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Positive Mental Attitude:
A System of Success

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Dear Student of Napoleon Hill,

This online distance learning course presents and examines the principles of success researched and developed by Dr. Napoleon Hill and others. It provides a framework for students to better understand life’s opportunities and the need for definiteness of purpose.

The class is based on and structured around Hill’s 17 Principles of Success. Each lesson focuses on one principle and contains online reading assignments, points to ponder, chapter quizzes, Napoleon Hill vintage audio and just released video, articles from the Think and Grow Rich and PMA Adviser newsletters, class discussion questions, journal writing assignments and, other activities that help reinforce the principle being studied. Each student in the class has a personalized relationship with a fully accredited and approved instructor for Napoleon Hill Distance Learning Courses. The class concludes with an assignment dealing with an individualized plan for personal success.

It is because we sincerely feel that every reader of Think and Grow Rich should go on into this post graduate course, that we take the liberty here of giving a few brief side lights upon this brilliant work. Napoleon Hill’s Course presents the true Philosophy upon which all lasting success is built. Ideas, when translated into intelligent plans of action, are the beginning of all successful achievement. So this course proceeds to show you how to create practical ideas for every human need. It does it in easy-to-understand lessons. Napoleon Hill spent the better part of twenty-five years in perfecting this Philosophy of Success.

During the long years he has worked on it, some parts or the whole of it, have been reviewed and praised by many of the greatest Americans of our times. Among them are included four Presidents of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Wm. H. Taft; Thomas Edison, Luther Burbank, Wm. J. Wrigley, Alexander Graham Bell, Judge E. H. Gary, Cyrus H. K. Curtis, Edward Bok, E.M. Statler — dozens of glowing names in Politics, Finance, Education, Invention.

Don’t waste your own precious years blindly searching for the hidden road to the heights. Profit by the dearly brought experience of America’s leaders. Over 500 great and prominent men of America were minutely analyzed — their methods, motives, strategy — to find out the secrets that put them on top. No matter whether you are rich or poor — you have one asset as great as the richest man living — and that is TIME. But with each setting sun you become one day older, and have one day less in which to attain the success and wealth you desire. Thousands of progressive people throughout the North American continent have realized this mighty truth, and have sought the help so clearly and inspiringly taught in Napoleon Hill. You cannot afford to let day after day slip into eternity, without getting possession of this course. You will profit greatly from the lessons in Think and Grow Rich. You will take even more brilliant and gratifying rewards from this course. The cost is trifling; the benefits are tremendous.

For more information please go to or contact Uriel Martinez at




Unlocking Think and Grow Rich. Based on years of research into Napoleon Hill’s published and unpublished work, this program is unlike anything you’ve read or learned before.

Some of the ground-breaking concepts you will learn about include:
• The Mind Filter
• Positive Mental Attitude
• Physical & Social Heredity
• Man-made laws and Mind-Made laws
• Going the Extra Mile

“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

Have you been inspired by Dr. Hill’s words? Subscribe to Napoleon Hill’s Thought For The Day.

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“I am a graduate of my Grandfather’s philosophy. I studied Napoleon Hill for years, reading Think and Grow Rich now eight times. I even used his philosophy to change my life —twice! In spite of this, the course pulled the philosophy all together for me and gave me a deeper understanding!”

~ Dr. J.B. Hill
(Napoleon Hill’s Grandson)

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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

Dear Readers,

Rhonda Byrne’s 2006 book The Secret discussed the law of attraction, which says that our self-talk and thoughts attract good or bad results into our lives, like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Actually, this wasn’t a new discovery at all. Napoleon Hill dis­cussed the law of attraction in many of his works. He first wrote about it in the March 1919 issue of Hill’s Golden Rule Magazine. It goes back a long, long time. In simple terms, it’s like attracts like—good or bad.

But I think you have to go back a little bit farther than that. You have to go back to your passion, your purpose. The Bible tells us that we must find our purpose. There’s a wonderful quote from Oprah Winfrey saying it’s our job to find our purpose, then go forward. People who don’t have one are like drifting tum­bleweed. Hill compared the mind to a fertile garden. It doesn’t matter how good the soil is, if it’s not tended, weeds will come up. This simply means that we watch our thoughts and actions until they become habits, but it has to start with finding a pur­pose in life.

Hill reminds us about the ability to choose, which makes all the difference. Hopefully, most of the time we’re choosing the right things. Hill talks about our dominant thoughts, which will determine where we end up in life, whether in success or mediocrity or failure.

One way of keeping our thoughts on track is through reading great books like Think and Grow Rich. In Napoleon Hill’s concluding words from this book, he emphasizes that we most certainly can control our thoughts. Leave excuses to someone else. You can control your thoughts, create a plan, take action, and ordain your destiny!


I wish you the best,
Don Green
Executive Director
Napoleon Hill Foundation

Conceive, Believe and Achieve!
Start here: Napoleon Hill’s Distance Learning

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The one thing over which you have absolute control.

You have ABSOLUTE CONTROL over but one thing, and that is your thoughts. This is the most significant and inspiring of all facts known to man! It reflects man’s Divine nature. This Divine prerogative is the sole means by which you may control your own destiny. If you fail to control your own mind, you may be sure you will control nothing else.

