
  • The Master Mind, Hill taught, is the pooling of intellectual, intuitive, and creative mental resources, which occurs when two or more people enter a supportive pact to assist one another's aims. A Master Mind group multiplies the mental powers of all its participants. This is the "secret ingredient," Hill insisted, that delivers lasting success.
  • Unlock the path to personal achievement and extraordinary success! From the author of the timeless classic Think and Grow Rich comes this transformative guide that unveils four key principles of success, with practical steps on how to achieve your dreams. Benefit from the enduring insights of one of the most influential self-help authors, Napoleon Hill. His philosophies have empowered countless individuals to take control of their lives and turn dreams into reality...
  • The vast majority of people avoid answering this daunting question. As a result, they spend their days aimlessly drifting or scrambling from one task to the next, never deciding upon a larger goal or plan for their future. However, studying the lives of the world’s highest-achieving individuals quickly reveals an essential truth that success—along with meaning and fulfillment—are found in the pursuit of a Definite Major Purpose, a goal so compelling that it inspires you to take action every day toward its attainment.


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