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“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

Dear Readers,

When Napoleon Hill wrote Law of Success in 1928, he included a section called The Habit of Saving in order to teach readers how to distribute their income systematically so that a definite percentage of the income would steadily accumulate, thus creating one of the greatest known sources of personal power. No one will be truly successful in life without saving money. There is no exception to this rule, and no one may escape it.

Saving money is simply a habit, and through repetition, becomes easier over time. The statement, “pay yourself first” simply means that everyone should make a habit of saving a fixed amount of money from their income each month before anything else is paid.

Interest on a savings account compounds over a period of time and it is easy to see why Albert Einstein said, “Compound interest is the 8th Wonder of the World.”

Often times in the investment world, the rule of 72 is used to determine how long it will take your money to double. This can be simply done by dividing your current rate of return into 72. For example, if your investment is receiving 8%, then it would take about 9 years for your money to double at that rate because 72/8 = 9.

If you deposit $20,000 at age 25 in an account that is earning 8%, by the age of 70, you will have accumulated $640,000. Here is where time is a great benefit for investors. The earlier you start investing, and saving, the better off you will be.

Continue to study the principles of success and your results, like money, will compound and grow.


The best to you at whatever you do!
Don Green

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The Law of Success


The Opportunity in TIME
by Napoleon Hill

On the next occasion when you find yourself wasting a single second of this precious agent of OPPORTUNITY, TIME, copy the following resolution, commit it to memory, and start immediately to carry it out:

My Commitment to Doctor Time:

The imagination is both interpretative and creative in nature. It can examine facts, concepts and ideas, and it can create new combinations and plans out of these.

1. Time is my greatest asset, and I shall relate myself to it on a budget system which provides that every second not devoted to sleep shall be used for self-improvement.

2. In the future I shall regard the loss, through neglect, of any portion of my Time as a sin, for which I must atone by the better use in the future of an equivalent amount of it.

3. Recognizing that I shall reap that which I sow, I shall sow only the seeds of service which may benefit others as well as myself, and thereby throw myself in the way of the great Law of Compensation.

4. I shall so use my Time in the future that each day will bring me some measure of peace of mind, in the absence of which I shall recognize that the seed I have been sowing needs reexamination.

5. Knowing that my habits of thought become the patterns which attract all the circumstances affecting my life through the lapse of Time, I shall keep my mind so busy in connection with the circumstances I desire that no Time will be left to devote to fears and frustrations, and the things I do not desire.

6. Recognizing that, at best, my allotted Time on the earth plane is indefinite and limited, I shall endeavor in all ways possible to use my portion of it so that those nearest me will benefit by my influence, and be inspired by my example to make the best possible use of their own Time.

7. Finally, when my allotment of Time shall have expired, I hope I may leave behind me a monument to my name — not a monument in stone, but in the hearts of my fellow men — a monument whose marking will testify that the world was made a little better because of my having passed this way.

8. I shall repeat this Commitment daily during the remainder of my allotment of Time, and back it with BELIEF that it will improve my character and inspire those whom I may influence, to likewise improve their lives.

Source: You Can Work Your Own Miracles. Fawcett Columbine, 1971, pp. 118–119.

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Making Money vs. Earning Money
by Jim Stovall

There has never been a money shortage. There is, from time to time, an idea, inspiration, motivation, or creativity shortage. This shortage may manifest itself in the lack of money. It’s important to realize that the only people who make money work at the mint. Everyone else earns money.

There is a fair exchange between what an individual does and what he is paid for completing that task. The pay for a task increases as its degree of difficulty, danger, expertise, or the amount of training required increases. There are many jobs that you could be trained to do and be in a
position to accomplish the required task by the end of the first day. In most cases, these jobs do
not pay particularly well. On the other hand, if you wish to be a neurosurgeon–while you will
not be performing the task by the end of the first day–at the point you have completed many years of training, you will be compensated very well.

It is important to realize that there are certain humanitarian and service-oriented positions where
the compensation is, at least in part, in the satisfaction received in completing the task. For
example, members of the clergy and most notably here in Oklahoma, public school teachers. I
think we would all agree that their importance and amount of responsibility they take on, far
exceeds their monetary compensation.

The next time you hear yourself say, “I would like to make more money,” simply ask yourself the question, “What am I willing to do to create more value in the products and services I provide to the people around me?” Once you have answered this question and you begin working to that
level, your earnings will most certainly follow.

I wish you all of the money that you are willing to earn.

Today’s the day!

Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network as well as a published author of many books including The Ultimate Gift. He is also a columnist and motivational speaker. He may be reached at 5840 South Memorial Drive, Suite 312, Tulsa, OK 74145-9082; by email at; on Twitter at; or on Facebook at

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Budgeting Time and Money
by Michael A. Cooper

Time. How fortunate, day by day, to be granted 24 hours to do what we want. The invaluable minutes we get to THINK into results we so burningly desire. That is, if you accurately think about what you want and clearly define why you want it. Most people drift in and out of minutes, hours, weeks, months, years, and perhaps lifetimes, due to a lack of self-awareness. No definiteness of purpose. No definite plans to arrive at definite results. Causing chaos, suffering and pain. Most struggle due to low/poor quality information.

