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“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

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Success Habits
by Napoleon Hill

Never-before-published wisdom from famed self-help author, Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill, the legendary author of the classic bestseller, Think and Grow Rich, has been immortalized for his contributions to the self-help genre. In this never-before-published work, Hill shares his principles of success, key habits that provide the basis for life-changing success. Success Habits explains the fundamental rules that lead to a prosperous life. From the importance of having Definiteness of Purpose to the inexorable influence of the Cosmic Habit Force, Hill’s principles offer a new way of thinking about intention, self-discipline, and the way we lead our lives.

Originally a series of radio talks delivered in Paris, Missouri, Success Habits is filled with personal anecdotes and stories and is written in an approachable, conversational style. Hill’s insights apply to every facet of life, inspiring readers to leverage his principles to achieve their own aspirations and create the successful lives they have always dreamed of.

Now available on



THE MOVIE: Watch the MOVIE TRAILER and see the massive amount of value in this film and the bonus features.  This for Napoleon Hill subscribers/customers!

THE BOOK: Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy is the essential modern companion to the bestselling self-help book of all time, Napoleon Hill’s 1937 classic, Think and Grow Rich.  This book, released in conjunction with the major motion picture, Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy.

Readers will be inspired through unflinching accounts of some of today’s most successful entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and cultural icons who rose above the unlikeliest and in some cases, most tragic of circumstances to find personal fulfillment and make their mark on the world.

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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

Are You “Darby?”

Napoleon Hill told the famous story of R. U. Darby, who quit when he was three feet from gold. Darby got frustrated and sold his equipment to a junk man. With the help of an engineer, the new owner found gold three feet from where Darby had quit. Quitting cost Darby millions of dollars, but it taught him never to give up, and he became successful as an insurance salesman.

Richard M. DeVos, the co-founder of Amway and owner of the NBA basketball team Orlando Magic, once remarked, “If I had to select one quality, one personal characteristic that I regard as being most highly correlated with success, whatever the field, I would pick the trait of persistence. Determination. The will to endure to the end, to get knocked down seventy times and get up off the floor saying, ‘Here comes number seventy-one!”’

Just remember that very few people succeed on their first attempt at anything worthwhile.

Each attempt is a risk, and everyone can fail, but each attempt that is not successful should be seen as a step in the direction of the desired goal. Albert Einstein is usually thought of as one of the smartest men who ever lived, but a statement of his is very interesting; he once remarked, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”


I wish you the best,
Don Green
Executive Director Napoleon Hill Foundation


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The Law of Success

The Eighth Step toward Riches
by Napoleon Hill

This is the sixth in a series of excerpts from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich.

PERSISTENCE is an essential factor in the procedure of transmuting DESIRE into its monetary equivalent. The basis of persistence is the POWER OF WILL.

Will-power and desire, when properly combined, makes an irresistible pair. Men who accumulate great fortunes are generally known as cold-blooded, and sometimes ruthless. Often they are misunderstood. What they have is will-power, which they mix with persistence, and place back of their desires to insure the attainment of their objectives.

Henry Ford has been generally misunderstood to be ruthless and cold-blooded. This misconception grew out of Ford’s habit of following through in all of his plans with PERSISTENCE.

The majority of people are ready to throw their aims and purposes overboard, and give up at the first sign of opposition or misfortune. A few carry on DESPITE all opposition, until they attain their goal. These few are the Fords, Carnegies, Rockefellers, and Edisons.

There may be no heroic connotation to the word “persistence,” but the quality is to the character of man what carbon is to steel.

The building of a fortune, generally, involves the application of the entire thirteen factors of this philosophy. These principles must be understood, they must be applied with PERSISTENCE by all who accumulate money.

If you are following this book with the intention of applying the knowledge it conveys, your first test as to your PERSISTENCE will come when you begin to follow the six steps described in the second chapter. Unless you are one of the two out of every hundred who already have a DEFINITE GOAL at which you are aiming, and a DEFINITE PLAN for its attainment, you may read the instructions, and then pass on with your daily routine, and never comply with those instructions.

