
  • In this new book, the Napoleon Hill Foundation's own executive director puts Hill's essential principles right at your fingertips. Filled with fascinating stories from Dolly Parton, Jeffrey Gitomer, Chief Poly Emenike, and Joe Dudley, Jr.--iconic figures who each applied Hill's principles to their own lives, Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill lays out the tools needed to uncover the secrets of growth, creativity, power, and achievement inside all of us. It's an essential playbook for any business professional seeking the knowledge and inspiration necessary to discard fear and attain the goals of personal and professional triumph.
  • In this new book, the Napoleon Hill Foundation's own executive director puts Hill's essential principles right at your fingertips. Filled with fascinating stories from Dolly Parton, Jeffrey Gitomer, Chief Poly Emenike, and Joe Dudley, Jr.--iconic figures who each applied Hill's principles to their own lives, Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill lays out the tools needed to uncover the secrets of growth, creativity, power, and achievement inside all of us. It's an essential playbook for any business professional seeking the knowledge and inspiration necessary to discard fear and attain the goals of personal and professional triumph.
  • Financially, I achieved a lot through the books authored or co-authored by Dr. Hill. It is worthy of note that about 95% of the material wealth I have acquired in life was inspired by the Principle of Success teachings espoused in Dr. Napoleon Hill’s various writings. Thus, the business, which I commenced with a capital of about $2.00 (300 Naira) on July 14, 1975, being my 2 years earnings, working as an office boy in my Uncle’s Law firm, has today blossomed into a multi-million dollar business empire. Added to this is the fact that at a time when it looked like I would end up with only primary school educational qualification, I was inspired to further my educational pursuit owing to the enormous inspirations I drew from reading Dr. Hill’s writings. Today, I have not only acquired secondary education but also a University education at the highest level. In other words, Dr. Hill’s books have had a catalytic effect on my desire to become an educated business man; I now possess good University degrees at the Bachelors and Masters Level from a very reputable university in Nigeria, University of Lagos. So, if I relatively have peace of mind today, it is due to the consciousness raised in me about the potential opportunities available for me to tap from by Dr. Hill’s books.
  • Empowered Millionaire is the first time ever combined edition of two corresponding works–Your Greatest Power and How to Become a Mental Millionaire by J. Martin Kohe and Judith Williamson. By placing these motivational works in the same volume readers can enjoy the big message that Kohe delivers in less than thirty minutes, and then immediately begin to apply the dynamic lesson in daily life by practicing the examples set in How to Become a Mental Millionaire. This double edition offers a real one–two punch for getting to the heart of the matter. The main thought to bear in mind as you work through this material is that first you gain the knowledge, and secondly you are taught how to apply it. This book is so easy to follow and put into practice that you will immediately feel more powerful and in control just by reading it! It is a terrific little book that is dynamic and forceful and promises to render you a real service for the investment of your time in reading it. As W. Clement Stone advises, “Do it now,” and don’t wait another minute in getting started on the road to your personalized success.
