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  • Think and Grow Rich is Napoleon Hill's most popular book, summarizing his Philosophy of Success and explaining it for the general public. The only version of the book we at the Napoleon Hill Foundation currently recommend is Think and Grow Rich: The Original 1937 Unedited Edition. This edition is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, printed in March of 1937.
  • Napoleon Hill is considered the forefather of the modern personal development movement and his motivational classic,Think and Grow Rich, has inspired millions with its words and thoughts on discovering success and abundance within oneself. The thirteen principles of success outlined within this bestselling audio program is a blueprint you can follow in the construction of your own personal success story.
  • This edition of Napoleon Hill's Classic Think and Grow Rich is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill's personal copy of the first edition, the ONLY original version recommended by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, originally printed in March of 1937. The most famous of all teachers of success spent a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort to produce the Law of Success philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized and explained for the general public in this book.
  • Think and Grow Rich is Napoleon Hill's most popular book, summarizing his Philosophy of Success and explaining it for the general public. The only version of the book we at the Napoleon Hill Foundation currently recommend is Think and Grow Rich: The Original 1937 Unedited Edition. This edition is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, printed in March of 1937.
  • By applying the proven principles of preparation, competence, hard work, and sincerity devised by legendary motivational author Napoleon Hill, Lionel Sosa advanced from painting signs at $1.10 an hour to running the largest Hispanic ad agency in America. In this indispensable guide to prosperity, Sosa shares his inspiring story of achievement, as well as those of other respected members of the Latino community, including: • Alberto Gonzales, who rose from humble roots in San Antonio and Houston to become the first Hispanic attorney general of the United States • Linda Alvarado, who defied both racism and sexism to head the biggest construction company in America led by a woman • Jeff Valdez and Bruce Barshop, the team that created SiTV, the first and only twenty-four-hour English-language cable channel aimed at Latinos • Patricia Diaz Dennis, who triumphed over many obstacles and personal tragedy to serve as the first Latina chair of the Girl Scouts in the United States In a clear and encouraging voice, Sosa reveals how Napoleon Hill’s positive, practical, and empowering ideas can help Latinos overcome self-esteem issues, thrive while embracing change, and map a clear-cut plan to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams.
  • By applying the proven principles of preparation, competence, hard work, and sincerity devised by legendary motivational author Napoleon Hill, Lionel Sosa advanced from painting signs at $1.10 an hour to running the largest Hispanic ad agency in America. In this indispensable guide to prosperity, Sosa shares his inspiring story of achievement, as well as those of other respected members of the Latino community, including: • Alberto Gonzales, who rose from humble roots in San Antonio and Houston to become the first Hispanic attorney general of the United States • Linda Alvarado, who defied both racism and sexism to head the biggest construction company in America led by a woman • Jeff Valdez and Bruce Barshop, the team that created SiTV, the first and only twenty-four-hour English-language cable channel aimed at Latinos • Patricia Diaz Dennis, who triumphed over many obstacles and personal tragedy to serve as the first Latina chair of the Girl Scouts in the United States In a clear and encouraging voice, Sosa reveals how Napoleon Hill’s positive, practical, and empowering ideas can help Latinos overcome self-esteem issues, thrive while embracing change, and map a clear-cut plan to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams.
