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Next class starts January 9, 2018


It is because we sincerely feel that every reader of Think and Grow Rich should go on into this post graduate course, that we take the liberty here of giving a few brief side lights upon this brilliant work. Napoleon Hill’s Course presents the true Philosophy upon which all lasting success is built. Ideas, when translated into intelligent plans of action, are the beginning of all successful achievement. So this course proceeds to show you how to create practical ideas for every human need. It does it in easy-to-understand lessons. Napoleon Hill spent the better part of twenty-five years in perfecting this Philosophy of Success. During the long years he has worked on it, some parts or the whole of it, have been reviewed and praised by many of the greatest Americans of our times. Among them are included four Presidents of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Wm. H. Taft; Thomas Edison, Luther Burbank, Wm. J. Wrigley, Alexander Graham Bell, Judge E. H. Gary, Cyrus H. K. Curtis, Edward Bok, E.M. Statler—dozens of glowing names in Politics, Finance, Education, and Invention.

Don’t waste your own precious years blindly searching for the hidden road to the heights. Profit by the dearly brought experience of America’s leaders. Over 500 great and prominent men of America were minutely analyzed—their methods, motives, strategy—to find out the secrets that put them on top. No matter whether you are rich or poor—you have one asset as great as the richest man living—and that is TIME. But with each setting sun you become one day older, and have one day less in which to attain the success and wealth you desire. Thousands of progressive people throughout the North American continent have realized this mighty truth, and have sought the help so clearly and inspiringly taught in Napoleon Hill. You cannot afford to let day after day slip into eternity, without getting possession of this course. You will profit greatly from the lessons in THINK AND GROW RICH. You will take even more brilliant and gratifying rewards from this course. The cost is trifling; the benefits are tremendous.

~ Source: Think and Grow Rich publisher: The RALSTON SOCIETY Meriden, Conn.

Two formats of this course are available at your command. The Home study course Your Right to Be Rich is available for immediate download. In other words, you can start this course not now, but RIGHT NOW! The next Distance learning course PMA: A System of Self-Management begins in January, 2018. You decide which is best for you.

To find out more about this course and our Leader Certification course please contact me at

Uriel Martinez
The Napoleon Hill Foundation




“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

Dear Readers,

The word grateful can be defined as showing appreciation and being thankful. The word was taken from a Latin phrase meaning “pleasing” and “thankful.”

As we celebrate our National Holiday of Thanksgiving here in the United States, we pause to give thanks for what we have. Here are some of the few things that we should all be grateful for:

Freedom – Millions of people all over the world do not have the freedom that we have in the United States. In addition, millions of men and women have died in obtaining and defending our freedom.

Good Health – This is often taken for granted until it is too late.

Religious Freedom – In many parts of the world, religious freedom is not possible and men and women die every day, unable to truly express their beliefs.

Satisfactory Employment – The ability to have employment that provides more than just enough to get by is truly something we need to be thankful for. This allows us to enjoy life by traveling, shopping, or doing anything else we might enjoy.

Suitable Housing – This can be taken for granted, but millions of people are living in conditions that are far worse than we can imagine.

Food and Clean Water – People all over the world would consider these items to be a luxury, because they don’t have either one.

Books – Being able to read all the books we want from libraries or book stores makes life enjoyable and contributes to our lifelong learning.

As you can see from the short list, we all have many things to be grateful for that we may take for granted. As we continue to celebrate this Thanksgiving, we should be thankful for everything we have because people all over the world would be willing to exchange places with us who are living in the greatest country on Earth.


I wish you the best in all that you do, 
Don Green
Executive Director Napoleon Hill Foundation

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The Law of Success


by Napoleon Hill

Many successful men and women claim they are “self-made.” But the fact is that no one reaches the pinnacle without help.

Once you have set your definite major goal for success — and taken your first steps to achieve it — you find yourself receiving help from many unexpected quarters.

You must be prepared to give thanks for both the human and Divine help you receive.

Gratitude is a beautiful word. It is beautiful because it describes a state of mind that is deeply spiritual in nature. It enhances one’s personality with magnetic charm, and it is the master key that opens the door to the magic powers and the beauty of Infinite Intelligence.

Gratitude, like other traits of the pleasing personality, is simply a matter of habit. But it’s also a state of mind. Unless you sincerely feel the gratitude you express, your words will be hollow and empty — and sound as phony as the sentiment you offer.

Give Thanks Daily
Gratitude and graciousness are closely akin. By consciously developing a sense of gratitude, your personality will become more courtly, dignified and gracious.

Never let a day pass without a few minutes spent in giving thanks for your blessings. Remember that gratitude is a matter of comparison. Compare circumstances and events against what they might have been. You’ll become aware that no matter how bad things are, they could be much worse — and you’ll be grateful they aren’t.

Three phrases should be among the most common in your daily usage. They are: “Thank you.” “I’m grateful,” and “I appreciate….”

Be thoughtful. Try to find new and unique ways to express your gratitude. Not necessarily in material gifts, however time and effort are more precious, and the amount of these you dispense in showing gratefulness will be well worthwhile.

