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“Self-pity destroys self-respect, but humility of heart inspires guidance through that power from within.”



Maybe because I was a bank president, but I am often asked where people should invest their money. Recently coming out of the post office, a friend stopped me who was holding a cell phone in his hand, and asked me where to invest. As he was holding a phone, I could have suggested that he invest in Verizon or AT&T, both are communication giants who are among the better paying dividend stocks.

But, I never give such advice, because different investments make different sense for different people according to certain factors such as risk willingness, age, and other stable sources of income. What appears to be a great investment for someone like Warren Buffett may not be suitable for each of us.

The easiest and best advice I think I could ever tell anyone is to invest in yourself. Men and women spend forty billion dollars per year on material items, but many of these same people spend very little on what goes into their heads.

Learning and application is what increases one’s future earning, plus the other benefits that one acquires by continuing to improve their earnings.

As a young person in my early twenties, I did not go into restaurants to eat while I was working a “collection route” for a consumer finance company. Instead, I bought books and audio cassettes. When I drove on my daily route, I listened to such people as Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, Zig Ziglar, and many others. I listened to them over and over until their message became a part of who I am today.

During my working years, I saw my income increase by more than a hundred times. I tell you this not to brag, but to tell you that whether you invest in good books, audios, or the Napoleon Hill Distance Learning Course, you will never make a better investment than the day you decide to invest in yourself.

I wish you the best at whatever you do!


~ Don Green
Executive Director





“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

Have you been inspired by Dr. Hill’s words? Subscribe to Napoleon Hill’s Thought For The Day.

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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.” ~Benjamin Disraeli

Dear Readers:

Try giving people encouragement instead of advice. That is a sure way to influence people positively. Just ask yourself who and what you listen to when someone speaks to you. I bet the majority of the time, you shrug off the advice or categorize it in the pigeonhole it belongs in, but encouragement is a bird of another feather. Advice reeks of self-importance, and a know-it-all attitude from the giver. Encouragement means to empower another person and not to inflate yourself. Try giving encouragement for each person in need and see how you are relieved of being on duty for the solution to their problem. Encouragement arms people for their own defense, advice or help keeps people little. Being little is not being grownup, and empowerment is the eagle of the bird kingdom, and staying little is the sparrow.

I have a friend who retired a few years ago, and when asked why she retired sooner than expected she responded that she “knew it was time.” I asked her how she knew, and she stated that “she just did,” and next she told me that when the time comes for me to transition that I would recognize it too. And, her advice has proven to be accurate in many situations. When I am faced with an “insolvable” problem, I list the pros and cons of the decision and then place it on the back burner to await the decision. Nine times out of ten I am surprised when the Universe delivers the correct choice right on schedule. When I consider the problem, seek a solution, and then let the concern “be” I am happy when the situation almost magically resolves itself. This does not mean that I sit back and wait for someone else to resolve my issue. Rather, it means that I actively do all I can do for the time being and then wait for the proper resolution. In these situations, patience is definitely a virtue. Just decide to let the immediate concern go for now, and work on something else. I guarantee that by putting the problem to rest for the moment, good results will show up.

By encouraging people you become an enabler for the good that you see in others. Perhaps they do not have the insight to see it for themselves, but by a matter-of-fact statement from yourself, a person can go from being uninspired to a person achieving his or her potential. Focus on talents that may not be fully realized yet, and encourage the future fulfillment of the dream. See friends, family, co-workers, and companions as being bigger than their current mindset, and soon you will be instrumental in the birthing of their greatness.

Be Your Very Best Always!
Hugs, Judy Williamson

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The Law of Success


The Value of Encouragement
by Napoleon Hill

Encouragement is one of the greatest stimulants to greater effort. No one has yet accurately determined just what are the possibilities of accomplishment by the person who is constantly encouraged by his fellowmen.

You can take the heart out of the best man on earth through fault finding and discouragement, a fact to which many an employee can testify.

