Think and Grow Through and Music

  • Do you know anyone interested in Art & Music? Wouldn’t you like to help them or yourself follow that dream, and also attain it? This book is based on twenty-plus years of in-person interviews, research, emails and phone conversations with successful artists.  Faulkner then integrates the principles Dr. Hill used to create his science of personal success outlined in his classic Think & Grow Rich. A true formula for artistic success! He firmly believes the only limitations the reader has, are those he or she set up in their own mind. By following these principles and taking action the reader will remain persistent, and doors will open that they might otherwise never be aware of. QR Codes: One unique feature ~ at the end of each chapter you will find a recap in the form of a QR code. Some chapters you can see video of Napoleon Hill himself. Other chapters contain spoken narration from Think & Grow Rich.  Free Gift: When you order this book please notify the author at He will gladly send you a personalized bookplate. After all, isn’t it nice to read a book personalized to you and/or to someone you have gifted? The Author’s Promise:  “I believe a person who possesses the burning desire to become a professional in the field of art and music, and not only reads, but also applies the principles herein, will multiply his/her advantage and likelihood of becoming successful, by ten times or more!” Please know this: If you are gifting this book, then thanks to you, someone has a brilliant future ahead!  
  • Napoleon Hill’s Original Master Class on Individual Achievement Before the landmark book Think and Grow Rich came The Law of Success, an eight-volume series in which Hill presents the complete Science of Success philosophy. Originally published in 1928, this success system contains sixteen lessons on personal achievement, gleaned from interviews with and research on over 500 top performers from various industries and walks of life. Now condensed for your convenience into one compact volume curated by the Trustees of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, The Law of Success details the exact steps by which any individual can harness the power of thought to turn their dreams into reality. This is much more than a guide or roadmap; it is a total lifestyle makeover, with concrete resources for everyday application. If you are serious about becoming the best version of yourself in your field, your relationships, your health, and your finances, then you are ready for the original master class on success.
  • Discover the success secrets of individuals who have transformed their lives by internalizing and applying Napoleon Hill’s achievement philosophy. Have you ever read a book by an author and it immediately changed you—your outlook on life, your relationships, your personal initiative, and your ability to withstand adversity? That is the common experience of those who have read the books of Napoleon Hill, especially his seminal Think and Grow Rich,,
  • Your formula to build a strong sense of self-worth so that you can better recognize opportunity, take action on your dreams, and enhance your resilience. A lack of self-confidence is one of the greatest maladies of today’s world, one that is responsible for the rampant helplessness, lack of self-control, aimlessness, procrastination, and despair that characterize modern society...


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