoleon Hill Foundation



The Amazing Adventures of Oliver Hill

Wisdom for Winners


Foundations for Success

The Little Book of Leadership


Empowered Millionaire

by J. Martin Kohe and Judith Williamson

Empowered Millionaire is the first time ever combined edition of two corresponding works–Your Greatest Power and How to Become a Mental Millionaire by J. Martin Kohe and Judith Williamson. By placing these motivational works in the same volume readers can enjoy the big message that Kohe delivers in less than thirty minutes, and then immediately begin to apply the dynamic lesson in daily life by practicing the examples set in How to Become a Mental Millionaire. This double edition offers a real one–two punch for getting to the heart of the matter. The main thought to bear in mind as you work through this material is that first you gain the knowledge, and secondly you are taught how to apply it.

This book is so easy to follow and put into practice that you will immediately feel more powerful and in control just by reading it! It is a terrific little book that is dynamic and forceful and promises to render you a real service for the investment of your time in reading it. As W. Clement Stone advises, “Do it now,” and don’t wait another minute in getting started on the road to your personalized success.

Available on!


Napoleon Hill’s Greatest Speeches

from the Archives of Napoleon Hill

We are pleased to present this never before published collection from the one and only, Napoleon Hill.

Along with other never before published material, this volume includes the speech that inspired the worldwide bestseller Think and Grow Rich.

With a foreword by Napoleon’s grandson, Dr. J.B. Hill, and introductory comments by Don Green, Director of The Napoleon Hill Foundation, personal letters from family members and Senator Jennings Randolph, this fascinating exploration of the speeches given by the pioneer of the personal development movement is packed with a wealth of information.

It is a revealing look at one man’s quest for understanding why some men succeed, why others do not, and what makes success something that can be replicated.

This collection will provide you with some of Napoleon’s finest speeches including:

-What I Have Learned From Analyzing 10,000 People
-The Man Who Has Had no Chance
-The Commencement Address at Salem College in Salem, West Virginia, 1922—likely his best-remembered and most-influential speech.

Napoleon Hill dedicated much of his life to solving what he called “the most stupendous problem confronting the human race today.” That is, “How can I get what I want?”

As W. Clement Stone and thousands of others can attest, Hill succeeded in this venture, and we now have a success philosophy that Andrew Carnegie once saw as a possibility.

The pages within this book will tell you of the origins of a personal development legacy.

Available on


Think and Grow Rich

by Napoleon Hill

As Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, I receive many requests from people wanting the original 1937 copy of Think and Grow Rich. To satisfy those of you who desire to have a 1937 unedited copy, we have reproduced Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, printed in March of 1937. The book has the notation, “not to be loaned,” and signed: Annie Lou Hill (the wife of Dr. Hill). This personal copy of Dr. Hill’s was given to me by Dr. Charles W. Johnson, Chairman of the Napoleon Hill Foundation and a nephew of Napoleon Hill. It was Napoleon Hill who sent Dr. Johnson to medical school, and today he is a practicing cardiologist. Charlie refers to Napoleon Hill as “Uncle Nap” and will often makes the statement, “Uncle Nap would be proud of the Foundation today.” The original 1937 manuscript was written and edited with the assistance of Napoleon’s wife. In later years, the existing document was again edited by Dr. Hill. For example, the Foundation owns a 1958 edition that Hill edited personally. This did not lessen the book’s value in Hill’s judgment. Hill made the editing remarks in his own handwriting and the resulting 1960 edited edition has sold over 100 million copies making it the most read self-help book of all time

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The Little Book of Leadership

By: Jeffrey Gitomer

This comprehensive book will help you understand your situation, identify your opportunities, create your objectives, execute by action and delegation, and establish a leadership position through enthusiasm, brilliance, action, collaboration, resilience, and achievement.

The time for real-world leadership is NOW. This is a leadership book that transcends theory and philosophy, and gets right down to brass tacks and brass tactics, and adds a few brass balls.It’s full of practical, pragmatic, actionable ideas and strategies that when implemented assure respect and loyalty – and ensure long-term success and legacy.

The 12.5 Leadership Strengths revealed in this book will challenge you, admonish you, guide you, and create new success opportunities for you.

Buy The Little Book of Leadership TODAY!