  • Napoleón Hill nos recuerda a menudo que cuando el alumno tiene disposición aparece el maestro. Este libro le ofrece a usted, el estudiante, un gran conglomerado de profesores, que fungirán como guías en su travesía, quizás profesores con almas gemelas, con plena convicción y seguridad de haber descubierto y aplicado el secreto de Piense y Hágase Rico en sus vidas. Y no sólo eso, sino que han logrado mejorar sus vidas debido a la lectura y aplicación de esta profunda obra. Al concluir su referida obra, Napoleón Hill cita a Emerson con las siguientes palabras: "Si tenemos algo en común nos habremos encontrado a través de estas páginas." Del mismo modo, si usted es un buscador sincero del secreto que el Dr. Hill se compromete a entregar en su libro, se identificará con estos grandes colaboradores del Sendero a las Riquezas como si fueran familiares suyos que le guiarán en la dirección correcta. Cada colaborador ha contribuido gratuitamente, sin compensación por su tiempo y talento para ayudarle a usted en la búsqueda de su verdad. Cada uno recorrió la milla extra para contribuir con el "secreto" que ellos descubrieron, con la esperanza de que sirvan de pistas en su viaje al logro de las riquezas en sus vidas. Deseo que establezca una relación especial con nuestros colaboradores y en particular ¡agradecer a cualquiera de ellos por haberle ayudado a descubrir el secreto para el éxito! Procure Siempre Ser Mejor, Judith Williamson Directora del Centro Mundial de Enseñanza Napoleón Hill Purdue University Calumet Millones de personas han leído Piense y Hágase Rico, el libro de autoayuda más vendido de todos los tiempos, pero la mayoría no descubren el secreto que prometía estar oculto en cada página. Esta observación se basa en la enorme cantidad de preguntas que al respecto recibe la Fundación Napoleón Hill alrededor de este tema. Cuando usted conduce por un terreno baldío o un edificio ruinoso ¿Qué es lo que ve? ¿un área llena de mala hierba, maleza y basura, o ve un parque infantil, una hermosa casa, un banco o una tienda? La diferencia entre una parcela de tierra que vale $ 20.000 o $ 2.000.000 dólares depende de la visión creativa. Por supuesto, las recompensas financieras son sólo una pequeña parte de la razón por la que necesitamos "Pensar y Hacernos Ricos", para ver el secreto necesitaremos de nuestra imaginación y darnos cuenta de que todos tenemos la capacidad para obtener ideas, elaborar planes y emprender las acciones necesarias para ver que las ideas se hagan realidad. Sin estas medidas de acción las ideas son solo sueños que pueden hacernos sentir bien, pero son de poco valor para el futuro. Don Green Director Ejecutivo de la Fundación Napoleón Hill Una publicación de Fundación Napoleón Hill
  • Napoleón Hill nos recuerda a menudo que cuando el alumno tiene disposición aparece el maestro. Este libro le ofrece a usted, el estudiante, un gran conglomerado de profesores, que fungirán como guías en su travesía, quizás profesores con almas gemelas, con plena convicción y seguridad de haber descubierto y aplicado el secreto de Piense y Hágase Rico en sus vidas. Y no sólo eso, sino que han logrado mejorar sus vidas debido a la lectura y aplicación de esta profunda obra. Al concluir su referida obra, Napoleón Hill cita a Emerson con las siguientes palabras: "Si tenemos algo en común nos habremos encontrado a través de estas páginas." Del mismo modo, si usted es un buscador sincero del secreto que el Dr. Hill se compromete a entregar en su libro, se identificará con estos grandes colaboradores del Sendero a las Riquezas como si fueran familiares suyos que le guiarán en la dirección correcta. Cada colaborador ha contribuido gratuitamente, sin compensación por su tiempo y talento para ayudarle a usted en la búsqueda de su verdad. Cada uno recorrió la milla extra para contribuir con el "secreto" que ellos descubrieron, con la esperanza de que sirvan de pistas en su viaje al logro de las riquezas en sus vidas. Deseo que establezca una relación especial con nuestros colaboradores y en particular ¡agradecer a cualquiera de ellos por haberle ayudado a descubrir el secreto para el éxito! Procure Siempre Ser Mejor, Judith Williamson Directora del Centro Mundial de Enseñanza Napoleón Hill Purdue University Calumet Millones de personas han leído Piense y Hágase Rico, el libro de autoayuda más vendido de todos los tiempos, pero la mayoría no descubren el secreto que prometía estar oculto en cada página. Esta observación se basa en la enorme cantidad de preguntas que al respecto recibe la Fundación Napoleón Hill alrededor de este tema. Cuando usted conduce por un terreno baldío o un edificio ruinoso ¿Qué es lo que ve? ¿un área llena de mala hierba, maleza y basura, o ve un parque infantil, una hermosa casa, un banco o una tienda? La diferencia entre una parcela de tierra que vale $ 20.000 o $ 2.000.000 dólares depende de la visión creativa. Por supuesto, las recompensas financieras son sólo una pequeña parte de la razón por la que necesitamos "Pensar y Hacernos Ricos", para ver el secreto necesitaremos de nuestra imaginación y darnos cuenta de que todos tenemos la capacidad para obtener ideas, elaborar planes y emprender las acciones necesarias para ver que las ideas se hagan realidad. Sin estas medidas de acción las ideas son solo sueños que pueden hacernos sentir bien, pero son de poco valor para el futuro. Don Green Director Ejecutivo de la Fundación Napoleón Hill Una publicación de Fundación Napoleón Hill
  • Earl Nightingale said that he came to his "aha" moment at the age of twenty-nine while reading Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich - specifically the words "we become what we think about". Shortly thereafter he recorded The Strangest Secret which went on to earn a gold record and became the largest selling non-entertainment recording in record industry history. Think and Grow Rich is the standard against which all motivational books are measured. The book (and audiobook) has helped millions of people create their own success and realize their dreams. This audio condensation brings those two worlds together again - an audio lecture by famed broadcaster Earl Nightingale that clearly and quickly reviews Napoleon Hill's classic success principles.If you've never read or listened to Think and Grow Rich before, this audio condensation may serve as your own personal "aha" moment. And if you have read or listened before, then this forty-two minute motivational gem maybe the best refresher course ever to set you back on the road to riches. For the Two-CD package - Plus a bonus disc of Napoleon Hill's lecture on The Three Major Causes of Failure!
