
  • The Nightingale-Conant Corporation, in association with The Napoleon Hill Foundation, is pleased to present The Ultimate Napoleon Hill Library - featuring world-renowned author, speaker, and philosopher - Mr. Napoleon Hill. In this priceless audio collection, you'll listen to classic Napoleon Hill audio segments from a variety of sources - from three of Nightingale-Conant's best-selling audio programs, Think and Grow Rich, The Science of Personal Achievement, and The Master Key to Riches; to original WGN radio broadcasts, public seminars, and one-of-a-kind private lectures.  
  • Now you can quickly and effectively study and put into practice the greatest personal development program of all time. In only ten minutes a day, you can begin to implement the success principles that have made more millionaires and top influencers than any other achievement philosophy.
  • This workbook is designed as a companion to the best selling personal development book of all time - Napoleon Hill's 1937 classic, Think and Grow Rich. This workbook will stimulate your mind and your dreams and your desire to achieve, to go beyond where you are now in financial resources, meaningful relationships, and career aspirations. Based on thirteen proven and practical principles, or steps, you will have the tools and encouragement to advance in life - the sky is the limit. And it all begins with how you think.
  • Fear is one of the greatest obstacles to your success, happiness, and fulfillment, and it is one of the most difficult to combat. It roots itself deep in the subconscious and darkens your dominating thoughts, coloring your perceptions and, in turn, your actions. But fear does not have to write your story. It is simply an emotion - one that can be mastered and channeled to work for, rather than against, you.  
  • Following the success of his 1937 landmark bestseller, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote Outwitting the Devil, an exposé on the methods the Devil uses to ensnare and control the minds of human beings. Exploring the innermost depths of the psychology of motivation to understand why so many individuals, including himself, cannot find the initiative and courage they need to consistently implement the philosophy of individual achievement, Hill went so far as to interview the Devil himself. The resulting confession from the Devil made this book so controversial as to remain unpublished for over 70 years. Now it is your turn to break the Devil’s code and free yourself from the hidden methods of control that lead to ruin.  


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