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  • Four words that make all the difference: "I can do it." A positive attitude has the power to change your life. By ending negative thinking habits, you can embark on a new beginning and achieve your loftiest goals. Napoleon Hill's Keys to Positive Thinking provides a proven ten-step plan to help you achieve health, wealth and success.
  • Part Book. Part Game. Part Coaching. Full Experience.

    What This Board Game Will Do For You:

  • The Napoleon Hill Foundation Headquarters and Archives has commissioned a limited number of unique and cutting-edge pendants that contain the entire contents of the book, Think and Grow Rich. The face of each pendant contains all of the pages of the text while the back of the pendant contains a QR code that can be scanned by any QR code reader for access to a digital copy of the text. The complete pages of the book displayed on the pendant face are legible using a 400x magnification microscope. The piece utilizes NanoFiche precision etching process that also features a 3D-graphic representation of the book cover. Each piece comes with a chain and lighted gift box to serve as the ultimate gift for the success-geared professional.
    Display your support for Napoleon Hill's philosophies and support the Foundation by securing this exclusive pendant, only available directly from the Foundation, for $399 with free shipping in the U.S. and Canada.
  • This online distance learning course from the Napoleon Hill Academy™ presents and examines the principles of success researched and developed by Dr. Napoleon Hill and others. It provides a framework for students to better understand life's opportunities and the need for definiteness of purpose. The course is structured around the 17 Principles of Success. Sign up anytime! Note: This is step 2 of the 3-step process of achieving the Napoleon Hill Foundation Leader Certification. Register anytime!  
  • Our Leader Certification Course is available online to facilitate our many global students. This provides the opportunity for students to attend from anywhere in the world who otherwise might not be able to travel for work or personal reasons. Class duration is 3-4 days during which both live video conferencing sessions and prerecorded content will be utilized. The next class is TBA. (Next face-to-face event scheduled for July 11-13, 2024.)
  • (Due to rising operational costs, the price for the course bundle will be increasing to $2,249, effective May 1, 2023.) Save $100 off each class when you buy both the Online Distance Learning class and the Leader Certification course at the same time. Note you are not locked in to a specific Leader Certification event -- you may change this if you need to wait for another class at a later date, for example. See below to select your class dates.  


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