  • It's no secret that these hard times have been even harder for the Black community. Approximately 35 percent of African Americans had no measurable assets in 2009, and 24 percent of these same households had only a motor vehicle. Dennis Kimbro, observing how the weight of the continuing housing and credit crises disproportionately impacts the African-American community, takes a sharp look at a carefully cultivated group of individuals who've scaled the heights of success and how others can emulate them. Based on a seven year study of 1,000 of the wealthiest African Americans, The Wealth Choice offers a trove of sound and surprising advice about climbing the economic ladder, even when the odds seem stacked against you. Readers will learn about how business leaders, entrepreneurs, and celebrities like Bob Johnson, Spike Lee, L. A. Reid, Herman Cain, T. D. Jakes and Tyrese Gibson found their paths to wealth; what they did or didn't learn about money early on; what they had to sacrifice to get to the top; and the role of discipline in managing their success. Through these stories, which include men and women at every stage of life and in every industry, Dennis Kimbro shows readers how to: · Develop a wealth-generating mindset and habits · Commit to lifelong learning · Craft goals that match your passion · Make short-term sacrifices for long-term gain · Take calculated risks when opportunity presents itself
  • It's no secret that these hard times have been even harder for the Black community. Approximately 35 percent of African Americans had no measurable assets in 2009, and 24 percent of these same households had only a motor vehicle. Dennis Kimbro, observing how the weight of the continuing housing and credit crises disproportionately impacts the African-American community, takes a sharp look at a carefully cultivated group of individuals who've scaled the heights of success and how others can emulate them. Based on a seven year study of 1,000 of the wealthiest African Americans, The Wealth Choice offers a trove of sound and surprising advice about climbing the economic ladder, even when the odds seem stacked against you. Readers will learn about how business leaders, entrepreneurs, and celebrities like Bob Johnson, Spike Lee, L. A. Reid, Herman Cain, T. D. Jakes and Tyrese Gibson found their paths to wealth; what they did or didn't learn about money early on; what they had to sacrifice to get to the top; and the role of discipline in managing their success. Through these stories, which include men and women at every stage of life and in every industry, Dennis Kimbro shows readers how to: · Develop a wealth-generating mindset and habits · Commit to lifelong learning · Craft goals that match your passion · Make short-term sacrifices for long-term gain · Take calculated risks when opportunity presents itself
  • Approximately 35 percent of African Americans had no measurable assets in 2009, and 24 percent of these same households had only a motor vehicle. Dennis Kimbro, observing how the weight of the continuing housing and credit crises disproportionately impacts the African-American community, takes a sharp look at a carefully cultivated group of individuals who've scaled the heights of success and how others can emulate them. Through these stories, which include men and women at every stage of life and in every industry, Dennis Kimbro shows listeners how to develop a wealth-generating mindset and habits; commit to lifelong learning; craft goals that match your passion; make short-term sacrifices for long-term gain; and take calculated risks when opportunity presents itself. Available on Amazon as Audiobook, Kindle format, paperback and hardback. Prices range from $9.99-$15.50.
  • The term “school of hard knocks” is a term used by many that simply means they received an education by overcoming obstacles that got in their way to success. The valuable lessons were not obtained in a classroom, but in everyday life experiences. This book will help you overcome the hard knocks in life which we all experience at some point in time.
  • The Nightingale-Conant Corporation, in association with The Napoleon Hill Foundation, is pleased to present The Ultimate Napoleon Hill Library - featuring world-renowned author, speaker, and philosopher - Mr. Napoleon Hill. In this priceless audio collection, you'll listen to classic Napoleon Hill audio segments from a variety of sources - from three of Nightingale-Conant's best-selling audio programs, Think and Grow Rich, The Science of Personal Achievement, and The Master Key to Riches; to original WGN radio broadcasts, public seminars, and one-of-a-kind private lectures.  
  • Published around the world, this book has become an undisputed classic in the field of motivational literature. Inspired by Andrew Carnegie, it has been cited by many as the "calling card" that propelled countless numbers to fame and fortune and is the standard against which all other motivational material is measured. Think and Grow Rich and The Think and Grow Rich Action Pack have single-handedly changed the lives of millions of men, women and young adults and produced a legacy of achievement that includes many of today's and yesterday's leaders in business, government and civic organizations.
  • W. Clement Stone is an excellent example of someone who understands his responsibility to help mankind and has shared his life experience, financial means, and skill with the greatest number of people. We believe that the W. Clement Stone story is the best living example of the power of divinity in man – how it can work for the individual and benefit mankind. By Napoleon Hill
  • This book, which describes the author’s one man crusade for a new penal rehabilitation program, known as The Seventh Step, takes you right into the drama of prison life. In 1963, Bill Sands, an ex convict, and the Reverend James Post formulated a self- help group in the Kansas State Prison. This first pre-release program adopted a slogan and guidelines that are the basis of The Seventh Step programs today. This was a danger-charged mission of an ex-inmate at San Quentin who crashed the Main Yard to prepare convicts for life in the “squarejohn” world―to help them go outside―and stay out. Faced with the hopelessness of the men who had been parolled but not released because no one would hire them, getting the men to face themselves and the outside world realistically, knowing about the inmates’ desire for revenge, all had to be channeled into an overwhelming desire for freedom. Their stories are fascinating and inspiring. Tremendously successful, the program reduced the number of men returning to prison for crimes committed after their release from 80% to 20% and spawned Seventh Step chapters across the United States.
