Thoughts on Leadership

by Shane Morand

Often in life it’s a really good idea to “Go the Extra Mile” and sometimes a little more is required of us – to be bolder and maybe even a bit louder.

Being a leader is what most people dream of becoming. But it is more than being the center of the group, the loudest mouth or even the boss. Being a leader is a lifestyle and a purposeful state of mind. Possessing the qualities of a leader means being able to make your own decisions and deciding what is right for you and those you are leading. It’s about passion, willingness to succeed even if it means facing difficulties and challenges and having a great attitude when facing a new task. Leadership is about having certainty on the inside and out – whether you are a student studying by yourself or speaking to a large gathering of people, if you want to become a leader in your chosen field begin by leading… Not now, but RIGHT NOW! Whenever you are given the chance to lead…. LEAD! Ready or not… Lead!

Master becoming a leader in your own mind first. Once you develop the habit of feeling like a leader, you can be a leader in any field, career or pursuit you choose. One of the most important steps in your journey to leadership is to stop making your decisions based on other’s opinions. That’s what followers do. Never allow anyone to trample on your beliefs – listen to the positive voice in your head and begin by leading and believing in yourself. If you don’t believe in You… who will follow you?

Have confidence even if you start off small. Take some time and set your clear goals – no, not those impractical, hard to-reach goals like becoming the greatest mathematician in the world! Rather begin with simple goals and tasks you’d love to complete today, this week or even this month. By doing this you will raise your self-esteem and build your momentum.

Leadership will be hard to come by without passion and enthusiasm. If you want to become a leader in your field, get “Fired-Up” about something! Get involved in your field. Keep up to date with news and developments pertaining to your career/work/pursuit. But if you really dream about becoming a leader in your field… always, always, always “Go the Extra Mile”!

As Napoleon Hill noted and something leaders would do well, never to forget… When you do much more than you are paid to do… Soon you will be paid for much more than you do! Go the Extra Mile!

Photo of Shane Morand
Co-Founder ORGANO International

click name for full profile


Often in life it’s a really good idea to “Go the Extra Mile” and sometimes a little more is required of us–to be bolder and maybe even a bit louder. Being a leader is what most people dream of becoming. But it is more than being the center of the group, the loudest mouth or even the boss….

Read the rest of this article: Thoughts on Leadership

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