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“Where you belong is as individual a place as you are an individual person.”



The dictionary defines enthusiasm as intense and eager enjoyment, interest, passion, zeal, and other words that demote excitement or active interest in something.

Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited with the quote, “Nothing great was achieved without enthusiasm.”

Napoleon Hill often wrote and spoke about enthusiasm. In Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Success, the eighth principle is Controlled Enthusiasm.

Napoleon Hill wrote that enthusiasm bears the same relationship to your positive mental attitude and your progress toward success as gasoline to a car’s engine; it is the fuel that drives things forward. In order to control your mental attitude, you must learn to control your mind. The same control can be used on your enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm, backed by faith, gives power and together, can change failure and temporary defeat into action. This change depends on the control of your thoughts which can be expressed as negative or positive. The proper application requires mastering your self-discipline.

Controlled enthusiasm has many benefits, namely:

1. Increases the intensity of your thinking and imagination
2. Helps to acquire a pleasing tone of voice
3. Reduces drudgery at work
4. Helps to have a more attractive personality
5. Helps to gain self confidence
6. Adds strength to your mental and physical health
7. Builds personal initiative
8. Helps overcome fatigue
9. Spreads your enthusiasm to others.

In developing controlled enthusiasm, the steps are very similar to what you learned in Think and Grow Rich in the chapter on desire.

Napoleon Hill gave many examples of the advantages of enthusiasm and some went back to his childhood.

Enthusiasm with faith, discipline, and a burning desire to accomplish your definite major purpose will bring you rewards beyond your wildest imagination.

I wish you the best at whatever you do!


~ Don Green
Executive Director



A Blessing for
the Senses

by John O’Donohue,
from “Anam Cara”

May your body be blessed.
May you realize that your body is a faithful
and beautiful friend of your soul.
And may you be peaceful and joyful
and recognize that your senses
are sacred thresholds.
May you realize that holiness is
mindful, gazing, feeling, hearing, and touching.
May your senses gather you and bring you home.
May your senses always enable you to
celebrate the universe and the mystery
and possibilities in your presence here.
May the Eros of the Earth bless you.





“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

Have you been inspired by Dr. Hill’s words? Subscribe to Napoleon Hill’s Thought For The Day.

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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

“In enthusiasm we undulate to the divine spiritus–as the lake to the wind.” ~Henry David Thoreau

Dear Readers:

Dr. Wayne Dyer states: “Your life must be open to Spirit’s guidance in order for you to feel inspired. So whatever it takes to feel joy, you simply must act upon it.” In other words, what brings us joy makes us feel enthusiastic, and enthusiasm is the fuel we need in order to start our engines.

Ask yourself what makes you joyful, and you will find a direct path to enthusiasm. Pay attention to what inspires you and causes your heart to leap. This is the first step in the direction of your life’s purpose.

Anam Cara by John O’Donohue is a treasury of ancient teachings, stories, and blessings of Celtic wisdom providing profound insights on the universal themes of friendship, solitude and love.

Arriving home from Europe yesterday, I couldn’t wait to smell the lilacs blooming in my yard. I was so glad that I had not missed them this year. Their fragrance, color, and heart-shaped leaves make me joyful. My cat’s purr makes me joyful. Smelling freshly laundered clothes makes me joyful. My morning cup of coffee with cream makes me joyful. Taking a morning stroll around my yard and surveying everything in bud or bloom makes me joyful. The egg yolk color of dandelions, the smell of freshly mown grass, the soft hues of the morning sunrise, the robin on the white and pink flowering apple tree, the too tall peonies ready to burst into colorful bloom make me joyful, and the freshness and crispness in the air enabling windows to be open, also makes me joyful. What brings you joy, inspires you, and causes you to relax and be in the moment? That is the elixir, energizer, and entry point into enthusiasm. Find that keyhole and you can unlock your “spiritus” that opens the door to easy inspiration.

Daily Calm: 365 Days of Serenity
This inspirational book combines meaningful, calming quotations and affirmations with powerful photography.

