
  • This collection of over 700 proverbs written by Napoleon Hill is both sound and practical because these mind conditioners have worked successfully for those who have used them. This collection was prepared especially for students of Dr. Hill’s Science of Success Philosophy with the explicit hope that each person who reads it may be enriched in body, mind, and spirit.
  • This collection of over 700 proverbs written by Napoleon Hill is both sound and practical because these mind conditioners have worked successfully for those who have used them. This collection was prepared especially for students of Dr. Hill’s Science of Success Philosophy with the explicit hope that each person who reads it may be enriched in body, mind, and spirit.
  • Poetry is an art form that oftentimes can be difficult for modern day readers to interpret. However, the 101 poems contained in this book have been individually selected to speak directly to the heart in simple language that is easily understood by all. Although Napoleon Hill was not a poet, he read many of the poems contained in this volume and even referred to them in his books. Poets like Edgar Guest, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Jessie Rittenhouse, Walter Wintle and William Shakespeare were among Hill's favorites. He was inspired to write some of his most famous essays after reading their poetry. In addition to the poems themselves, this anthology offers commentary by Napoleon Hill in order to help you understand the significance of the eleven sections into which this book is divided. The first ten sections cover 10 of his17 success principles. Section eleven is dedicated solely to the most often requested reprints of Hill's "poetic" essays. Here you will read his memorable selections that have withstood the test of time.
  • Anticipate the obstacles in the road ahead and prepare yourself for the adventure yet to come. 51 thought provoking, entertaining stories drawn from Napoleon Hill’s original works including: Think and Grow Rich; The Law of Success; and Napoleon Hill’s Magazine.
  • Napoleon Hill often reminds us that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. This book offers you, the student, an extravaganza of teachers, guides for your journey, perhaps soul mates, who are certain that they have uncovered and applied the secret in Think and Grow Rich in their lives. Not only that, but they have greatly improved their lives due to their reading and application of this profound book. In concluding his book, Napoleon Hill quotes Emerson as he states: “If we are related, we have, through these pages, met.” Likewise, if you are a sincere seeker of the secret that Napoleon Hill promises to deliver in his book, you will find the people in Path to Riches as family who will guide you in the direction of your search. Each contributor has given freely without compensation of their time and talent to aid you in your search for the truth. Each has gone the extra mile to contribute the “secret” that they uncovered in the hope that it will serve as a signpost for you as you travel towards life’s riches. May you have a special relationship with our contributors and remember to thank the ones in particular who helped you uncover the secret to your success!
  • It has been said that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Most often the answers we seek are inside each of us, but it often takes someone else to show us the direction in which to proceed. This book helps the reader create their own personalized roadmap to success. It only takes a few weeks to cultivate a good habit, and it has been said that "we first make our habits and then our habits make us." Just as millions of other Napoleon Hill readers have done for nearly one hundred years, the message you are to receive, if you are ready to receive it, is that there is a roadmap to success. You too can attain the success in life most people only dream of attaining. But, first you must study and then follow in the footsteps of those who have achieved their goals. This book starts you on the process of planting an idea, nurturing the idea, and then harvesting your own victory garden.
  • This book, which describes the author’s one man crusade for a new penal rehabilitation program, known as The Seventh Step, takes you right into the drama of prison life. In 1963, Bill Sands, an ex convict, and the Reverend James Post formulated a self- help group in the Kansas State Prison. This first pre-release program adopted a slogan and guidelines that are the basis of The Seventh Step programs today. This was a danger-charged mission of an ex-inmate at San Quentin who crashed the Main Yard to prepare convicts for life in the “squarejohn” world―to help them go outside―and stay out. Faced with the hopelessness of the men who had been parolled but not released because no one would hire them, getting the men to face themselves and the outside world realistically, knowing about the inmates’ desire for revenge, all had to be channeled into an overwhelming desire for freedom. Their stories are fascinating and inspiring. Tremendously successful, the program reduced the number of men returning to prison for crimes committed after their release from 80% to 20% and spawned Seventh Step chapters across the United States.
  • Napoleon Hill often reminds us that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. This book offers you, the student, an extravaganza of teachers, guides for your journey, perhaps soul mates, who are certain that they have uncovered and applied the secret in Think and Grow Rich in their lives. Not only that, but they have greatly improved their lives due to their reading and application of this profound book. In concluding his book, Napoleon Hill quotes Emerson as he states: “If we are related, we have, through these pages, met.” Likewise, if you are a sincere seeker of the secret that Napoleon Hill promises to deliver in his book, you will find the people in Path to Riches as family who will guide you in the direction of your search. Each contributor has given freely without compensation of their time and talent to aid you in your search for the truth. Each has gone the extra mile to contribute the “secret” that they uncovered in the hope that it will serve as a signpost for you as you travel towards life’s riches. May you have a special relationship with our contributors and remember to thank the ones in particular who helped you uncover the secret to your success!
  • Anticipate the obstacles in the road ahead and prepare yourself for the adventure yet to come. 51 thought provoking, entertaining stories drawn from Napoleon Hill’s original works including: Think and Grow Rich; The Law of Success; and Napoleon Hill’s Magazine.


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