The author is checking you up at this point, because lack of persistence is one of the major causes of failure. Moreover, experience with thousands of people has proved that lack of persistence is a weakness common to the majority of men. It is a weakness which may be overcome by effort. The ease with which lack of persistence may be conquered will depend entirely upon the INTENSITY OF ONE’S DESIRE.

The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat. If you find yourself lacking in persistence, this weakness may be remedied by building a stronger fire under your desires.

Continue to read through to the end, then go back to Chapter two, and start immediately to carry out the instructions given in connection with the six steps. The eagerness with which you follow these instructions will indicate clearly, how much, or how little you really DESIRE to accumulate money. If you find that you are indifferent, you may be sure that you have not yet acquired the “money consciousness” which you must possess, before you can be sure of accumulating a fortune.

Fortunes gravitate to men whose minds have been prepared to “attract” them, just as surely as water gravitates to the ocean. In this book may be found all the stimuli necessary to “attune” any normal mind to the vibrations which will attract the object of one’s desires.

If you find you are weak in PERSISTENCE, center your attention upon the instructions contained in the chapter on “Power”; surround yourself with a “MASTER MIND” group, and through the cooperative efforts of the members of this group, you can develop persistence. You will find additional instructions for the development of persistence in the chapters on auto-suggestion, and the subconscious mind. Follow the instructions outlined in these chapters until your habit nature hands over to your subconscious mind, a clear picture of the object of your DESIRE. From that point on, you will not be handicapped by a lack of persistence.

Your subconscious mind works continuously, while you are awake, and while you are asleep.

Spasmodic, or occasional effort to apply the rules will be of no value to you. To get RESULTS, you must apply all of the rules until their application becomes a fixed habit with you. In no other way can you develop the necessary “money consciousness.”

POVERTY is attracted to the one whose mind is favorable to it, as money is attracted to him whose mind has been deliberately prepared to attract it, and through the same laws. POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS WILL VOLUNTARILY SEIZE THE MIND WHICH IS NOT OCCUPIED WITH THE MONEY CONSCIOUSNESS. A poverty consciousness develops without conscious application of habits favorable to it. The money consciousness must be created to order, unless one is born with such a consciousness.

Catch the full significance of the statements in the preceding paragraph, and you will understand the importance of PERSISTENCE in the accumulation of a fortune. Without PERSISTENCE, you will be defeated, even before you start. With PERSISTENCE you will win.

Source: Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich

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Persistence Pays Off
by Jim Stovall


Success in life, be it personal or professional, comes from performing at a high level for an extended period of time. Hap Lowry is a friend and colleague on the professional speaking platform. He has a number of powerful statements he calls “Hapisms.” One of my favorites is “Persistence pays high dividends both professionally and personally.”

We all know people who had a great idea and simply quit before the goal line. There are others who, due to an extraordinary performance one time, reached their goal but do not perform at a persistently high level so that their brief success simply fades into the mist of oblivion. They become the actors, authors, singers, business people who, whenever their name is mentioned, someone will ask the eternal question, “Whatever happened to them?” Life comes down to performing at a high level over a long period of time instead of outstanding performances just once or twice.

Success in life, be it personal or professional,
comes from performing at a high level
for an extended period of time.

Two years ago, I began my own personal exercise and eating revolution. My new lifestyle has resulted in a weight loss of over 100 pounds and an improved physical condition that I would have not thought possible for someone who has already celebrated his fortieth birthday. I discovered that persistence and consistency is the key to ongoing success. From time to time, people will come into the fitness facility where I exercise, and they will work out at a superhuman pace for one or two days, and then they go away, never to be heard from again.

I have been reviewing leadership surveys conducted to determine the elements that top performing executives use to evaluate themselves. They ask questions like “Am I on target for my goals?” “Are the people around me dedicated to our collective success?” And many others. One of the most intriguing questions to come out of the executive surveys is the following: “Is my pace sustainable?” If your pace is not sustainable, you will most likely never see the mountaintop, and if you do, it will only be for a brief moment before you slide back down the mountainside, losing the progress you have made.