Why do we need to prime our pump? It’s obvious. Unless we replenish our joy, our life becomes a fading monotone that leads to boredom, depression, and often despair. Why go there? Wake up! You are the only you in the Universe and whatever enlivens you is good for your spirit, mind, and body. Do not allow yourself to be depreciated by an ailing world, but rather focus on the good, and more good will come to you. Don’t be silly about it and practice too much self-love with superficial optimism that is generated by uncontrolled enthusiasm, but find the right proportions that will jump start you and others around you. As in a recipe, too much of one ingredient ruins the end result. So, treat enthusiasm as the spice of life, the wind in your sails, the octane in your tank, the joy in the beholding, and the eternal spirit of God within, and then allow this enthusiasm to chart your course on a safe and steady path that will bring to you very specific end results. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. And, the race aligned with controlled enthusiasm will make the winning cup something very pleasant to behold. In Biblical language it is stated, “Behold, I make all things new.” Continue daily to renew yourself and you too will live on the sunny side of the street.

Be Your Very Best Always,
Judy Williamson

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The Law of Success


by Napoleon Hill

Enthusiasm is one of the most desirable of qualities! It attracts people to you and causes them to co-operate with you.

Enthusiasm is the spark which touches off that dormant power which is housed in your brain and puts it into action.

Enthusiasm overcomes despondency and generates hope, self-confidence and courage. Enthusiasm stirs up your liver and puts it to work, thereby helping it carry on its vital function of cleansing your blood.

Enthusiasm arouses your whole being and causes you to transform your dreams into reality!

If you are not enthusiastic over your work you do not love it, therefore you are trying to perform work for which you are not fitted.

Enthusiasm is contagious! Unconsciously you pass it on to those with whom you come in contact and it arouses them to act and think as you do.

An enthusiastic person, when you guided by a sense of justice toward others, is usually a great asset in any organization, business, family or community.

Are you a person of enthusiasm?

Source: Hill’s Golden Rule Magazine Copyright 1919.

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by Havilah Malone

Wherever you go you leave behind your trademark. Your unique energetic signature can be seen, heard and felt by all those around you and as they say… news travels fast!

What are you known for? How do you want people to remember you?

“Your personality is your greatest asset or liability. It embraces everything you control, your mind, your body, and your soul.” – Napoleon Hill

If you plan on accomplishing anything above mediocrity in life, you will need the cooperation and assistance of others along your journey. To get the help you need in reaching your goals you must become the kind of person others want to be around. Your personality is your trademark and it can be molded so that it serves as an asset instead of a liability. With a positive mental attitude and use of the “The Big 3” traits of an attractive personality, you are sure to win in any given situation:

• Smile
• Facial expression
• Tone of voice

We have the power to ‘literally’ change the molecular structure and mood of a room with our personality. Have you ever been in a meeting where your colleagues cordially greeted each other as they arrived and everyone laughed and made small talk? A pretty good atmosphere and mood is experienced by all in this scenario. Then the Big Boss, “Mr. Grumpy McGrump” walks through the door and immediately the room feels stuffy, the air is heavier, the laughter fades and the mood darkens. “Mr. McGrump” didn’t even utter a word, yet everyone became uncomfortable in his mere presence. This is just one example of the power of our personality, and fortunately the reverse scenario is also true. Just as easily, someone with a pleasing personality, who exhibits a genuine smile and through body posture and their positive mental attitude can fill a room with excitement, comfort and joy! That’s the person we want to be around, right? That’s the person we want to do business with.

Read the rest of the article here>>>

Havilah Malone
#1 Best Selling Author & International Inspirational Speaker
Proof of What’s Possible, Inc.
Certified Leader for the Napoleon Hill Foundation

Havilah can be reached at

Read Havilah’s full bio here>>>

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Foundations for Success


Think and Grow Rich:
The 1937 Edition
by Napoleon Hill

This edition of Napoleon Hill’s Classic Think and Grow Rich is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, the ONLY original version recommended by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, originally printed in March of 1937.

The most famous of all teachers of success spent a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort to produce the Law of Success philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized and explained for the general public in this book.

