timeless principles

  • Napoleon Hill's 17 Essential Principles of Personal Achievement have served as an encouraging and illuminating guide for those seeking to improve all areas of their lives for more than half a century. Lessons on Success is the book that keys readers into Hill's distinct thought process—this is THE complete and unabridged mind-power method for achieving your goals.  
  • Napoleon Hill on two occasions wrote extensive memoirs about his life. The Trustees of the Napoleon Hill Foundation chose to title the combined memoirs Master Mind, in recognition of the importance this principle played in his philosophy and life...
  • Fear is one of the greatest obstacles to your success, happiness, and fulfillment, and it is one of the most difficult to combat. It roots itself deep in the subconscious and darkens your dominating thoughts, coloring your perceptions and, in turn, your actions. But fear does not have to write your story. It is simply an emotion - one that can be mastered and channeled to work for, rather than against, you.  
  • Discover the success secrets of individuals who have transformed their lives by internalizing and applying Napoleon Hill’s achievement philosophy. Have you ever read a book by an author and it immediately changed you—your outlook on life, your relationships, your personal initiative, and your ability to withstand adversity? That is the common experience of those who have read the books of Napoleon Hill, especially his seminal Think and Grow Rich,,
  • Entrepreneur Ramy El-Batrawi answers the question Can You Think and Get Rich? with a resounding Yes! Throughout a journey of 48 years during which he lost and regained his fortune more than once, the author applied the principles of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich to achieve the extraordinary success that creates an extraordinary life.

    Ramy left home at 12 and never looked back, continuing on a path that led to business deals with the most influential millionaires and billionaires in the world, as well as battles with prosecutors and unethical investors. This book reveals how Ramy embedded the secrets of Think and Grow Rich into his every waking hour, and refined his approach using keys that you too can employ on your own journey to success... Read the full description below.      
  • Now available in French:

    L'entrepreneur Ramy El-Batrawi répond à la question posée par Pouvez-vous Réflechir et Devenir Riche? Avec un Oui retentissant! Au cours de sa vie parcourue des 48 dernières années pendant lesquelles il a perdu et regagné sa fortune plus d'une fois, l'auteur a appliqué les principes de Napoleon Hill "Réflechissez et Devenez Riche" pour parvenir à un retentissant en se créant ainsi une vie extraordinaire. Ramy a quitté la maison à l'âge de 12 ans et il n'a jamais voulu faire marche arrière, poursuivant sur un chemin qui lui a mené à faire des accords commerciaux avec les millionnaires et milliardaires les plus influents du monde mais aussi des batailles judiciaires avec des procureurs ainsi que des investisseurs qui manquaient d'éthique. Ce livre ne parle pas seulement du triomphe ultime d'un homme, mais plutôt d'une démonstration que vous aussi pouvez réussir en suivant les mêmes principes et clés que Ramy suit chaque jour. Lisez "Pouvez-vous vraiment Réflechir et Devenir Riche? Les clés pour s'ouvrir à une vie extraordinaire"si vous voulez changer votre propre vie- dès aujourd'hui.      


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