  • This book, which describes the author’s one man crusade for a new penal rehabilitation program, known as The Seventh Step, takes you right into the drama of prison life. In 1963, Bill Sands, an ex convict, and the Reverend James Post formulated a self- help group in the Kansas State Prison. This first pre-release program adopted a slogan and guidelines that are the basis of The Seventh Step programs today. This was a danger-charged mission of an ex-inmate at San Quentin who crashed the Main Yard to prepare convicts for life in the “squarejohn” world―to help them go outside―and stay out. Faced with the hopelessness of the men who had been parolled but not released because no one would hire them, getting the men to face themselves and the outside world realistically, knowing about the inmates’ desire for revenge, all had to be channeled into an overwhelming desire for freedom. Their stories are fascinating and inspiring. Tremendously successful, the program reduced the number of men returning to prison for crimes committed after their release from 80% to 20% and spawned Seventh Step chapters across the United States.
  • The Science of Success is a collection of writings by and about Napoleon Hill, author of the most widely read book on personal prosperity philosophy ever published, Think and Grow Rich. These essays and writings contain teachings on the nature of prosperity and how to attain it, and are published here in book form for the very first time. This work is a must-have item for Hill’s millions of fans worldwide!
  • The Science of Success is a collection of writings by and about Napoleon Hill, author of the most widely read book on personal prosperity philosophy ever published, Think and Grow Rich. These essays and writings contain teachings on the nature of prosperity and how to attain it, and are published here in book form for the very first time. This work is a must-have item for Hill’s millions of fans worldwide!
  • Napoleon Hill devoted his life to analyzing the success of more than 500 of the 20th Century's greatest achievers, people like Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. His exhaustive research proved that the essence of success lies within 17 simple principles that, when used together, serve as an infallible formula for achievement. These 17 key principles are the foundation of The Science of Personal Achievement, a comprehensive course in success that empowers you to convert any adversity into advantage. And it all starts with a thought.
  • These parables―one ancient, one modern―contain time-tested secrets that will put you on the road to happiness and prosperity. They offer simple, yet powerful truths about the challenges we all face, and must overcome on the road to success.
  • The Master Mind, Hill taught, is the pooling of intellectual, intuitive, and creative mental resources, which occurs when two or more people enter a supportive pact to assist one another's aims. A Master Mind group multiplies the mental powers of all its participants. This is the "secret ingredient," Hill insisted, that delivers lasting success.
  • As you follow the simple day-by-day program designed by Drs. Arnold and Barry Fox, you will learn to tap into the secrets of miracle making that are in your control. You will:
    • Overcome life’s obstacles by changing your self-talk
    • Make sound health a daily miracle as you deal with stress, depression, heart disease, and cancer
    • Learn to dispel the gloom and doom of depression for a positive mental attitude
    • Put your faith to work for you so that you can create a life filled with miracles beginning today
    • Incorporate this process fully into your own life so that you can begin to touch the lives of those you love
  • As you follow the simple day-by-day program designed by Drs. Arnold and Barry Fox, you will learn to tap into the secrets of miracle making that are in your control. You will:
    • Overcome life’s obstacles by changing your self-talk
    • Make sound health a daily miracle as you deal with stress, depression, heart disease, and cancer
    • Learn to dispel the gloom and doom of depression for a positive mental attitude
    • Put your faith to work for you so that you can create a life filled with miracles beginning today
    • Incorporate this process fully into your own life so that you can begin to touch the lives of those you love
  • In 1964, Napoleon Hill presented a series of lectures that have never been published—until now. “The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between a penny and a million dollars. It does not know the difference between success and failure, and it’ll work just as hard to make a failure out of you as it will to make a success out of you if you don’t condition your mind to keep the subconscious mind working with and for the things you want and away from the things you don’t want. “The majority of people spend their lives worrying and fearing and fretting over the things they don’t want, and that’s exactly what they’re getting out of life. I try to make allowances for the weaknesses and for the mistakes of other people that affect my interest. I don’t always do a good job of it but I try. I try to keep my mental attitude positive at all times toward all people about all subjects. I want to tell you that this effort on my part has gone a long way toward placing me in a position where I can say, as I said to you this morning, that I have acquired in this life everything that I need, everything that I want, everything that I desire. I have no fears, no frustrations, no disappointments. I have good, sound health. I have a happy home.” —An excerpt from one of Napoleon Hill’s last public lectures—available for the first time from the Napoleon Hill Foundation.