  • Earl Nightingale said that he came to his “aha” moment at the age of twenty-nine while reading Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich― specifically the words “we become what we think about”. Shortly thereafter he recorded The Strangest Secret which went on to earn a gold record and became the largest selling non-entertainment recording in record industry history. Think and Grow Rich is the standard against which all motivational books are measured. The book (and audiobook) has helped millions of people create their own success and realize their dreams. This audio condensation brings those two worlds together again―an audio lecture by famed broadcaster Earl Nightingale that clearly and quickly reviews Napoleon Hill’s classic success principles. If you’ve never read or listened to Think and Grow Rich before, this audio condensation may serve as your own personal “aha” moment. And if you have read or listened before, then this forty-three minute motivational gem maybe the best refresher course ever to set you back on the road to riches.
  • Como estudiante de la filosofía del Dr. Hill durante muchos años, sé que ésta trabaja mucho mejor cuando es bservable y medible. Lo que significa que para alcanzar los resultados deseados, se debe seguir puntualmente un simple proceso de dos pasos que son: Paso 1: Pensamiento + Paso 2: Acción dándonos como resultado = el Éxito. No siempre es fácil tomar acciones, pero sin la acción de por medio no hay éxito. Reflexione en esto por un momento. Los grandes logros nunca se miden desde su acción más pequeña que se tuvo que llevar a cabo para su consecución. Sin embargo, cuando se emprende la acción más pequeña y se fomenta su crecimiento mediante el esfuerzo diario se va construyendo lo que culminará con el logro del éxito deseado. Esta obra de pensamientos de Napoleón Hill va acompañada de acciones sugeridas que lo llevarán al éxito. Para ello le sugiero, que intente poniendo en prácticas algunas de ellas, mantenga un registro y observe el crecimiento de su éxito al seguir esas acciones. Sin la etapa de la acción, pierde la llave maestra que le abrirá la puerta a la realización de sus sueños. Primero grafique su curso de acción, luego siga un plan para el viaje, y tercero, aborde el transporte que lo llevará a la consecución de sus logros!. Conforme progrese, podrá entonces evaluar aquellas acciones que mejor se adapten y trabajen en beneficio de usted. Visualice este libro como si fuera el mapa para hallar un tesoro. Y así cuando llegue a su destino de igual manera encontrará como recompensa a sus esfuerzos el tesoro escondido del éxito. Judith Williamson Directora del Centro Mundial de Enseñanza Napoleón Hill Purdue University Calumet
  • In 1952, W. Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill joined forces and philosophies. Stone added his Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) concept to Hill’s principles, resulting in the classic book, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. The two men spent the next 10 years writing and lecturing about the story of success through PMA. Their formula was to become the foundation for virtually all modern motivational writing. Believe and Achieve explains exactly how the personal, intellectual, attitudinal, fraternal, and spiritual principles used by the likes of Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and F. W. Woolworth—as well as modern achievers like Tom Monaghan, Mary Kay Ash, Larry King, and Steve Jobs—12 Believe & Achieve can be applied by you to reach your goals. Believe and Achieve is not the last word on creating success; that story will continue to evolve as long as the human race endures. Instead, the Napoleon Hill Foundation hopes that it will be nothing more than the first words in the next chapter of your life: the first of many chapters in which success is the theme.