If you must be careless with your possessions, let it be in connection with material things. Your mind is your spiritual estate! Protect and use it with the care to which Divine Royalty is entitled. You were given a WILL-POWER for this purpose.

Unfortunately, there is no legal protection against those who, either by design or ignorance, poison the minds of others by negative suggestion. This form of destruction should be punishable by heavy legal penalties, because it may and often does destroy one’s chances of acquiring material things which are protected by law.

Men with negative minds tried to convince Thomas A. Edison that he could not build a machine that would record and reproduce the human voice, “because” they said, “no one else had ever produced such a machine.” Edison did not believe them. He knew that the mind could produce ANYTHING THE MIND COULD CONCEIVE AND BELIEVE, and the knowledge was the thing that lifted the great Edison above the common herd.

Building alibis with which to explain away failure is a national pastime. The habit is as old as the human race, and is fatal to success! Why do people cling to their pet alibis? The answer is obvious. They defend their alibis because THEY CREATE them! A man’s alibi is the child of his own imagination. It is human nature to defend one’s own brainchild.

Building alibis is a deeply rooted habit. Habits are difficult to break, especially when they provide justification for something we do. Plato had this truth in mind when he said, “The first and best victory is to conquer self. To be conquered by self is, of all things, the most shameful and vile.”

Another philosopher had the same thought in mind when he said, “It was a great surprise to me when I discovered that most of the ugliness I saw in others, was but a reflection of my own nature.”

“It has always been a mystery to me,” said Elbert Hubbard, “why people spend so much time deliberately fooling themselves by creating alibis to cover their weaknesses. If used differently, this same time would be sufficient to cure the weakness, then no alibis would be needed.”

In parting, I would remind you that “Life is a checkerboard, and the player opposite you is TIME. If you hesitate before moving, or neglect to move promptly, your men will be wiped off the board by TIME. You are playing against a partner who will not tolerate INDECISION!”

Previously you may have had a logical excuse for not having forced Life to come through with whatever you asked, but that alibi is now obsolete, because you are in possession of the Master Key that unlocks the door to Life’s bountiful riches.

The Master Key is intangible, but it is powerful! It is the privilege of creating, in your own mind, a BURNING DESIRE for a definite form of riches. There is no penalty for the use of the Key, but there is a price you must pay if you do not use it. The price is FAILURE. There is a reward of stupendous proportions if you put the Key to use. It is the satisfaction that comes to all who conquer self and force Life to pay whatever is asked.

The reward is worthy of your effort. Will you make the start and be convinced?

“If we are related,” said the immortal Emerson, “we shall meet.” In closing, may I borrow his thought, and say, “If we are related, we have, through these pages, met.”

Source: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill has written a post-graduate course for you!

Napoleon Hill spent the better part of twenty-five years in perfecting this Philosophy of Success. During the long years he has worked on it, some parts or the whole of it, have been reviewed and praised by many of the greatest Americans of our times.

Today his comprehensive teaching is available online and has been carefully put together by the foundation for you to take advantage of. This course is interactive and has prompts for you to participate via discussion, journaling and quizzes.

Sign up today and begin your course instruction with
the great Napoleon Hill!

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Keeping Your Sanity
Jim Stovall


Have you ever heard someone say—or even caught yourself saying—“That person is making me crazy”? This is a feeling we all experience from time to time, but it’s important to realize that no one can affect us unless or until we give them permission to do so. The people who are closest to us have the greatest ability to affect us either positively or negatively. By virtue of the fact that they are someone we value either personally or professionally, we have automatically given them permission to have a great impact on our life.

For example, if you are walking along the sidewalk and a disheveled, homeless person in a severe state of intoxication stumbles up to you and says, “I don’t like your shoes,” this probably won’t ruin your day, your next hour, or even occupy your thoughts beyond the immediate moment. On the other hand, if someone very close to you says, “I don’t like your shoes,” it may affect you greatly. You will either feel insulted and hurt or you will agree with them that there is, indeed, something wrong with your shoes.

All of us have imperfections, including those people whom we have allowed to be close to us and impact our lives. Let’s say that someone you have a close relationship with is habitually late. This does not mean you cannot have a meaningful personal or professional relationship; it simply requires you to factor this into the equation. Assuming you have tried all positive and constructive ways to get this person to be on time, if they are still among the punctually challenged, you have to be willing to deal with it internally.

If you are going to fret and yell and pull your hair every time this person is late, you are facing a lot of unpleasantness. The irony is that you will probably be the only one affected negatively. The person you are close to will breeze in 20 or 30 minutes late without a care in the world, and you will have allowed their tardiness to ruin your day.

We allow people to make us crazy when we don’t allow them to be themselves. This is not to say that we shouldn’t hold those we care about to a higher standard. It simply means if we expect perfection there won’t be anyone in our lives, including ourselves.

Today’s the day!