  • Napoleon Hill often reminds us that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. This book offers you, the student, an extravaganza of teachers, guides for your journey, perhaps soul mates, who are certain that they have uncovered and applied the secret in Think and Grow Rich in their lives. Not only that, but they have greatly improved their lives due to their reading and application of this profound book. In concluding his book, Napoleon Hill quotes Emerson as he states: “If we are related, we have, through these pages, met.” Likewise, if you are a sincere seeker of the secret that Napoleon Hill promises to deliver in his book, you will find the people in Path to Riches as family who will guide you in the direction of your search. Each contributor has given freely without compensation of their time and talent to aid you in your search for the truth. Each has gone the extra mile to contribute the “secret” that they uncovered in the hope that it will serve as a signpost for you as you travel towards life’s riches. May you have a special relationship with our contributors and remember to thank the ones in particular who helped you uncover the secret to your success!
  • Napoleon Hill often reminds us that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. This book offers you, the student, an extravaganza of teachers, guides for your journey, perhaps soul mates, who are certain that they have uncovered and applied the secret in Think and Grow Rich in their lives. Not only that, but they have greatly improved their lives due to their reading and application of this profound book. In concluding his book, Napoleon Hill quotes Emerson as he states: “If we are related, we have, through these pages, met.” Likewise, if you are a sincere seeker of the secret that Napoleon Hill promises to deliver in his book, you will find the people in Path to Riches as family who will guide you in the direction of your search. Each contributor has given freely without compensation of their time and talent to aid you in your search for the truth. Each has gone the extra mile to contribute the “secret” that they uncovered in the hope that it will serve as a signpost for you as you travel towards life’s riches. May you have a special relationship with our contributors and remember to thank the ones in particular who helped you uncover the secret to your success!
  • This true lost manuscript from the "grandfather of self-help," Napoleon Hill provides timeless wisdom on how to attain a more successful and wealthy life using simple principles. This concise book is a powerful roadmap that leads to a single discovery--you already have the power to attain whatever wealth, success, and prosperity you desire in life. All you need to do is walk the path without straying, and the rest will follow. Using these lessons, you have principles to live by that will help you stay on your own personal path to power, and achieve success that you never thought possible
  • The human mind today is undergoing the most exciting and intensive probing in the history of mankind. In this unusual and provocative book, W. Clement Stone, a hard-headed businessman, and Norma Lee Browning, a top reporter, combine forces to explore The Other Side of the Mind – the fascinating, often controversial world of mind phenomena. “Enough is known today about the capabilities of the brain to provide science with its greatest challenge,” writes Norma Lee Browning. “It is now evident that we are only scratching the surface of human potentialities. When the curtain of mystery is lifted from the last unexplored corner of the mind, there will be no limits to what the future may hold for shaping the destiny of mankind.” Keep an open mind as you read about: - • The strange psychic life of the Australian Aborigines. • The mystery of the fire-walkers of the Fiji Islands. • The yogis of India, who may hold the key which scientists everywhere are looking for to unlock the hidden reservoirs of human efficiency and energy. • The startling and significant research into mental telepathy that is being done by Soviet scientists of the highest caliber. • Extra-sensory perception and what the future holds for para-psychology. • The researches into hypnosis, cybernetics and ESB – electrical stimulation of the brain. • Lourdes, for whose cures medical science has no explanation. • The sensitives of mediums who claim to have special psychic powers and the honest appearing charlatans who prey upon the gullible. • How you can relate the facts in this book to your own life to develop and maintain your physical, mental, and moral well-being.