  • In 1952, W. Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill joined forces and philosophies. Stone added his Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) concept to Hill’s principles, resulting in the classic book, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. The two men spent the next 10 years writing and lecturing about the story of success through PMA. Their formula was to become the foundation for virtually all modern motivational writing. Believe and Achieve explains exactly how the personal, intellectual, attitudinal, fraternal, and spiritual principles used by the likes of Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and F. W. Woolworth—as well as modern achievers like Tom Monaghan, Mary Kay Ash, Larry King, and Steve Jobs—12 Believe & Achieve can be applied by you to reach your goals. Believe and Achieve is not the last word on creating success; that story will continue to evolve as long as the human race endures. Instead, the Napoleon Hill Foundation hopes that it will be nothing more than the first words in the next chapter of your life: the first of many chapters in which success is the theme.
  • El primer mandamiento para el éxito según W. Clement Stone es – ¡Hacerlo Ya! Al poner en práctica este punto de vista que sugiere el mandamiento, los que lo aplicamos confirmamos que podemos tener más logros, vivimos con menos estrés y remordimientos, nos volvemos más disciplinados, y demostramos mayor persistencia personal. Todas estas cualidades contribuyen a hacer de nuestro único mundo en que habitamos un mejor lugar simplemente ¡haciendo las cosas al momento! Leyendo un capítulo por semana y traduciendo en acción cada mensaje aprendido, en muy poco tiempo su vida dará un giro dentro de su comunidad local, al transformarse en una persona que toma las riendas y emprende acciones hacia adelante. Si lee un poco más, su fama se extenderá a nivel nacional como una persona con la que se puede contar para todo trabajo. Y, finalmente, si opta por realizar un esfuerzo adicional (la milla extra), entonces su fama llegará hasta un plano internacional y se le reconocerá como una persona emprendedora y creativa. Al trabajar mediante un proceso así, pronto se convierte en el guionista de la historia de su propia vida y en el creador de su propio progreso y éxito. ¡Hágalo ya! o de lo contrario se privará de todas las bondades que la vida le ofrece. ¡Sea siempre el mejor! Judith Williamson Directora del Napoleon Hill World Learning Center U.S.A.
  • El primer mandamiento para el éxito según W. Clement Stone es – ¡Hacerlo Ya! Al poner en práctica este punto de vista que sugiere el mandamiento, los que lo aplicamos confirmamos que podemos tener más logros, vivimos con menos estrés y remordimientos, nos volvemos más disciplinados, y demostramos mayor persistencia personal. Todas estas cualidades contribuyen a hacer de nuestro único mundo en que habitamos un mejor lugar simplemente ¡haciendo las cosas al momento! Leyendo un capítulo por semana y traduciendo en acción cada mensaje aprendido, en muy poco tiempo su vida dará un giro dentro de su comunidad local, al transformarse en una persona que toma las riendas y emprende acciones hacia adelante. Si lee un poco más, su fama se extenderá a nivel nacional como una persona con la que se puede contar para todo trabajo. Y, finalmente, si opta por realizar un esfuerzo adicional (la milla extra), entonces su fama llegará hasta un plano internacional y se le reconocerá como una persona emprendedora y creativa. Al trabajar mediante un proceso así, pronto se convierte en el guionista de la historia de su propia vida y en el creador de su propio progreso y éxito. ¡Hágalo ya! o de lo contrario se privará de todas las bondades que la vida le ofrece. ¡Sea siempre el mejor! Judith Williamson Directora del Napoleon Hill World Learning Center U.S.A.
  • A Treasury of Success Unlimited brings together 47 of the best articles from the 20th century's preeminent success magazine! W. Clement Stone, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Og Mandino, Napoleon Hill, Ben Sweetland and many other leaders and achievers share their wisdom and their stories so that you, too, may enjoy success unlimited!
  • A Treasury of Success Unlimited brings together 47 of the best articles from the 20th century's preeminent success magazine! W. Clement Stone, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Og Mandino, Napoleon Hill, Ben Sweetland and many other leaders and achievers share their wisdom and their stories so that you, too, may enjoy success unlimited!