Jim Stovall

Source: Wisdom for Winners Vol. I by Jim Stovall

Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network as well as a published author of many books including The Ultimate Gift. He is also a columnist and motivational speaker. He may be reached at 5840 South Memorial Drive, Suite 312, Tulsa, OK 74145-9082; by email at; on Twitter at; or on Facebook at

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The PMA Bookshelf

For advertising information please contact us at Napoleon Hill Foundation



Master-Key to Riches

Self-Confidence Formula

by Napoleon Hill

Your formula to build a strong sense of self-worth so that you can better recognize opportunity, take action on your dreams, and enhance your resilience.

A lack of self-confidence is one of the greatest maladies of today’s world, one that is responsible for the rampant helplessness, lack of self-control, aimlessness, procrastination, and despair that characterize modern society. But as the venerable steel magnate Andrew Carnegie emphasized to Hill, “Confidence is a state of mind, necessary to succeed, and the starting point of developing self-confidence is definiteness of purpose.”

The time for self-doubt and self-criticism is over. Your faith in yourself and your abilities determines whether you fail or succeed. Napoleon Hill’s Self-Confidence Formula enables you to boost your self-confidence through the application of Hill’s strategies for controlling your thoughts. By implementing these principles, you will not only be able to operate at a higher plane of thought and action—attracting more opportunities, gaining influence, and strengthening relationships—but you will also be able to instill this critical quality in others.

Napoleon Hill’s Self-Confidence Formula gives you the keys to success and fulfillment by equipping you to:

• unlearn fears, insecurities, and limitations acquired in childhood and adolescence
• condition your mind to believe in the certainty of your success
• take bold, confident action on your definite chief aim
• conquer your inferiority complex through the mastermind principle
• build the self-reliance and self-esteem of today’s youth

You are now on the journey to confident, purposeful living. As you implement Hill’s principles, you will cultivate a state of mind primed to accept the abundance reserved for you.

Available on Amazon!

Dear Napoleon

The Living Legacy of Napoleon Hill and Think and Grow Rich
An Official Publication of the Napoleon Hill Foundation


Discover the success secrets of individuals who have transformed their lives by internalizing and applying Napoleon Hill’s achievement philosophy.

Have you ever read a book by an author and it immediately changed you—your outlook on life, your relationships, your personal initiative, and your ability to withstand adversity? That is the common experience of those who have read the books of Napoleon Hill, especially his seminal Think and Grow Rich. This book collects the stories of real people whose lives have been altered by the work and wisdom of Napoleon Hill. With very few exceptions, none of the people included in this book ever met Hill directly, but they entered into a timeless mentorship or mastermind relationship with him through his many publications.

When you read this book, you will gain insight into how real people translate Hill’s philosophy of success into actions that forever alter the course of their lives. From multi-millionaires to teachers, counselors to humanitarians, the individuals who share Hill’s impact on their lives prove that Hill’s success system is more than a theory; it is a powerful program of achievement with enduring real-world application. Assembled by synthesizing the collective knowledge of hundreds of the most prosperous people of his era—including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and many others—Hill’s Science of Success provides practical steps for building financial, mental, and spiritual wealth. Similarly, the people who submitted “Dear Napoleon” letters for this book do not express their theoretical understanding of Hill’s principles; rather, they candidly share their real-life experiences with the power of Napoleon Hill’s philosophy of success. Take a journey into the trials and celebrations, failures and successes, of the individuals featured in this book, and acquire a clear sense of how you can apply Hill’s success concepts to great effect.

Available for preorder on

Truthful Living

by Napoleon Hill, annotated by
Jeffrey Gitomer

What readers are saying:

“Another Gem Amongst His Many Gems – Truthful Living is NOT just a book for people in sales; it is for people who are still breathing or in other words, EVERYONE!” ~ Gymbeaux

“A Masterclass in Napoleon Hill’s Foundational Wisdom and Real-World Application – There is a reason why I ordered copies for my entire team and all of my mastermind students. Don’t just buy the book, buy additional copies for those you care most about. They’ll thank you and you will have given them a gift that could change their life.” ~ Joe Soto

The foundation of Napoleon Hill’s self-help legacy: his long-lost original notes, letters, and lectures – now compiled, edited, and annotated for the modern reader, brought to you by New York Times bestselling author, Jeffrey Gitomer.

Thank you to everyone who has bought this book. Please leave a review here.

Available on Amazon!

Go Live!
Turn Virtual Connections into Paying Customers

By: Jeffrey Gitomer


Go Live! Turn Virtual Connections into Paying Customers helps readers understand and take advantage of several online tools to boost their sales and increase their revenue. Accomplished salesperson, consultant, and online personality, Jeffrey Gitomer, describes how tools like Facebook Live and podcasting can drive sales and help you connect with your customers.

You’ll discover:

• How to use tools like YouTube, LinkedIn Live, podcasting, and Facebook Live to connect with and develop your leads.
• How to properly utilize social media like Instagram and Twitter to spread your message and sell to clients.
• How to promote and repurpose content to create as big an impact on your audience as possible.

Written specifically for a post-pandemic sales audience, Go Live! Turn Virtual Connections into Paying Customers delivers results for anyone expected to deliver sales results in a virtual environment. It also belongs on the bookshelves of those who hope to take their successful offline sales strategies to the online world.

Available on Amazon!

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