On the other hand you can, by proper encouragement, stimulate almost any employee to greater effort.

Fortunate is the man who has learned the value of encouraging his fellow-workers and associates in business, for he has made the first step toward leadership. The great leaders of the world have always been men who made it their business to encourage others and thereby urge them on to greater endeavor.

The American army in France was an encouraged army. The German army was a discouraged, brow-beaten army. Look what happened!

The thing that we call “morale” in the army can be developed properly only through encouragement. The same is true of the individual “morale.”

Let the other fellow have the discouraged brow-beaten force of workers; we prefer one which has been developed through encouragement, inspiration, kindness and fair dealing. Such a force will last longer and do more work. Also, we will be considerably happier working with such a force.

Source: The Corpus Christi Caller. March 10, 1920. (Copyright, 1920, Hill’s Golden Rule Magazine.)

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FOCUS ON: Willis H. Glaros
YOU are Special and Unique

My birth heritage is mixed between Greek, German and Norwegian. Typically in a mixed marriage, the first son is named after the father’s father. My name should have been Nick and as you have probably guessed by now, my name is Will. It turns out I was named after my mother’s father using his first and last name as my first and middle names. That little change makes me Willis Heilman Glaros but the story does not end there. When I entered the 5th grade, my teacher Mr. Frank Kehoe changed my life forever. While doing the first day roll call when he got to me he had already had 3 other Bill’s. He decided that was enough for his class. He promptly changed my name to Will for my 5th grade experience and it never changed again.

For the next 40 years of my life when somebody yelled Will, the only head turning was mine. Today due to popularity, when I hear my name being called 3 voices say Yeah. Your name is the first step in your long process that makes up that special and unique you. After all, the old saying, “The sweetest sound one can hear is one’s own name” really is true. I looked up the definition of the word Will and its meaning is” the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention,” basically Will Power. You don’t need to have the name Will to have the POWER…you simply need to know you are special and unique and decide to live knowing YOU are as good or bad as you perceive yourself.

Every day I awaken, I feel in awe of the coming events and happenings of the day. I feel excited about knowing that I am a ONE of A KIND person. No other person has lived my life, No other person looks exactly like me, No other person knows what I know, No other person feels the way I feel, No other person has my dreams and aspirations life, No other person knows all the same people I know. NO OTHER PERSON is like me. I am Special and Unique and only I can truly understand what motivates me, scares me and thrills me, all at the same time.

We are all ONE OF A KIND….We are Special and Unique and while we are what we are today, we will be changed by what we live in every day ahead. We need to ponder if we are happy with the current Special and Unique me or if we want to or care to upgrade or retain the status quo of our lives.

No one can make that decision for you. As my dear mother used to say, if no other person has “walked a mile in your moccasins” no other person can really help you grow and prosper. That is not to say that other people cannot be a good influence and mentor and teach you. It is simply to say, that only YOU know what you want and desire in your heart. If you are happy being what and who you are, then so be it….be Happy and live BIG with the knowledge that you know what you want.

This is what makes you Special and Unique….Only you know what you are made of, what turns you on, where you want to go and if you will be happy as is or growing larger. Be YOU , Know YOU and be happy with YOU.

WILL POWER #1 Affirmation…

I am SPECIAL and UNIQUE. Only I know who I am and what I am and What I want. I will allow no one to deter me from being me and being happy with ME.

I will take my special self anywhere my heart desires and makes me happy. I will try every day to pass on to others my strengths and wisdom of knowing me in hopes that someone will learn something new about themselves.

Most importantly, I am SPECIAL AND UNIQUE to ME, my family, my friends and acquaintances and I will do all I can to accept all others for what makes them special and unique…..being themselves.

Willis H. Glaros, RHU, CACAP
Managing Partner – Meyers Glaros Group

Phone: 219.775.0530

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Foundations for Success


Think and Grow Rich:
The 1937 Edition
by Napoleon Hill

This edition of Napoleon Hill’s Classic Think and Grow Rich is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, the ONLY original version recommended by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, originally printed in March of 1937.

