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“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

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Success Habits
by Napoleon Hill

Never-before-published wisdom from famed self-help author, Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill, the legendary author of the classic bestseller, Think and Grow Rich, has been immortalized for his contributions to the self-help genre. In this never-before-published work, Hill shares his principles of success, key habits that provide the basis for life-changing success. Success Habits explains the fundamental rules that lead to a prosperous life. From the importance of having Definiteness of Purpose to the inexorable influence of the Cosmic Habit Force, Hill’s principles offer a new way of thinking about intention, self-discipline, and the way we lead our lives.

Originally a series of radio talks delivered in Paris, Missouri, Success Habits is filled with personal anecdotes and stories and is written in an approachable, conversational style. Hill’s insights apply to every facet of life, inspiring readers to leverage his principles to achieve their own aspirations and create the successful lives they have always dreamed of.

Now available on



THE MOVIE: Watch the MOVIE TRAILER and see the massive amount of value in this film and the bonus features.  This for Napoleon Hill subscribers/customers!

THE BOOK: Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy is the essential modern companion to the bestselling self-help book of all time, Napoleon Hill’s 1937 classic, Think and Grow Rich.  This book, released in conjunction with the major motion picture, Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy.

Readers will be inspired through unflinching accounts of some of today’s most successful entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and cultural icons who rose above the unlikeliest and in some cases, most tragic of circumstances to find personal fulfillment and make their mark on the world.


“I am a graduate of my Grandfather’s philosophy. I studied Napoleon Hill for years, reading Think and Grow Rich now eight times. I even used his philosophy to change my life —twice! In spite of this, the course pulled the philosophy all together for me and gave me a deeper understanding!”

~ Dr. J.B. Hill
(Napoleon Hill’s Grandson)


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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

Dear Readers,

Our lives go through three stages:
the first is learning,
the second is earning,
and the third is sharing.
This third stage should be the best stage of one’s life.
This is the stage in which you create your legacy.

I remember that when I was a young person, several weeks before Christmas, I was not thinking about toys or clothes that I might receive as gifts. I was thinking of ways to make money. I would think of holly, Christmas trees, and mistletoe that could be found in the woods and brought to the highway to sell to people who were traveling at this time of year. The thought of making money was so strong and I pictured it so vividly that its fruition seemed assured, as if it had already happened.

William James, the famous Harvard professor, and psychologist said that the greatest discovery of his generation was the discovery of the power of the subconscious mind. It’s my belief that this was not only the greatest discovery of his generation but the greatest discovery of all time. What this means is that once this fact was known, people realized that they had within themselves the ability to control their surroundings. People are thereby separated from animals in that they are not at the mercy of luck or chance. With this discovery, people can engineer their own destiny.

A famous little book that I read many years ago and continue to read today on a frequent basis because of its powerful message is As a Man Thinketh by James Allen. Mr. Allen instructed us to “Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your Vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your Ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at least unveil.”

The reason belief is important is that doubt that you can accomplish those things that would give you success will cause you to fail to take the steps that are needed if you are to succeed. All the literature available on success will not produce a successful person if belief is not present.

Last week I also shared with you about how I believed money was so important to me when I was young. As you get older our perspective changes and we have different priorities. Near the latter part of our lives we are equally grateful for our adversities and our victories, for both are key in shaping our destiny. It is a great blessing to share the wealth we have accumulated over the years. It is an even greater blessing to realize that there is a great wealth in sharing a part of ourselves with those around us, no matter what stage in life you find yourself in.

On behalf of the Napoleon Hill Foundation I would like to wish you a Happy Holiday Season as you gather together with your friends and loved ones.


I wish you the best,
Don Green
Executive Director
Napoleon Hill Foundation


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The Blessed Art of Sharing Your Riches
by Napoleon Hill


Wealth that is shared created more wealth, and you can share many forms of wealth besides money. Today’s millionaires themselves point out that anyone can become a millionaire because today’s wealth is so wide-spread and gives rise to so many opportunities. When you share in your own home you create a basic harmony which adds to your success and peace of mind in everything you do. Start now to share what you have, and when you have plenty of money you will share your money more wisely and with greater benefit.

YOU are going to make money. If you do not allow negative points of view trip you up, you will march straight forward on the road to riches. Yes, you are going to make money in solid sums – money that comes to you through your own worthy efforts – money you spend in helping others.

Will you build your character while you build your fortune? This, as by now you know, is not exactly “another matter.” There is a strong connection between the power to make money and the power to know your own mind and fulfill your own self as a fully realized person.

