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Next class February 2020

Online Distance Learning program, PMA: A System of Self-Management. This interactive and comprehensive course lasts 18 weeks. Participation in class discussions helps solidify your understanding of the 17 Principles of Success. Learn Napoleon Hill’s principles of success and gain a new level of understanding and application.

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“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

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Success Habits
by Napoleon Hill

Never-before-published wisdom from famed self-help author, Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill, the legendary author of the classic bestseller, Think and Grow Rich, has been immortalized for his contributions to the self-help genre. In this never-before-published work, Hill shares his principles of success, key habits that provide the basis for life-changing success. Success Habits explains the fundamental rules that lead to a prosperous life. From the importance of having Definiteness of Purpose to the inexorable influence of the Cosmic Habit Force, Hill’s principles offer a new way of thinking about intention, self-discipline, and the way we lead our lives.

Originally a series of radio talks delivered in Paris, Missouri, Success Habits is filled with personal anecdotes and stories and is written in an approachable, conversational style. Hill’s insights apply to every facet of life, inspiring readers to leverage his principles to achieve their own aspirations and create the successful lives they have always dreamed of.

Now available on



THE MOVIE: Watch the MOVIE TRAILER and see the massive amount of value in this film and the bonus features.  This for Napoleon Hill subscribers/customers!

THE BOOK: Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy is the essential modern companion to the bestselling self-help book of all time, Napoleon Hill’s 1937 classic, Think and Grow Rich.  This book, released in conjunction with the major motion picture, Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy.

Readers will be inspired through unflinching accounts of some of today’s most successful entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and cultural icons who rose above the unlikeliest and in some cases, most tragic of circumstances to find personal fulfillment and make their mark on the world.


“I am a graduate of my Grandfather’s philosophy. I studied Napoleon Hill for years, reading Think and Grow Rich now eight times. I even used his philosophy to change my life —twice! In spite of this, the course pulled the philosophy all together for me and gave me a deeper understanding!”

~ Dr. J.B. Hill
(Napoleon Hill’s Grandson)


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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

Dear Readers,

As we continue to feature Napoleon Hill’s publications this year, we continue with Napoleon Hill’s and W. Clement Stone’s Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. The following is the Preface to Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Og Mandino. I think you will appreciate his contribution:


I wish you the best,
Don Green
Executive Director
Napoleon Hill Foundation



The great Danish philosopher and religious thinker, Soren Kierkegaard, once wrote, “It is the sign of a good book when the book reads you.”

You hold in your hands such a book—one that has not only become a classic in the self-help field, but also has that rare ability to relate to your problems, sympathize with them, and then advise you on their solutions as a wise old friend would.

Still, I must warn you.

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude will do nothing for you. If you truly wish to change your life for the better, and are willing to pay a price in time and thinking and effort to reach your goals—and if you’re not kidding yourself—then you hold in your hands a diamond plucked from a beach of pebbles, a road map to a better future, a valuable blueprint that will enable you to completely restructure your future.

I speak from experience. Many years ago, through my own stupidities and faults, I lost everything that was precious to me—my family, my home, and my job. Nearly penniless, and with no guidance, I began to wander the country, searching for myself and for some answers that would make my life bearable.

I spent much time in public libraries because they were free—and warm. I read everything from Plato to Peale, seeking that one message that would explain to me where I had gone wrong—and what I could do to salvage the remainder of my life.

I finally found my answer in W. Clement Stone’s and Napoleon Hill’s Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. I have employed the simple techniques and methods found in this classic for more than fifteen years, and they have provided me with riches and happiness far beyond anything I deserve. From a penniless vagrant without a single root I eventually became the president of two corporations and the executive editor of the finest magazine of its kind in the world, Success Unlimited. I also wrote six books, and one of them, The Greatest Salesman in the World, has now become the best-selling book for salespeople of all time; it has been translated into fourteen languages and has sold more than three million copies.

None of these things would have been accomplished without the daily application of the principles of success and living that I found in Stone’s and Hill’s classic. If I could accomplish what I did starting from ground zero, just think what you can do with all you have going for you already.

We live in a strange and fast-moving world; each day a new false prophet arises preaching his own brand of happiness and success attainment. Like hula hoops and pet rocks they will all disappear as quickly as they appeared, and when the fog lifts, the truth of Stone’s and Hill’s book will still be changing the lives of thousands yet unborn.

Do you really want to change your life for the better?

If you do, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude can be the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you. Read it. Study it. Read it again. Then get into action. It’s all very simple, really, if you make up your mind to work at it.

And wonderful things will begin happening to you. I should know.

-Og Mandino


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by Napoleon Hill

Meet the most important living person!

Somewhere in this book you will meet him—suddenly, surprisingly and with a shock of recognition that will change your whole life. When you do meet him, you will discover his secret. You will discover that he carries with him an invisible talisman with the initials PMA emblazoned on one side, and NMA on the other.

This invisible talisman has two amazing powers: it has the power to attract wealth, success, happiness and health; and it has the power to repel these things—to rob you of all that makes life worth living. It is the first of these powers, PMA, that enables some men to climb to the top and stay there. It is the second that keeps other men at the bottom all their lives. It is NMA that pulls other men down from the top when they have reached it.

