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“I pray daily, not for more riches, but for more wisdom with which to recognize, embrace, and enjoy the great abundance of riches I already possess.”



It has been a great pleasure to serve as the Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation for seventeen years. One of the greatest thoughts I have is the people I am fortunate to work with including the Board of Trustees and our accountant.

To be successful, just find people who are smarter than you are and perform the necessary tasks to run a first class non profit that is known all over the world.

Judith Williamson is the director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center, located on the campus of Purdue-Northwest in Hammond, Indiana. I have been blessed to work with Judy, and Judy, like all of the other employees, does not work for me, but works with me. She is an excellent writer and teacher who also happens to be a world class traveler and is one of the most thoughtful people you could imagine.

Judy has helped to improve the quality of people’s education all over the world with her seminars, e-zines, books, and success talks wherever she happens to be. She is the person responsible for the success courses and as a result of her work, the Napoleon Hill Foundation has licensed the success principles course in many parts of the world. The list continues to grow on a regular basis and her contribution has truly helped to carry out our mission which is, making the world a better place in which to live.

Dr. Charlie Johnson our chairman and Napoleon Hill’s nephew has said many times that, “Uncle Nap would be proud.”

Judy has spent her years with the Napoleon Hill Foundation showing that “Around The World With Napoleon Hill” is a correct statement and a very present reality too.

I wish you the best at whatever you do!


~ Don Green
Executive Director




The Napoleon Hill Foundation PMA Distance Learning Course

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PMA Distance Learning

Now accepting registrations for the June 2017 class!

Sign up for the next Distance Learning Course.
Starts June, 2017.

Note: This course is a prerequisite for our annual leader certification course.

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PMA Distance Learning

El Curso de Napoleon Hill a distancia comienza
junio 2017!

Enscríbase HOY!!
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“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

Have you been inspired by Dr. Hill’s words? Subscribe to Napoleon Hill’s Thought For The Day.

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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

“Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts will inevitably bring about right results. ~James Allen

Dear Readers:

Letter writing is a lost art. It has gone the way of slow Sunday dinners, dressing “up” for special occasions, and leisurely walks taken with no agenda. High teas have been overtaken by fast food courts, snail mail letters by rapid fire texts, slow cooked meals by pre-packaged food ready in an instant, and personal conversational time by media overload. The rapid pace of today’s lifestyle is not an improvement, because many significant things fall by the wayside. Well thought out “gifts” become user friendly gift cards, a thank you note becomes a smiley face, keepsake items are deemed too much clutter and thrown out, and things that take up space are quickly discarded without consideration of the aura or “jing” that lingers on each piece. Too much of a good thing can and does become overwhelming, but the answer is not to rid yourself of your heritage, memories, ancestry, and life’s history without consideration of if, how, or even whether or not it can be replaced.

Items from the past were accumulated at a much slower rate and preserved in order to be passed down. They held stories inside of them ripe for the telling. Clothing, crystal, quilts, furniture, and photos, all contain seeds from the past that grew into our present. For example, I have a much too large orange trumpet vine still growing in my yard that was transplanted from a former home. My son loved it as a child, and when it now blooms, the memory of him admiring it returns. A photograph of my daughter on the beach, or playing pool with my brother helps me revisit those memories too. Animals I have loved “show up” when favorite food is prepared or their favorite blanket comforts a new pet. Don Green tells me about a “shrine” he still has in his home today honoring a former pet Pug dog named Rocky that was part of his family’s life for years. Memories can and should be shared.

When I walk into my home I see an entry table that belonged to my great aunt and uncle that my husband refinished in antique blue, a little coffee table that was my grandmother’s, an arts and crafts country creation painted on wood that shows my then young family, and many other family heirlooms. They provide ongoing memories, comfort, and support for me now as they have done in the past. When I finally decide to part with some things, they usually transfer to my daughter’s 19th century home in the historic Soulard district of St. Louis. She is a saver like her mother.

As we know, what we do in the past determines our future. By holding dear things that were meaningful to our relatives and friends, we hold dear too their contribution to our present lives. To me, it seems as if a trust is violated when we no longer honor our ancestors. Living only in the present can be selfish and too worldly in a much different way than accumulating too many pieces of memorabilia. Just ask yourself, do you want to see your children turn in your “ancestry” for cash? If so, I then ask myself what is the legacy that they will leave for their children? When you clean out remember not to wipe clean your ancestral inheritance. Take photos, write a memory book, save for posterity your most precious items, and honor those who have come before you. If not, what do you think your children and your children’s children will hold dear about you? Money in the bank is one thing, but for me my blue table will mean more because of its tradition than an open space for newer clutter.

Positive Mental Attitude embraces all aspects of a person’s pleasing personality. Don’t trash what another person holds dear because to you it seems like junk. Memories, stories, experiences that linger on in a person’s life are the tales and words that build personalities. Without connections and ties to the past we are prone to become aloof to meaningful experiences in the present. Build ties that bind by not invoking the less is more mentality. Perhaps you may soon become the “less” you and others think irrelevant today. Roots are just as essential to the past and wings are to the future.