Again we shall examine a technique that goes with being rich and having invincible peace of mind. So far as sharing money is concerned, you may see this technique as belonging to your future. So far as sharing other forms of wealth is concerned, this technique is yours right now. Use it and make it part of you. Life proceeds according to the great Law of Compensation. The more you give of what you have, the more comes back to you – and it comes back greatly multiplied.

Giving to those who help themselves. Any man noted for his millions receives endless requests for money. He knows that most of these appeals come from people who will not use the money for necessities, let alone in any manner which helps them in their careers. He cannot hope to screen all such requests. Often it is far simpler for him to give large sums to a charity or to endow a foundation.

Those who have worked for their money know that the virtue of money consists in its use, not in its quantity. This is equally true whether the amount be a dime or a million dollars.

Henry Ford once was approached by Miss Martha Berry of the Martha Berry School in Georgia. Miss Berry asked for an endowment for her school, but Mr. Ford refused the request.

“Well,” she countered, “will you give us a sack of peanuts?”

Mr. Ford obliged by buying her a sack of raw peanuts.

With the aid of her students, mountain boys and girls, Miss Berry planted and replanted the peanuts, selling the crop until she had converted the original sack into six hundred dollars in cash. She then returned to Mr. Ford and handed him the six hundred dollars, saying “You see how practical we are in the use of money.” Mr. Ford handed back the six hundred dollars, along with some two million dollars to build the fine stone buildings which now adorn the campus of the Martha Berry School in Mt. Berry, Georgia.

Mr. Ford made very few gifts of this kind. Experience had taught him that all too often gifts to schools are handled by impractical people who know very little about sound business (or farming) methods. As long as Martha Berry lived, the Ford private car appeared on the railroad siding near her school once a year, while Mr. and Mrs. Ford paid a visit.

A present-day multimillionaire, Henry Crown, who arrived in this country as a poor immigrant from Lithuania, is now a leading figure in the vast General Dynamics Corporation. Mr. Crown has put a great deal of money into a plan which teaches aspiring young people how to handle capital. He has set up a fund of eight thousand dollars at a good many colleges, and this money is invested each year by the senior economics class. When the class makes a profit, its members share the surplus, and the fund is passed on intact to the next class.

Everyone has something to share and gains by sharing it. When a stranger stops you in the street and asks directions, you share your knowledge when you tell him. you do not have to be rich in money in order to do this. If you are really rich in human kindness you will give the stranger a very careful explanation, and perhaps walk to the next corner with him and point out the way.

The poorest of us has much to share. In some ways a poor man has as much to share as does a rich man. Certainly it so with love and with kindness.

I shall suggest three general ways of sharing which are available to almost anybody. You may not make use of the particular instances used as examples, but the list will serve to open your mind to the many possibilities of sharing more than money.

1. Share your special skills or knowledge. Many of us possess some special skill or knowledge which helps us earn money. We are used to selling our skills. Now look for a way to give that skill without thought of gain.

A much-needed clubhouse for the boys was built in the slum section of a large city. The basic construction costs were provided by a large foundation, but the clubhouse never would have gotten started were it not for those who gave their skills. A lawyer volunteered his services in drawing up the incorporation papers and other necessary documents. A carpenter installed locker room partitions. A painter gave his own services and also supervised a volunteer crew which painted the entire interior in cheerful colors. A mason installed a concrete ramp at one entrance so that physically handicapped boys could make their way in.

2. Share by filling a gap where you see one. Mr. A loaned his lawnmower to his new neighbor, Mr. B, who had not had time to equip himself. This was the beginning of excellent good-neighbor relations between the two families – but for a while, it seemed as though the matter were going the other way.

After Mr. B had trimmed his lawn, he returned the lawnmower with a big chip in one blade. Noticing this, Mr. A remarked diplomatically that Mr. B must have had some rocks hidden in his grass which chipped the blade. The new neighbor said gruffly that the blade had been chipped when he had been offered the use of the lawnmower, and walked away.

Since the chip was fresh and shiny, this hardly could have been so. Mr. A said nothing more, however. He limited his contacts with his new neighbor to mere nods if he met him in the street.

One day, Mr. B came around with a brand-new lawnmower and handed it to Mr. A. “I want you to have this,” Mr. B said. “You see, I knew I’d broken that blade but I couldn’t afford to have it fixed right then. I guess I should have said so, but, well, I didn’t. Now things have turned out all right and I want to do more than merely have the blade fixed.

Thus is many a non-money debt returned with interest! Far more valuable than the lawnmower itself, however, was the atmosphere of cordiality which the two families found from then on.