The most famous of all teachers of success spent a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort to produce the Law of Success philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized and explained for the general public in this book.

Available on

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The PMA Bookshelf

For advertising information please contact us at Napoleon Hill Foundation



Wisdom for Winners


Foundations for Success

The Little Book of Leadership


The Path to Personal Power

by Napoleon Hill

This true lost manuscript from the “grandfather of self-help,” Napoleon Hill provides timeless wisdom on how to attain a more successful and wealthy life using simple principles.

Napoleon Hill first wrote The Path to Personal Power in 1941, intending it as a handbook for people lifting themselves out of the Great Depression. But upon the bombing of Pearl Harbor and America’s entrance into World War II, these lessons were put aside and largely forgotten–until today.

Discovered in the archives of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, this never-before-published work is made up of three easily digested lessons, each its own chapter: Definiteness of Purpose; the Master Mind; and Going the Extra Mile.

This concise book is a powerful road map that leads to a single discovery–you already have the power to attain whatever wealth, success, and prosperity you desire in life. All you need to do is walk the path without straying, and the rest will follow.

Using these lessons, you have principles to live by that will help you stay on your own personal path to power, and achieve success that you never thought possible.

Will be released on July 18, 2017 on


How to Own Your Own Mind

by Napoleon Hill

Locked in a vault since 1941, here is Napoleon Hill’s definitive lesson on how to organize your thinking to attain success!

In How to Own Your Mind, you receive a one-of-a-kind master class in how to think for success from motivational pioneer and author of Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill. In three compelling chapters, Hill demonstrates how to organize, prioritize, and act on information so that it translates into opportunity.

Knowledge is not power. Only applied knowledge is power. This book teaches you how to use what you know, and how to know what’s worth knowing.

“The name Napoleon Hill is synonymous with practical advice on how to get ahead.”—Mitch Horowitz,

Will be released on September 19th on


Think and Grow Rich

by Napoleon Hill

As Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, I receive many requests from people wanting the original 1937 copy of Think and Grow Rich. To satisfy those of you who desire to have a 1937 unedited copy, we have reproduced Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, printed in March of 1937. The book has the notation, “not to be loaned,” and signed: Annie Lou Hill (the wife of Dr. Hill). This personal copy of Dr. Hill’s was given to me by Dr. Charles W. Johnson, Chairman of the Napoleon Hill Foundation and a nephew of Napoleon Hill. It was Napoleon Hill who sent Dr. Johnson to medical school, and today he is a practicing cardiologist. Charlie refers to Napoleon Hill as “Uncle Nap” and will often makes the statement, “Uncle Nap would be proud of the Foundation today.” The original 1937 manuscript was written and edited with the assistance of Napoleon’s wife. In later years, the existing document was again edited by Dr. Hill. For example, the Foundation owns a 1958 edition that Hill edited personally. This did not lessen the book’s value in Hill’s judgment. Hill made the editing remarks in his own handwriting and the resulting 1960 edited edition has sold over 100 million copies making it the most read self-help book of all time

Available on


The Little Book of Leadership

By: Jeffrey Gitomer

This comprehensive book will help you understand your situation, identify your opportunities, create your objectives, execute by action and delegation, and establish a leadership position through enthusiasm, brilliance, action, collaboration, resilience, and achievement.

The time for real-world leadership is NOW. This is a leadership book that transcends theory and philosophy, and gets right down to brass tacks and brass tactics, and adds a few brass balls.It’s full of practical, pragmatic, actionable ideas and strategies that when implemented assure respect and loyalty – and ensure long-term success and legacy.

The 12.5 Leadership Strengths revealed in this book will challenge you, admonish you, guide you, and create new success opportunities for you.

Buy The Little Book of Leadership TODAY!