Perhaps the story of S.B. Fuller will illustrate how it works.

“We are poor—not because of God.” S.B. Fuller was one of seven children of a Negro tenant farmer in Louisiana. He started to work at the age of five. By the time he was nine, he was driving mules. There was nothing unusual in this: the children of most of the tenant farmers went to work early. These families accepted poverty as their lot and asked for no better.

Young Fuller was different from his friends in one way: he had a remarkable mother. His mother refused to accept this hand-to-mouth existence for her children, though it was all she had ever known. She knew there was something wrong with the fact that her family was barely getting along in a world of joy and plenty. She used to talk to her son about her dreams.

“We shouldn’t be poor, S.B.,” she used to say. “And don’t ever let me hear you say that it is God’s Will that we are poor. We are poor—not because of God. We are poor because father has never developed a desire to become rich. No one in our family has ever developed a desire to be anything else.”

No one had developed a desire to be wealthy. This idea became so deeply ingrained in Fuller’s mind that it changed his whole life. He began to want to be rich. He kept his mind on the things he did want and off the things he didn’t want. Thus he developed a burning desire to become rich. The quickest way to make money, he decided, was to sell something. He chose soap. For twelve years he sold it, door to door. Then he learned that the company which supplied him was going to be sold at auction. The firm price was $150,000. In twelve years of selling and setting aside every penny, he had saved $25,000. It was agreed that he would deposit his $25,000 and obtain the balance of$125,000 within a ten-day period. Written into the contract was the condition that if he did not raise the money, he would lose his deposit.

During his twelve years as a soap salesman, S.B. Fuller had gained the respect and admiration of many businessmen. He went to them now. He obtained money from personal friends, too, and from loan companies and investment groups. On the eve of the tenth day, he had raised $115,000. He was $10,000 short.

Search for the light. “I had exhausted every source of credit I knew,” he recalls. “It was late at night. In the darkness of my room I knelt down and prayed. I asked God to make the light a sign indicating His answer.”

It was eleven o’clock at night when S.B. Fuller drove down Chicago’s 61st Street. At last, after several blocks he saw a light in a contractor’s office.

He walked in. There, seated at his desk, tired from working late at night, sat a man whom Fuller knew slightly. Fuller realized that he would have to be bold.

“Do you want to make $1,000?” asked Fuller straight out.

The contractor was taken aback at the question. “Yes,” he said. “Of course.”

“Then make out a check for $10,000 and when I bring back the money, I’ll bring back another $1,000 profit,” Fuller recalls telling this man. He gave the contractor the names of the people who had lent him money, and explained in detail exactly what the business venture was.

Let’s explore his secret of success. Before he left that night, S.B. Fuller had a check for $10,000 in his pocket. Today he owns controlling interest not only in that company, but in seven others, including four cosmetic companies, a hosiery company, a label company, and a newspaper. When we asked him recently to explore with us the secret of his success, he answered in terms of his mother’s statement so many years before:

“We are poor—not because of God. We are poor because father has never developed a desire to become rich. No one in our family has ever developed a desire to be anything else.”

“You see,” he told us, “I knew what I wanted, but I didn’t know how to get it. So I read The Bible and inspirational books for a purpose. I prayed for the knowledge to achieve my objectives. Three books played an important part in transmuting my burning desire into reality. They were: (1) The Bible, (2) Think and Grow Rich, and (3) The Secret of the Ages. My greatest inspiration comes from reading The Bible.

“If you know what you want, you are more apt to recognize it when you see it. When you read a book, for example, you will recognize opportunities to help you get what you want.”

S.B. Fuller carried with him the invisible talisman with the initials PMA imprinted on one side and NMA on the other. He turned the PMA side up and amazing things happened. He was able to bring into reality ideas that were formerly mere daydreams.

Meet the most important living person. The day you recognize PMA for yourself is the day that you will meet the most important living person! Who is he? Why, the most important living person is you, as far as you and your life are concerned. Take a look at yourself. Isn’t it true that you carry with you an invisible talisman with the initials PMA emblazoned on one side and NMA on the other? What exactly is this talisman, this force? The talisman is your mind. PMA is a Positive Mental Attitude.

Source: Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill

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Think and Grow Rich Caribbean Cruise
December 6 – 11, 2019


Join us on this Redesign your Life Exclusive Caribbean Cruise!
The Caribbean retreat to reset, refuel and reposition yourself for success.

Get away and revitalize your mind, body & spirit and relaunch yourself into the life you desire.

On this 5-day cruise, you will get a deeper understanding of the Think and Grow Rich principles that have transformed millions of peoples lives and that will change yours too, you will learn how to start a workshop, how to market and monetize your business. And much more!

Join Rosetta Q, Satish Verma and Don Green from the Napoleon Hill Foundation for this Life Changing Experience.

Click here for more info.

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Passing the Torch
by Jim Stovall


In 1976, during a routine eye test to enter college, I was diagnosed with a rare disease that would eventually result in my blindness. As a teenager with my whole life ahead of me, the devastation that I experienced was indescribable.