3. Share recognition and appreciation. Notice how often you are recognized as being in a certain role – for example, the role of a customer – and so you are treated in a certain way. Now turn around the situation and recognize the other person. You will find it is a limitless form of sharing.

For example, you may stop your car at a filling station on a hot day. The attendant rushes up, mopping his brow, anxious to give you prompt service. You recognize him as a person who has his own problems and you say: “Take it easy. It’s too hot to hurry.” He will remember you the next time you drive in.

Say you are an employer or a foreman. One of your men does exceptionally good work. Many an employer or foreman would observe that the man is paid to do a good job, so what? A wiser supervisor will make a point of telling a worker that his good performance has been noticed. When a person does a good job, he is favorably disposed toward anyone two gives him recognition. Furthermore, he will try thereafter to keep his work up to a high standard.

You will offer a kindness, you will perform many a free service, and in many cases, you will see no return. Bear in mind there is always a return within yourself, for when you give of yourself you make yourself bigger. And remember the Law of Compensation which always works in your favor when you arrange it so. We shall look more deeply into the wonders of compensation later on.

Look for ways to share your wealth. Never ask, “What wealth?” In sharing, you will find you are wealthier than you think. Share more than your money, and when you have plenty of money you will be more closely attuned to human needs and your money will give added benefit to those who share it.

The Supreme Secret is like a half-hidden treasure you may pass a hundred times a day without noticing; ye you see it from the corner of your eye.

Source: Grow Rich! with Peace of Mind by Napoleon Hill

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by Jim Stovall


Whether it’s the holidays or end-of-year tax planning, December is the time that many people think about giving. While any motivation that causes us to give is probably good, I believe we should begin to look at giving as a way to define who we are instead of simply providing a tax deduction or fulfilling our holiday gift list.

Whether it’s in our personal or professional lives, we need to think about giving as an integral part of all that we do instead of an afterthought. Giving back is a way to create a true and lasting legacy. A lot of people do a good job of making money, and most everyone does a good job of spending it. But it’s the giving of one’s money that will yield a far more valuable return on investment. Giving does not simply apply to our money but includes our time, effort, energy, and our expertise. Any of us can give our money, and it is greatly needed and appreciated by people and causes around the world. But only you can provide a unique effort, energy, and expertise that you can bring to a particular need.

While charities need our money, the greater need is for us to begin to define ourselves as givers. The only three things you can do with your money are spend it, save/invest it, and give it away. Any brief review of headlines or recent statistics will assure you that we are doing a great job of spending our money in our society today. Unfortunately, too many people are spending all they earn and just a little more.

Far too few of us are saving and investing our money. This saving and investing are what makes the dreams we have for ourselves and our families come true. When we’re spending too much and saving virtually nothing, giving becomes a random afterthought that is not a part of our daily consciousness.

Just as you should have a plan for your spending—known as a budget—and a plan for your saving/investing—known as a financial plan—you should have a conscious, specific, and well-thought-out plan for your giving. Far beyond your money, your life itself should be viewed as a gift. I believe that the meaning of life is to find our unique, special gift; and the purpose of life is to give our gift away.

People mistakenly assume that when you give something away, it’s gone. In reality, if you spend your money, it disappears immediately. If you save/invest your money, it is locked away for the future. But that which we give defines us in a way so that the gift benefits others and never really leaves us.

As you go through your day today, look for new ways for your money, your work, and your life to be a gift.

Today’s the day!
Jim Stovall

Source: Wisdom for Winners, Volume 2

Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network as well as a published author of many books including The Ultimate Gift. He is also a columnist and motivational speaker. He may be reached at 5840 South Memorial Drive, Suite 312, Tulsa, OK 74145-9082; by email at; on Twitter at; or on Facebook at

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Master-Key to Riches

Napoleon Hill’s Success Masters

by Napoleon Hill

Your possibilities for success are endless.

Success is a shapeshifter. Its form changes with the wind, and it cannot be caught or tamed. Often, it feels utterly unattainable. But rather than putting “success” in a box, claiming there’s only one path to achieve it, Napoleon Hill has proven in his work that the one thing you really need to succeed is simple: You.

Napoleon Hill’s Success Masters is your blueprint to discover the winner inside you and earn the success you desire―with essays from motivational powerhouses including Napoleon Hill alums like Paul Harvey, W. Clement Stone, Henry van Dyke, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and Earl Nightingale. Dive in and learn how to:

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This handsome hardback edition features striking debossing on the cover and designed endpapers, making it the perfect gift for fathers, young professionals, graduates, and many more. Success: Discovering the Path to Riches is an essential volume for everyone looking to build a prosperous life, both personally and professionally.

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