During this time, you get to sleep, work, and live the life you’ve always wanted. The question becomes are you doing what you love, and loving what you do, or are you doing what everybody else THINKS you should be doing? Think about this…

Who and what are you listening to? (L)
What are you reading? (R)
Who and what are you associating with? (A)

Imagine an auditorium. On one side is a Positive Mentor. On the other side a Negative Mentor. Imagine 100 people come into the auditorium. 98% or more of the people are going to gravitate to the Negative Mentor. Listening, reading and associating with the negative. Less than 2% will gravitate to listen, read and associate with the positive. If the one or two being influenced with positive go over and start talking with any of the 98%, at that moment, they become each other’s opposition. However, they really are not each other’s opponent. It’s their reaction, in their THINKING, that is the #1 enemy.

It becomes clear, you must choose wisely what you listen, read and associate with during the invaluable minutes of your time. Of course I can go on about sleep, exercise, eating, and countless other items to focus with your time. You get the picture. The point is, we are either drifting or non-drifting through life due to how we operate with those three questions above. LRA. All time should be used to bring some form of benefit.

Money. There are four quadrants we can define how people are with money. The Tightwad doesn’t do anything to increase the revenue and self-worth. Holding on to all the money for dear life. Saying NO NO NO to everything. “No, we can’t afford that.” They are also saying no to investing in their dreams because they do not know the difference.

The Status makes a lot of money and does not do anything to save and protect themselves so they are one wrong action away from things going bad. These people say YES YES YES to everything. “Want to buy the new car? YES!!” They are the ones keeping up with the Jones’s. Stacking up credit cards, accumulating high debt.

Then you have the Broke who are frustrated and feeling defeated. 50% + of the U.S. population are in this category. And the fourth category is Financially Free. These people know when to save when they should be saving, and, when to invest when they should be investing. The other three quadrants save when they should be investing, and spend when they should be saving.


Michael A. Cooper
Founder, Human Performance Mentors, LLC
Glen can be reached at
p: 561.465.9714

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The PMA Bookshelf

For advertising information please contact us at Napoleon Hill Foundation



Wisdom for Winners


Foundations for Success

The Little Book of Leadership


The Path to Personal Power

by Napoleon Hill

This true lost manuscript from the “grandfather of self-help,” Napoleon Hill provides timeless wisdom on how to attain a more successful and wealthy life using simple principles.

Napoleon Hill first wrote The Path to Personal Power in 1941, intending it as a handbook for people lifting themselves out of the Great Depression. But upon the bombing of Pearl Harbor and America’s entrance into World War II, these lessons were put aside and largely forgotten–until today.

Discovered in the archives of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, this never-before-published work is made up of three easily digested lessons, each its own chapter: Definiteness of Purpose; the Master Mind; and Going the Extra Mile.

This concise book is a powerful road map that leads to a single discovery–you already have the power to attain whatever wealth, success, and prosperity you desire in life. All you need to do is walk the path without straying, and the rest will follow.

Using these lessons, you have principles to live by that will help you stay on your own personal path to power, and achieve success that you never thought possible.

Will be released on July 18, 2017 on


How to Own Your Own Mind

by Napoleon Hill

Locked in a vault since 1941, here is Napoleon Hill’s definitive lesson on how to organize your thinking to attain success!

In How to Own Your Mind, you receive a one-of-a-kind master class in how to think for success from motivational pioneer and author of Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill. In three compelling chapters, Hill demonstrates how to organize, prioritize, and act on information so that it translates into opportunity.

Knowledge is not power. Only applied knowledge is power. This book teaches you how to use what you know, and how to know what’s worth knowing.

“The name Napoleon Hill is synonymous with practical advice on how to get ahead.”—Mitch Horowitz,

Will be released on September 19th on


Think and Grow Rich

by Napoleon Hill

As Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, I receive many requests from people wanting the original 1937 copy of Think and Grow Rich. To satisfy those of you who desire to have a 1937 unedited copy, we have reproduced Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, printed in March of 1937. The book has the notation, “not to be loaned,” and signed: Annie Lou Hill (the wife of Dr. Hill). This personal copy of Dr. Hill’s was given to me by Dr. Charles W. Johnson, Chairman of the Napoleon Hill Foundation and a nephew of Napoleon Hill. It was Napoleon Hill who sent Dr. Johnson to medical school, and today he is a practicing cardiologist. Charlie refers to Napoleon Hill as “Uncle Nap” and will often makes the statement, “Uncle Nap would be proud of the Foundation today.” The original 1937 manuscript was written and edited with the assistance of Napoleon’s wife. In later years, the existing document was again edited by Dr. Hill. For example, the Foundation owns a 1958 edition that Hill edited personally. This did not lessen the book’s value in Hill’s judgment. Hill made the editing remarks in his own handwriting and the resulting 1960 edited edition has sold over 100 million copies making it the most read self-help book of all time

Available on


The Little Book of Leadership

By: Jeffrey Gitomer

This comprehensive book will help you understand your situation, identify your opportunities, create your objectives, execute by action and delegation, and establish a leadership position through enthusiasm, brilliance, action, collaboration, resilience, and achievement.

The time for real-world leadership is NOW. This is a leadership book that transcends theory and philosophy, and gets right down to brass tacks and brass tactics, and adds a few brass balls.It’s full of practical, pragmatic, actionable ideas and strategies that when implemented assure respect and loyalty – and ensure long-term success and legacy.

The 12.5 Leadership Strengths revealed in this book will challenge you, admonish you, guide you, and create new success opportunities for you.

Buy The Little Book of Leadership TODAY!