  • The human mind today is undergoing the most exciting and intensive probing in the history of mankind. In this unusual and provocative book, W. Clement Stone, a hard-headed businessman, and Norma Lee Browning, a top reporter, combine forces to explore The Other Side of the Mind – the fascinating, often controversial world of mind phenomena. “Enough is known today about the capabilities of the brain to provide science with its greatest challenge,” writes Norma Lee Browning. “It is now evident that we are only scratching the surface of human potentialities. When the curtain of mystery is lifted from the last unexplored corner of the mind, there will be no limits to what the future may hold for shaping the destiny of mankind.” Keep an open mind as you read about: - • The strange psychic life of the Australian Aborigines. • The mystery of the fire-walkers of the Fiji Islands. • The yogis of India, who may hold the key which scientists everywhere are looking for to unlock the hidden reservoirs of human efficiency and energy. • The startling and significant research into mental telepathy that is being done by Soviet scientists of the highest caliber. • Extra-sensory perception and what the future holds for para-psychology. • The researches into hypnosis, cybernetics and ESB – electrical stimulation of the brain. • Lourdes, for whose cures medical science has no explanation. • The sensitives of mediums who claim to have special psychic powers and the honest appearing charlatans who prey upon the gullible. • How you can relate the facts in this book to your own life to develop and maintain your physical, mental, and moral well-being.
  • The Master Key to Riches, a powerful formula for self-improvement, shows you how to harness the powers of your will and mind so that you can achieve mental happiness, business success, spiritual vitality and financial superiority. Millions of readers all over the world are grateful to Dr. Napoleon hill for his now classic Think and Grow Rich. The Master Key to Riches provides the key to why some people become successful and how you can become one of them. The Master Key is a marvelous device which, once discovered, may be used to:
    • Open the door to sound health
    • Reveal the method by which every disadvantage and disappointment can be turned into advantages of priceless value
    • Open the door to love and romance
    • Renew the spirit of youth
    • Lift humble men to positions of power, fame and fortune
    Based on the Andrew Carnegie formula for money making, The Master Key to Riches describes in step-by-step detail the greatest practical philosophy of success. “Riches” means all riches—“not merely those represented by bank balances and material things,” says Napoleon Hill in the introduction to this master-manual for personal achievement. This amazing philosophy, culled from the success experiences of many of the world’s most powerful and wealthy men, will show you how to succeed in any path of life, whether it be love, wealth, personal satisfaction, faith, or any number of other goals. The material woven by Napoleon Hill into The Master Key to Riches has the endorsement of many men whose names have become synonymous with great achievement in the fields of industry, finance and statesmanship.
  • Based on the Andrew Carnegie formula for money-making, The Master Key to Riches describes in step-by-step detail one of the greatest practical philosophies of success.... This amazing philosophy, culled from the success experiences of hundreds of the world's most powerful and wealthy men, will show you how to succeed in any walk of life.
  • The Magic Ladder to Success is Napoleon HillÂ’s lost classic and the book that preceded the all-time bestseller Think and Grow Rich. The original copy of this book has been appraised at over $40,000. Now you too can own this beautiful reproduction copy, with the content reproduced from one of only a few known original editions owned by the Napoleon Hill Foundation. The Magic Ladder to Success is the volume in which Hill first distilled the seventeen factors that make up his “Law of Success” philosophy, revealing how people can acquire riches if they keenly desire them and put the necessary actions in place using their intellect. These key principles capture the ethics and actions that empower all who harness them to become leaders in the field of their choice. Leaders are not born, Hill argues; "they are molded by a remarkably similar, simple, and dynamic set of habits." There is a treasure of knowledge unearthed in this book. Hill offers a very concise, step-by-step pathway up the ladder of success, an advancement dependent on the organization of oneÂ’s thought processes. The Magic Ladder to Success is worth reading many times and applying throughout oneÂ’s life.
  • Napoleon Hill’s Original Master Class on Individual Achievement Before the landmark book Think and Grow Rich came The Law of Success, an eight-volume series in which Hill presents the complete Science of Success philosophy. Originally published in 1928, this success system contains sixteen lessons on personal achievement, gleaned from interviews with and research on over 500 top performers from various industries and walks of life. Now condensed for your convenience into one compact volume curated by the Trustees of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, The Law of Success details the exact steps by which any individual can harness the power of thought to turn their dreams into reality. This is much more than a guide or roadmap; it is a total lifestyle makeover, with concrete resources for everyday application. If you are serious about becoming the best version of yourself in your field, your relationships, your health, and your finances, then you are ready for the original master class on success.


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