Two books, Super Sized Success by Linda Zander and Look Up! by Fred Wikkeling, are inspirational reads that help keep you focused on positive outcomes. Both Linda and Fred are certified instructors for the Napoleon Hill Foundation, and each give their entire selves when collaborating with individuals seeking their advice and help.

By reading books on accepting your past and inventing your future, you are honoring your true self. Let’s be frank. Every one of us has multiple failures in our past. Those failures are tools that can and do promote our future success. Both Linda and Fred have seen the downside of success but have been able to focus on only the upside now. Their PMA is real and transformative. Read and learn from those who have traveled the path before you. Just be sure to super size your requests while looking up!

Be Your Very Best Always,
Judy Williamson

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The Law of Success


You Are What You Think
by Napoleon Hill

To write–you must think. When you write a letter, you crystallize your thinking on paper. Your imagination is developed by recollecting the past, analyzing the present and perceiving the future. The more often you write, the more you take pleasure in writing. By asking questions, you, as the writer, direct the mind of the recipient into desired channels. You can make it easy for him to respond to you. Thus, when he does, he becomes the writer and you receive additional joy as the recipient.

The receiver of the letter you write is forced to think in terms of you. If your letter is well-thought-out, both his reason and his emotions can be directed along desired paths. Inspiring thoughts will be imprinted indelibly in his memory when they are being recorded in his subconscious mind as he reads.

Can you attract happiness? Yes, of course you can attract happiness. How? You can attract happiness with PMA.

But why? What is the real reason for this kindly consideration of others?

A positive mental attitude will attract to you all the health, wealth, and happiness you desire. And a positive mental attitude consists of such plus characteristics as: faith, hope, charity, optimism, cheer, generosity, tolerance, tact, kindliness, honesty, good-finding, initiative, truthfulness, straightforwardness, and good common sense.

. . .

In his book, The Power of Faith, Rabbi Louis Binstock said this on the subject of happiness:

“Man was born together–all of one piece. It is the kind of world he has fashioned that has torn him apart. A world of folly! A world of falsehood! A world of fear! With the power of faith, let him put himself together again–faith in himself, faith in his fellowmen, faith in his destiny, faith in his God. Then and only then will man find happiness and peace.”

Remember, if the man is right his world will be right. He can attract happiness just as he can attract wealth, unhappiness, or poverty. Is your world right?

Source: Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude.Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1960. Pgs. 211-212.

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What Having A Positive Mental Attitude
Does for Success

by Linda Zander

Success does not happen by accident. There is a science to achieving success. The good news is that the “science” itself is simple, doesn’t require a formal college education and has zero costs, making the attainment of success possible for virtually everyone. And, the only tool you need to begin to successfully use the science of success in attaining the life you desire, is one you already possess – your mind.

Our mind is the only thing which we have complete control over. It can either become your biggest asset and ally or your biggest liability and foe. It’s a personal choice. You can decide to harness the power of your mind to deliver you the success you conceive of or let it have power over you delivering you unnecessary delays, chaos, confusion, challenges and potentially permanent failure.

What you decide to think is directly linked to how you perceive and interact with people, opportunity, obstacles and the world around you. Taking command and control over your mind to adopt a habit of having a positive mental attitude (PMA) determines your ability to 1st see, then seize success. A PMA is a success mind-set which assures you the attainment of optimal mental, physical, spiritual and financial success. It gives you the mental strength necessary to attain a well-balanced life of wealth and well-being.

“A positive mental attitude is a must for all who wish to make life pay off on their own terms. Nothing great was ever achieved without a positive mental attitude.” Napoleon Hill

To achieve a PMA, keep your mind on the things you want, in all areas of your life, and do not allow your mind to work against you and your goals by developing a habit of thinking about what you don’t want.

A PMA gives you the ability to perceive opportunity within every interaction and circumstance. And, it keeps your mind open to conceive and receive new information, creative ideas and ways to innovate. Most importantly, a PMA delivers you the consistent stream of positive insight, energy, and enthusiasm and the steam you need to make and sustain success.


Linda Zander
Linda can be reached at

Linda Zander is a serial entrepreneur, self-made millionaire, Forbes Coach Council Member, and success expert. She is a natural visionary and intuitive who delivers a next-generation model of success necessary for attaining success amid today’s global challenges. She has a proven track record of delivering success both for herself and others amidst extreme personal or business challenges. She lives in Malibu, California.

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Foundations for Success


Think and Grow Rich:
The 1937 Edition
by Napoleon Hill

This edition of Napoleon Hill’s Classic Think and Grow Rich is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, the ONLY original version recommended by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, originally printed in March of 1937.

The most famous of all teachers of success spent a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort to produce the Law of Success philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized and explained for the general public in this book.

