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Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy will be a feature length docudrama film chronicling the story of some of today’s most renowned entrepreneurs, cultural icons and thought leaders. This feature length film will tell their inspirational stories and how they ultimately achieved their success.

Interwoven with dramatic vignettes, the movie will bring to life classic inspirational stories from Think and Grow Rich, Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice, Think & Grow Rich: A Latino Choice, Think and Grow Rich for Women and Three Feet from Gold.

THINK will unlock the eminent significance behind the secret of Think and Grow Rich, revealing the global impact the book has created and serve as a continued legacy.

The History Behind:
Since it was first published Think and Grow Rich has sold over 70 million copies worldwide. It helped to end the Great Depression. Those who read it and put it into practice, experienced boundless personal growth, amassed fortunes and achieved the desires of their dreams.

No literary work in the self-help genre has had a greater creative impact than Think and Grow Rich.

Check out the preview here!



“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

Dear Readers,

Fear is one of the main reasons that people do not reach their potential. Napoleon Hill had a lot to say about fear in his famous book, Think and Grow Rich. For instance, Hill wrote about the six Ghosts of Fear and advised readers that before you can put any portion of the success philosophy into practice, your mind must be prepared to receive it. Hill also advised that preparation of your mind was not difficult, and begins with the study, analysis, and understanding of the three enemies which must be cleared out. These three enemies in the mind are indecision, doubt, and fear. Indecision is the seedling of fear. It crystallizes into doubt, and the two together become fear.

Napoleon Hill also listed the six basic fears, which are:

  1. The fear of poverty
  2. The fear of criticism
  3. The fear of ill health
  4. The fear of loss of love
  5. The fear of old age
  6. The fear of death

All other fears that we have are simply minor ones. Fears are states of mind and negative impulses which can be translated into their physical equivalent. Fear can be attacked with success by using will-power with constant use. Napoleon also told us to avoid negative surroundings or people, and seek the company of those who will influence you to think and act for yourself.

In addition, Napoleon Hill also provided readers with a list of fifty seven Famous Alibis by “Old Man If.” Alibis cannot be substituted for money and the world only wants to know one thing—have you achieved success? Building an alibi is a deeply rooted habit that is hard to break.

Conquering our fears can be difficult, but in the end, it will be worth the effort. Hill reminded us that fears are a man-made devil. It logically follows that if man created his fears, he can also conquer them.


I wish you the best in all that you do.
Don Green
Executive Director Napoleon Hill Foundation

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The Law of Success


The Six Basic Fears
by Napoleon Hill

There are six basic fears, with some combination of which every human suffers at one time or another. Most people are fortunate if they do not suffer from the entire six. Named in the order of their most common appearance, they are:

The fear of POVERTY
The fear of CRITICISM
The fear of ILL HEALTH
The fear of OLD AGE
The fear of DEATH

All other fears are of minor importance; they can be grouped under these six headings.

Fears are nothing more than states of mind. One’s state of mind is subject to control and direction.

Man can create nothing which he does not first conceive in the form of an impulse of thought. Following this statement comes another of still greater importance, namely, man’s thought impulses begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent, whether those thoughts are voluntary or involuntary. Thought impulses which are picked up by mere chance (thoughts which have been released by other minds) may determine one’s financial, business, professional, or social destiny just as surely as do the thought impulses which one creates by intent and design.

We are here laying the foundation for the presentation of a fact of great importance to the person who does not understand why some people appear to be “lucky” while others of equal or greater ability, training, experience, and brain capacity, seem destined to ride with misfortune. This fact may be explained by the statement that every human being has the ability to completely control his own mind, and with this control, obviously, every person may open his mind to the tramp thought impulses which are being released by other brains, or close the doors tightly and admit only thought impulses of his own choice.

Nature has endowed man with absolute control over but one thing, and that is thought. This fact, coupled with the additional fact that everything which man creates begins in the form of a thought, leads one very near to the principle by which fear may be mastered.

If it is true that all thought has a tendency to clothe itself in its physical equivalent (and this is true, beyond any reasonable room for doubt), it is equally true that thought impulses of fear and poverty cannot be translated into terms of courage and financial gain.

Source: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Pages 202, 203. Publisher: Ballantine books.

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Beyond the Barrier
by Jim Stovall

All of us have fears that we face. these fears cause us to do certain things and cause us not to do other things. Fear is a very natural and normal response in most cases. However, from time to time it is important to ask ourselves, “Are my current fears well-founded concerns that are keeping me out of trouble or are they irrational thoughts that are keeping me from where I should be?”

Many people in our society have a fear of flying. Their fears range from an uneasy feeling just before takeoff to stark terror that keeps them from even going near an airport. A certain degree of fear with respect to flying is good. If you are going to take a very large metal contraption that weighs many tons and fill it with people and then thrust it into the air, a proper degree of concern, caution, and prior planning is important. On the other hand, if someone is missing all of the many benefits that modern air travel can afford because of an irrational, unfounded fear, it may be worth looking into.

I will admit to having a certain degree of fear as it relates to skydiving. I feel I have resolved this in my life as I have absolutely no desire to jump out of an airplane with nothing between me and death but a piece of fabric. Since I have no real need or desire to skydive, the fear I have really does not affect me in any significant way. On the other hand, if I had a fear of meeting new people or going new places, it would be something I would have to deal with in order to pursue my passion and my destiny.

In the final analysis, the determining factor must be our own goals and pursuits. If the barriers we have allowed to build up in our minds are keeping us from pursuing the best that life has to offer, it’s time to make an adjustment. Remember when you were young and you were afraid to dive off the diving board, ride a bicycle, or go to school by yourself? These were very real fears at that time in your life, but if you had given in to them, think of all that you would have missed. If the fear is keeping you from your destiny, remember that greatness lies just beyond the barrier.

Today’s the day!

Jim Stovall

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The PMA Bookshelf

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Wisdom for Winners


Foundations for Success

The Little Book of Leadership


Think and Grow Rich – Over 80 Million Copies Sold

by Napoleon Hill

This edition of Napoleon Hill’s Classic Think and Grow Rich is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, the ONLY original version recommended by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, originally printed in March of 1937.

The most famous of all teachers of success spent a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort to produce the Law of Success philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized and explained for the general public in this book.

In Think and Grow Rich, Hill draws on stories of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of his generation to illustrate his principles. This book will teach you the secrets that could bring you a fortune. It will show you not only what to do but how to do it. Once you learn and apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success.

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How to Own Your Own Mind

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In How to Own Your Mind, you receive a one-of-a-kind master class in how to think for success from motivational pioneer and author of Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill. In three compelling chapters, Hill demonstrates how to organize, prioritize, and act on information so that it translates into opportunity.

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This true lost manuscript from the “grandfather of self-help,” Napoleon Hill provides timeless wisdom on how to attain a more successful and wealthy life using simple principles.

Napoleon Hill first wrote The Path to Personal Power in 1941, intending it as a handbook for people lifting themselves out of the Great Depression. But upon the bombing of Pearl Harbor and America’s entrance into World War II, these lessons were put aside and largely forgotten–until today.

Discovered in the archives of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, this never-before-published work is made up of three easily digested lessons, each its own chapter: Definiteness of Purpose; the Master Mind; and Going the Extra Mile.

This concise book is a powerful road map that leads to a single discovery–you already have the power to attain whatever wealth, success, and prosperity you desire in life. All you need to do is walk the path without straying, and the rest will follow.

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The 12.5 Leadership Strengths revealed in this book will challenge you, admonish you, guide you, and create new success opportunities for you.

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