Thank Those Near You
And don’t forget to be thankful to those who are closest to you — your wife or husband, other relatives, and those you associate with daily, whom you might tend to neglect.

You are probably more indebted to them than you realize.

Gratitude takes on new meaning — new life and power — when spoken aloud. Your family probably knows you are grateful for their faith and hope in you. But tell them so! Frequently you’ll find a new spirit pervading the household.

Make your gratitude creative. Make it work for you.

For example, have you ever thought of writing the boss a sample note telling him how much you like your job and how grateful you are for the opportunities it offers? The shock power of such creative gratitude will bring you to his attention — and could even bring you a raise. Gratitude is infectious. He might catch the bug and find concrete ways of expressing his gratefulness for the good services you are rendering.

Remember there’s always something to be grateful for. Even the prospect who turns down a salesman should be thanked for the time he spent listening. He’ll be more likely to buy next time.

Gratitude costs nothing. But it’s a big investment in the future.

Source: Miami Daily News July 10, 1956

Gratitude Prayer
by Napoleon Hill

I give thanks daily, not for mere riches,

but for wisdom with which to recognize,

embrace, and properly use the great abundance of riches

I now have at my command.

I have no enemies because I injure no man for any cause,

but I try to benefit all with whom I come in contact,

by teaching them the way to enduring riches.

I have more material wealth than I need

because I am free from greed and

covet only the material things I can use while I live.

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by Jim Stovall

Once a year, we are all focused on thanksgiving. For a lot of us, this focus comes down to the three Fs. Family, food, and football. While I enjoy all three of these things and believe Thanksgiving to be a wonderful part of the year, it is easy to miss the significance of the season. By the significance of the season, I do not mean only commemorating the pilgrims landing on Plymouth Rock and surviving the harsh winter. As significant as this is, I also mean taking time to reflect on the gifts we have in our lives and the many things for which we should be thankful.

Thanksgiving, for many people, has become part of a blur that begins before Halloween and rushes through into the New Year. Holiday flows into holiday with little time to catch our breath and rest our credit cards. It might be prudent for you and me to leave Thanksgiving alone as a celebration of the three Fs and select a more unencumbered time of year to really think about our lives and be thankful. Better yet, instead of setting aside a holiday each year, wouldn’t it be better to set aside a brief period each day?

In one of my books, The Ultimate Gift, I wrote a chapter about The Gift of Gratitude. In this chapter, I describe a daily ritual that has been adopted by scores of people around the world. It has become known as “The Golden List.” The pursuit of “The Golden List” is simply the process of taking a few brief moments preferably in the morning to mentally list 10 things for which you are thankful today. I discovered this process purely by accident, but it has become one of the more meaningful parts of my day and one of the more significant messages it has been my privilege to share with my readers.

Before you begin your hectic workday filled with personal and professional tasks, designed to create more wealth, success, and happiness in your life, it is good to take measure of the amazing things you already have in your life. This brief accounting in the morning makes it virtually impossible for you to have a bad day.

As you go through your day today, realize that billions of people have lived on this planet for thousands of years. Most of them would have given all they had to trade places with you today. Today’s the day!

Jim Stovall

Source: Wisdom For Winners Volume I

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The PMA Bookshelf

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Wisdom for Winners


Foundations for Success

The Little Book of Leadership


Think and Grow Rich – Over 80 Million Copies Sold

by Napoleon Hill

This edition of Napoleon Hill’s Classic Think and Grow Rich is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, the ONLY original version recommended by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, originally printed in March of 1937.

The most famous of all teachers of success spent a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort to produce the Law of Success philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized and explained for the general public in this book.

In Think and Grow Rich, Hill draws on stories of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of his generation to illustrate his principles. This book will teach you the secrets that could bring you a fortune. It will show you not only what to do but how to do it. Once you learn and apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success.

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How to Own Your Own Mind

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Locked in a vault since 1941, here is Napoleon Hill’s definitive lesson on how to organize your thinking to attain success!

In How to Own Your Mind, you receive a one-of-a-kind master class in how to think for success from motivational pioneer and author of Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill. In three compelling chapters, Hill demonstrates how to organize, prioritize, and act on information so that it translates into opportunity.

Knowledge is not power. Only applied knowledge is power. This book teaches you how to use what you know, and how to know what’s worth knowing.

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by Napoleon Hill

This true lost manuscript from the “grandfather of self-help,” Napoleon Hill provides timeless wisdom on how to attain a more successful and wealthy life using simple principles.

Napoleon Hill first wrote The Path to Personal Power in 1941, intending it as a handbook for people lifting themselves out of the Great Depression. But upon the bombing of Pearl Harbor and America’s entrance into World War II, these lessons were put aside and largely forgotten–until today.

Discovered in the archives of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, this never-before-published work is made up of three easily digested lessons, each its own chapter: Definiteness of Purpose; the Master Mind; and Going the Extra Mile.

This concise book is a powerful road map that leads to a single discovery–you already have the power to attain whatever wealth, success, and prosperity you desire in life. All you need to do is walk the path without straying, and the rest will follow.

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