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The PMA Bookshelf

For advertising information please contact us at Napoleon Hill Foundation



The Amazing Adventures of Oliver Hill

Wisdom for Winners


Foundations for Success

The Little Book of Leadership


Napoleon Hill Is on the Air!: The Five Foundations for Success

by Napoleon Hill

In 1953, at the pinnacle of his career, beloved motivational speaker Napoleon Hill—whose classic Think and Grow Rich continues to inspire millions—distilled his lifetime work into a series of live radio broadcasts. In each one, Hill walked his listeners through one of the Five Foundations for Success—what he described as absolute musts connected to “practically all achievement that’s worth mentioning.”

Napoleon Hill Is on the Air! comprises those never-before-published transcripts in an engaging Q&A format. Together they provide deep analysis of the “Big Five” principles and how to apply them for maximum benefit in business and relationships. The transcripts also offer rich, off-the-cuff insights and inspirational stories derived from Hill’s years spent studying American icons, including Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Charles M. Schwab, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This remarkable book offers a unique perspective on Napoleon Hill’s groundbreaking principles of success—as practical and powerful today as when he first discovered them.

The Foundation has partnered with the Grand Harbor Press Division of Amazon to publish a number of previously unpublished radio and television broadcasts by Napoleon Hill. Called the “Napoleon Hill is On The Air” series, the first of the books is “The Five Foundations for Success.” It will be published on Tuesday and can be ordered now on Amazon. It consists of radio broadcasts made by Dr. Hill in Jackson, Mississippi in 1953. In these broadcasts, he concentrated on what he considered to be the “Big 5” of his seventeen success principles. This powerful book also contains an introduction by Dr. Charles Johnson, Dr. Hill’s nephew, which is the only public pronouncement about his uncle that Dr. Johnson has ever made.

Available now on!


The Other Side of the Mind

by W. Clement Stone and Norma Lee Browning

The human mind today is undergoing the most exciting and intensive probing in the history of mankind. In this unusual and provocative book, W. Clement Stone, a hard-headed businessman, and Norma Lee Browning, a top reporter, combine forces to explore The Other Side of the Mind – the fascinating, often controversial world of mind phenomena. “Enough is known today about the capabilities of the brain to provide science with its greatest challenge,” writes Norma Lee Browning. “It is now evident that we are only scratching the surface of human potentialities. When the curtain of mystery is lifted from the last unexplored corner of the mind, there will be no limits to what the future may hold for shaping the destiny of mankind.” Here also is a bold challenge to each reader – a challenge to keep an open mind as you read about: -The strange psychic life of the Australian Aborigines. -The mystery of the fire-walkers of the Fiji Islands. -The yogis of India, who may hold the key which scientists everywhere are looking for to unlock the hidden reservoirs of human efficiency and energy. -The startling and significant research into mental telepathy that is being done by Soviet scientists of the highest caliber. -Extra-sensory perception and what the future holds for para-psychology. -The researches into hypnosis, cybernetics and ESB – electrical stimulation of the brain. -Lourdes, for whose cures medical science has no explanation. -The sensitives of mediums who claim to have special psychic powers and the honest appearing charlatans who prey upon the gullible. -How you can relate the facts in this book to your own life to develop and maintain your physical, mental, and moral well-being.

Available on


Think and Grow Rich

by Napoleon Hill

As Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, I receive many requests from people wanting the original 1937 copy of Think and Grow Rich. To satisfy those of you who desire to have a 1937 unedited copy, we have reproduced Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, printed in March of 1937. The book has the notation, “not to be loaned,” and signed: Annie Lou Hill (the wife of Dr. Hill). This personal copy of Dr. Hill’s was given to me by Dr. Charles W. Johnson, Chairman of the Napoleon Hill Foundation and a nephew of Napoleon Hill. It was Napoleon Hill who sent Dr. Johnson to medical school, and today he is a practicing cardiologist. Charlie refers to Napoleon Hill as “Uncle Nap” and will often makes the statement, “Uncle Nap would be proud of the Foundation today.” The original 1937 manuscript was written and edited with the assistance of Napoleon’s wife. In later years, the existing document was again edited by Dr. Hill. For example, the Foundation owns a 1958 edition that Hill edited personally. This did not lessen the book’s value in Hill’s judgment. Hill made the editing remarks in his own handwriting and the resulting 1960 edited edition has sold over 100 million copies making it the most read self-help book of all time

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The Little Book of Leadership

By: Jeffrey Gitomer

This comprehensive book will help you understand your situation, identify your opportunities, create your objectives, execute by action and delegation, and establish a leadership position through enthusiasm, brilliance, action, collaboration, resilience, and achievement.

The time for real-world leadership is NOW. This is a leadership book that transcends theory and philosophy, and gets right down to brass tacks and brass tactics, and adds a few brass balls.It’s full of practical, pragmatic, actionable ideas and strategies that when implemented assure respect and loyalty – and ensure long-term success and legacy.

The 12.5 Leadership Strengths revealed in this book will challenge you, admonish you, guide you, and create new success opportunities for you.

Buy The Little Book of Leadership TODAY!