  • Napoleon Hill was and is an American treasure. He was a confidant of presidents and statesmen. The prominent men of several generations freely revealed their secrets of success to him. But he never forgot his humble origins. He considered it his sacred obligation to share with the world the knowledge about personal achievement that he had accumulated during his rich and varied life. I shall be eternally grateful that I was privileged to know well this great man, and I hope that through the pages of this biography, you too can come to know the man who helped millions of ordinary people discover the greatness within themselves. —Michael J. Ritt, Jr.
  • Napoleon Hill was and is an American treasure. He was a confidant of presidents and statesmen. The prominent men of several generations freely revealed their secrets of success to him. But he never forgot his humble origins. He considered it his sacred obligation to share with the world the knowledge about personal achievement that he had accumulated during his rich and varied life. I shall be eternally grateful that I was privileged to know well this great man, and I hope that through the pages of this biography, you too can come to know the man who helped millions of ordinary people discover the greatness within themselves. —Michael J. Ritt, Jr.
  • Napoleon Hill wrote this book in 1938, just after publication of his all-time bestseller, Think and Grow Rich. This powerful tale has never been published, considered too controversial by his family and friends.
  • Your Right to Be Rich gathers transcripts from the most vital and important speeches given by Napoleon Hill. Available in the past only as audio editions and sound-bite snippets, transcripts from these speeches will be presented in print for the first time here.
  • Napoleon Hill’s words have positively influenced millions of people worldwide. His books, lectures, magazine articles, and audio and video programs have shown them the way to personal and professional achievement. So in response to popular demand, and with great pride, the Napoleon Hill Foundation and its Board of Trustees present this edition of Dr. Hill’s classic course, The Law of Success. To preserve the integrity of Napoleon Hill’s ideas, the text of his first published work is largely unmodified. Our changes have been small. Specifically, The Law of Success was originally released in eight volumes; beginning with the third edition, the eight volumes were combined into one facsimile volume. We now present The Law of Success in four volumes, newly typeset for modern digital printing processes.
  • Napoleon Hill’s words have positively influenced millions of people worldwide. His books, lectures, magazine articles, and audio and video programs have shown them the way to personal and professional achievement. So in response to popular demand, and with great pride, the Napoleon Hill Foundation and its Board of Trustees present this edition of Dr. Hill’s classic course, The Law of Success. To preserve the integrity of Napoleon Hill’s ideas, the text of his first published work is largely unmodified. Our changes have been small. Specifically, The Law of Success was originally released in eight volumes; beginning with the third edition, the eight volumes were combined into one facsimile volume. We now present The Law of Success in four volumes, newly typeset for modern digital printing processes.
  • Napoleon Hill’s words have positively influenced millions of people worldwide. His books, lectures, magazine articles, and audio and video programs have shown them the way to personal and professional achievement. So in response to popular demand, and with great pride, the Napoleon Hill Foundation and its Board of Trustees present this edition of Dr. Hill’s classic course, The Law of Success. To preserve the integrity of Napoleon Hill’s ideas, the text of his first published work is largely unmodified. Our changes have been small. Specifically, The Law of Success was originally released in eight volumes; beginning with the third edition, the eight volumes were combined into one facsimile volume. We now present The Law of Success in four volumes, newly typeset for modern digital printing processes.
  • Napoleon Hill’s words have positively influenced millions of people worldwide. His books, lectures, magazine articles, and audio and video programs have shown them the way to personal and professional achievement. So in response to popular demand, and with great pride, the Napoleon Hill Foundation and its Board of Trustees present this edition of Dr. Hill’s classic course, The Law of Success. To preserve the integrity of Napoleon Hill’s ideas, the text of his first published work is largely unmodified. Our changes have been small. Specifically, The Law of Success was originally released in eight volumes; beginning with the third edition, the eight volumes were combined into one facsimile volume. We now present The Law of Success in four volumes, newly typeset for modern digital printing processes.
  • Think and Grow Rich is Napoleon Hill's most popular book, summarizing his Philosophy of Success and explaining it for the general public. The only version of the book we at the Napoleon Hill Foundation currently recommend is Think and Grow Rich: The Original 1937 Unedited Edition. This edition is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill’s personal copy of the first edition, printed in March of 1937.


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