Today, as you look at your long term goals and your short term tasks, part of making sure you are on target is to know that the things you are doing today will lead you to your ultimate destiny, and that today’s performance is repeatable and sustainable. Dedicate yourself to a consistent performance that will be both reliable and dependable. The race does not always go to the swiftest. It goes to the individual who realizes that today is simply one more rung on the ladder toward your goal.

Today’s the day!

Source: Wisdom for Winners, Volume I

Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network as well as a published author of many books including The Ultimate Gift. He is also a columnist and motivational speaker. He may be reached at 5840 South Memorial Drive, Suite 312, Tulsa, OK 74145-9082; by email at; on Twitter at; or on Facebook at

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The PMA Bookshelf

For advertising information please contact us at Napoleon Hill Foundation


Think and Grow Rich


Master-Key to Riches

Truthful Living

by Napoleon Hill, annotated by
Jeffrey Gitomer

What readers are saying:

“Another Gem Amongst His Many Gems – Truthful Living is NOT just a book for people in sales; it is for people who are still breathing or in other words, EVERYONE!” ~ Gymbeaux

“A Masterclass in Napoleon Hill’s Foundational Wisdom and Real-World Application – There is a reason why I ordered copies for my entire team and all of my mastermind students. Don’t just buy the book, buy additional copies for those you care most about. They’ll thank you and you will have given them a gift that could change their life.” ~ Joe Soto

The foundation of Napoleon Hill’s self-help legacy: his long-lost original notes, letters, and lectures – now compiled, edited, and annotated for the modern reader, brought to you by New York Times bestselling author, Jeffrey Gitomer.

Thank you to everyone who has bought this book. Please leave a review here.

Available on Amazon!

Napoleon Hill’s Golden Rules

by Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill’s Golden Rules: The Lost Writings consists of a series of magazine articles Napoleon Hill wrote between 1919 and1923 for Success Magazine, of which he eventually become an editor. Hill’s obsession with achieving material success had led him from poverty stricken Appalachian Mountains with the desire to study successful people.

These articles focus on Hill’s philosophy of success, drawing on the thoughts and experience of a multitude of rags-to-riches tycoons, showing readers how these successful people achieved such status.

Many of his writings such as the chapter on Law of Attraction, written in the March 1919 issue, have recently basis of several bestselling books. Readers will discover principles that will assure their success if studied and put into action.

Now available on

Success and Something Greater: Your Magic Key

by Sharon Lechter and Greg Reid


In Think and Grow Rich – Success and Something Greater, authors Sharon Lechter and Greg Reid once again join forces with the Napoleon Hill Foundation including never before published original content from Napoleon Hill.

In today’s world of instant news and social media, businesses, leaders and influencers must find a way to differentiate themselves from all their competition and engage people in their missions. They need to rise above all the noise. They can do this by defining their Secret Sauce or Magic Key. Reid and Lechter followed the proven path of Hill and sought out multi-millionaires and asked them to share the Magic Keys to their success and legacy.

While their individual stories differ significantly…they all share a devotion to their mission…to their secret sauce…their Magic Key…their legacy.

Available on

The Little Book of Leadership

By: Jeffrey Gitomer


This comprehensive book will help you understand your situation, identify your opportunities, create your objectives, execute by action and delegation, and establish a leadership position through enthusiasm, brilliance, action, collaboration, resilience, and achievement.

The time for real-world leadership is NOW. This is a leadership book that transcends theory and philosophy, and gets right down to brass tacks and brass tactics, and adds a few brass balls.It’s full of practical, pragmatic, actionable ideas and strategies that when implemented assure respect and loyalty – and ensure long-term success and legacy.

The 12.5 Leadership Strengths revealed in this book will challenge you, admonish you, guide you, and create new success opportunities for you.

Buy The Little Book of Leadership TODAY!

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