Several weeks later, a family friend called and offered to pick me up and take me with him to an event known as a “Positive Thinking Rally.” I cared nothing about anything having to do with positive thinking, as I was settling into my own form of depression; but for some reason, I agreed to go.

That day, I heard Paul Harvey, Robert Schuller, Zig Ziglar, Art Linkletter, and Ira Hayes. When the lunch hour approached and my host asked if I wanted to leave for lunch or stay and hear a speaker named Dr. Denis Waitley, I was amazed to hear myself say, “I believe I’ll just stay and listen to this guy.”

In the midst of an incredible event with some of the greatest speakers of the 20th century, somehow Dr. Waitley reached forty rows back into that arena and lit a fire in me that has never gone out or even dimmed to this day. His words about the psychology of winning encouraged me to explore the possibilities of my condition instead of the limitations of my pending blindness. We have since formed a close friendship, and he continues to be my mentor to this day.

Dr. Waitley’s inspiring message stayed with me, and although I did eventually lose my sight, I also became a national champion Olympic weightlifter, an Emmy Award winner, the president of a television network, one of the Ten Outstanding Young Americans, and the national Entrepreneur of the Year.

Look around you. Then reach out to someone,
and make a difference in their lives and yours.

The message is clear. In our personal and professional lives, we have the opportunity to reach out to hundreds of people every day—with an encouraging word, an act of kindness, or by simply taking a few moments to truly listen and help. We, as professionals, have a responsibility to positively impact the lives of others not only with our products and services, but by our examples. How much more effective we can be if, from time to time in the midst of our search for excellence, we stop to light a torch and pass it on to another messenger.

Look around you. Then reach out to someone, and make a difference in their lives and yours.

Today’s the day!
Jim Stovall

Source: Jim Stovall’s Winners Wisdom, Vol. One

Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network as well as a published author of many books including The Ultimate Gift. He is also a columnist and motivational speaker. He may be reached at 5840 South Memorial Drive, Suite 312, Tulsa, OK 74145-9082; by email at; on Twitter at; or on Facebook at

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The PMA Bookshelf

For advertising information please contact us at Napoleon Hill Foundation


Think and Grow Rich


Master-Key to Riches

Truthful Living

by Napoleon Hill, annotated by
Jeffrey Gitomer

What readers are saying:

“Another Gem Amongst His Many Gems – Truthful Living is NOT just a book for people in sales; it is for people who are still breathing or in other words, EVERYONE!” ~ Gymbeaux

“A Masterclass in Napoleon Hill’s Foundational Wisdom and Real-World Application – There is a reason why I ordered copies for my entire team and all of my mastermind students. Don’t just buy the book, buy additional copies for those you care most about. They’ll thank you and you will have given them a gift that could change their life.” ~ Joe Soto

The foundation of Napoleon Hill’s self-help legacy: his long-lost original notes, letters, and lectures – now compiled, edited, and annotated for the modern reader, brought to you by New York Times bestselling author, Jeffrey Gitomer.

Thank you to everyone who has bought this book. Please leave a review here.

Available on Amazon!

Napoleon Hill’s Golden Rules

by Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill’s Golden Rules: The Lost Writings consists of a series of magazine articles Napoleon Hill wrote between 1919 and1923 for Success Magazine, of which he eventually become an editor. Hill’s obsession with achieving material success had led him from poverty stricken Appalachian Mountains with the desire to study successful people.

These articles focus on Hill’s philosophy of success, drawing on the thoughts and experience of a multitude of rags-to-riches tycoons, showing readers how these successful people achieved such status.

Many of his writings such as the chapter on Law of Attraction, written in the March 1919 issue, have recently basis of several bestselling books. Readers will discover principles that will assure their success if studied and put into action.

Now available on

Success and Something Greater: Your Magic Key

by Sharon Lechter and Greg Reid


In Think and Grow Rich – Success and Something Greater, authors Sharon Lechter and Greg Reid once again join forces with the Napoleon Hill Foundation including never before published original content from Napoleon Hill.

In today’s world of instant news and social media, businesses, leaders and influencers must find a way to differentiate themselves from all their competition and engage people in their missions. They need to rise above all the noise. They can do this by defining their Secret Sauce or Magic Key. Reid and Lechter followed the proven path of Hill and sought out multi-millionaires and asked them to share the Magic Keys to their success and legacy.

While their individual stories differ significantly…they all share a devotion to their mission…to their secret sauce…their Magic Key…their legacy.

Available on

The Little Book of Leadership

By: Jeffrey Gitomer


This comprehensive book will help you understand your situation, identify your opportunities, create your objectives, execute by action and delegation, and establish a leadership position through enthusiasm, brilliance, action, collaboration, resilience, and achievement.

The time for real-world leadership is NOW. This is a leadership book that transcends theory and philosophy, and gets right down to brass tacks and brass tactics, and adds a few brass balls.It’s full of practical, pragmatic, actionable ideas and strategies that when implemented assure respect and loyalty – and ensure long-term success and legacy.

The 12.5 Leadership Strengths revealed in this book will challenge you, admonish you, guide you, and create new success opportunities for you.

Buy The Little Book of Leadership TODAY!

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