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The PMA Bookshelf

For advertising information please contact us at Napoleon Hill Foundation



The Amazing Adventures of Oliver Hill

Wisdom for Winners


Foundations for Success

The Little Book of Leadership


Napoleon Hill Is on the Air!: The Five Foundations for Success

by Napoleon Hill

In 1953, at the pinnacle of his career, beloved motivational speaker Napoleon Hill—whose classic Think and Grow Rich continues to inspire millions—distilled his lifetime work into a series of live radio broadcasts. In each one, Hill walked his listeners through one of the Five Foundations for Success—what he described as absolute musts connected to “practically all achievement that’s worth mentioning.”

Napoleon Hill Is on the Air! comprises those never-before-published transcripts in an engaging Q&A format. Together they provide deep analysis of the “Big Five” principles and how to apply them for maximum benefit in business and relationships. The transcripts also offer rich, off-the-cuff insights and inspirational stories derived from Hill’s years spent studying American icons, including Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Charles M. Schwab, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This remarkable book offers a unique perspective on Napoleon Hill’s groundbreaking principles of success—as practical and powerful today as when he first discovered them.

The Foundation has partnered with the Grand Harbor Press Division of Amazon to publish a number of previously unpublished radio and television broadcasts by Napoleon Hill. Called the “Napoleon Hill is On The Air” series, the first of the books is “The Five Foundations for Success.” It will be published on Tuesday and can be ordered now on Amazon. It consists of radio broadcasts made by Dr. Hill in Jackson, Mississippi in 1953. In these broadcasts, he concentrated on what he considered to be the “Big 5” of his seventeen success principles. This powerful book also contains an introduction by Dr. Charles Johnson, Dr. Hill’s nephew, which is the only public pronouncement about his uncle that Dr. Johnson has ever made.

Available now on!


Napoleon Hill’s Daily Journal for Everyday Women

by Napoleon Hill & Judith Williamson

Napoleon Hill’s Daily Journal for Everyday Women is an intensive year long planning tool for a woman’s strategic life-plan development based upon Dr. Napoleon Hill’s 17 Success Principles. This journal is designed to coordinate with Dr. Hill’s teachings in such a way as to succinctly yet comprehensively cover all 17 success principles in the period of twelve months. Beginning at any time in the calendar year, this tool will coordinate a woman’s personal and professional goals in a systematic way so as to heighten personal success through daily planning and monthly reinforcement.

Available on


Think and Grow Rich

by Napoleon Hill

As Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, I receive many requests from people wanting the original 1937 copy of Think and Grow Rich. To satisfy those of you who desire to have a 1937 unedited copy, we have reproduced Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, printed in March of 1937. The book has the notation, “not to be loaned,” and signed: Annie Lou Hill (the wife of Dr. Hill). This personal copy of Dr. Hill’s was given to me by Dr. Charles W. Johnson, Chairman of the Napoleon Hill Foundation and a nephew of Napoleon Hill. It was Napoleon Hill who sent Dr. Johnson to medical school, and today he is a practicing cardiologist. Charlie refers to Napoleon Hill as “Uncle Nap” and will often makes the statement, “Uncle Nap would be proud of the Foundation today.” The original 1937 manuscript was written and edited with the assistance of Napoleon’s wife. In later years, the existing document was again edited by Dr. Hill. For example, the Foundation owns a 1958 edition that Hill edited personally. This did not lessen the book’s value in Hill’s judgment. Hill made the editing remarks in his own handwriting and the resulting 1960 edited edition has sold over 100 million copies making it the most read self-help book of all time

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The Little Book of Leadership

By: Jeffrey Gitomer

This comprehensive book will help you understand your situation, identify your opportunities, create your objectives, execute by action and delegation, and establish a leadership position through enthusiasm, brilliance, action, collaboration, resilience, and achievement.

The time for real-world leadership is NOW. This is a leadership book that transcends theory and philosophy, and gets right down to brass tacks and brass tactics, and adds a few brass balls.It’s full of practical, pragmatic, actionable ideas and strategies that when implemented assure respect and loyalty – and ensure long-term success and legacy.

The 12.5 Leadership Strengths revealed in this book will challenge you, admonish you, guide you, and create new success opportunities for you.

Buy The Little Book of Leadership TODAY!