
  • Napoleon Hill's 17 Essential Principles of Personal Achievement have served as an encouraging and illuminating guide for those seeking to improve all areas of their lives for more than half a century. Lessons on Success is the book that keys readers into Hill's distinct thought process—this is THE complete and unabridged mind-power method for achieving your goals.  
  • Following the success of his 1937 landmark bestseller, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote Outwitting the Devil, an exposé on the methods the Devil uses to ensnare and control the minds of human beings. Exploring the innermost depths of the psychology of motivation to understand why so many individuals, including himself, cannot find the initiative and courage they need to consistently implement the philosophy of individual achievement, Hill went so far as to interview the Devil himself. The resulting confession from the Devil made this book so controversial as to remain unpublished for over 70 years. Now it is your turn to break the Devil’s code and free yourself from the hidden methods of control that lead to ruin.  
  • Fear is one of the greatest obstacles to your success, happiness, and fulfillment, and it is one of the most difficult to combat. It roots itself deep in the subconscious and darkens your dominating thoughts, coloring your perceptions and, in turn, your actions. But fear does not have to write your story. It is simply an emotion - one that can be mastered and channeled to work for, rather than against, you.  
  • This workbook is designed as a companion to the best selling personal development book of all time - Napoleon Hill's 1937 classic, Think and Grow Rich. This workbook will stimulate your mind and your dreams and your desire to achieve, to go beyond where you are now in financial resources, meaningful relationships, and career aspirations. Based on thirteen proven and practical principles, or steps, you will have the tools and encouragement to advance in life - the sky is the limit. And it all begins with how you think.
  • Now you can quickly and effectively study and put into practice the greatest personal development program of all time. In only ten minutes a day, you can begin to implement the success principles that have made more millionaires and top influencers than any other achievement philosophy.
  • The Nightingale-Conant Corporation, in association with The Napoleon Hill Foundation, is pleased to present The Ultimate Napoleon Hill Library - featuring world-renowned author, speaker, and philosopher - Mr. Napoleon Hill. In this priceless audio collection, you'll listen to classic Napoleon Hill audio segments from a variety of sources - from three of Nightingale-Conant's best-selling audio programs, Think and Grow Rich, The Science of Personal Achievement, and The Master Key to Riches; to original WGN radio broadcasts, public seminars, and one-of-a-kind private lectures.  
  • The Master Mind, Hill taught, is the pooling of intellectual, intuitive, and creative mental resources, which occurs when two or more people enter a supportive pact to assist one another's aims. A Master Mind group multiplies the mental powers of all its participants. This is the "secret ingredient," Hill insisted, that delivers lasting success.
  • Napoleon Hill’s Original Master Class on Individual Achievement Before the landmark book Think and Grow Rich came The Law of Success, an eight-volume series in which Hill presents the complete Science of Success philosophy. Originally published in 1928, this success system contains sixteen lessons on personal achievement, gleaned from interviews with and research on over 500 top performers from various industries and walks of life. Now condensed for your convenience into one compact volume curated by the Trustees of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, The Law of Success details the exact steps by which any individual can harness the power of thought to turn their dreams into reality. This is much more than a guide or roadmap; it is a total lifestyle makeover, with concrete resources for everyday application. If you are serious about becoming the best version of yourself in your field, your relationships, your health, and your finances, then you are ready for the original master class on success.
  • Discover the success secrets of individuals who have transformed their lives by internalizing and applying Napoleon Hill’s achievement philosophy. Have you ever read a book by an author and it immediately changed you—your outlook on life, your relationships, your personal initiative, and your ability to withstand adversity? That is the common experience of those who have read the books of Napoleon Hill, especially his seminal Think and Grow Rich,,
  • Your formula to build a strong sense of self-worth so that you can better recognize opportunity, take action on your dreams, and enhance your resilience. A lack of self-confidence is one of the greatest maladies of today’s world, one that is responsible for the rampant helplessness, lack of self-control, aimlessness, procrastination, and despair that characterize modern society...
  • This is the financial primer you need to take control of your money and make it serve your definite major purpose in life. When you learn to live by the principles in this book, you can join the ranks of individuals who build a lasting legacy of wealth and generosity.
  • Hill's message was that success cannot be achieved without failure. Strength and innovation in the face of adversity is the only true success—exactly the kind of message that many readers will want to hear after a global pandemic has caused upset and conflict around the world today. Hill gives his advice for conditioning the mind for success, identifying the three great markers of failure, and more, in this valuable and inspiring guide.
  • Napoleon Hill on two occasions wrote extensive memoirs about his life. The Trustees of the Napoleon Hill Foundation chose to title the combined memoirs Master Mind, in recognition of the importance this principle played in his philosophy and life...
  • Entrepreneur Ramy El-Batrawi answers the question Can You Think and Get Rich? with a resounding Yes! Throughout a journey of 48 years during which he lost and regained his fortune more than once, the author applied the principles of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich to achieve the extraordinary success that creates an extraordinary life.

    Ramy left home at 12 and never looked back, continuing on a path that led to business deals with the most influential millionaires and billionaires in the world, as well as battles with prosecutors and unethical investors. This book reveals how Ramy embedded the secrets of Think and Grow Rich into his every waking hour, and refined his approach using keys that you too can employ on your own journey to success... Read the full description below.      
  • We are elated to offer the Productivity Planner Set just to kick-off 2022. This set includes:
    • Think and Grow Rich Performance Planner ($49.95 value)
    • Think and Grow in Ten Minutes a Day ($11.99 value)
    THINK AND GROW RICH PERFORMANCE PLANNER DESCRIPTION: This brand new planner from the Foundation is a revolutionary system for actualizing your potential and building your legacy. Its journaling prompts will help you identify and refine your definite major purpose so that your goals are supported by an unshakable foundation. This planner will help you harness the power of your mind and organize knowledge into concrete action steps so that you can live and work with intentionality. POWERFUL INSPIRATION FROM THE AUTHOR OF THINK AND GROW RICH: Based on the principles of Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success philosophy, this planner helps you establish, track, and review your short-and long-term goals so that you can confidently and systematically attain your object of desire. Weekly and monthly agenda pages feature motivational quotes from Hill’s various works to empower you to take action on your dreams. Informed by the law of attraction, this planner will help you cultivate self-discipline, controlled attention, and a positive mental attitude so that you can convert positive habits into a rhythm of success and attract greater opportunities into your life. UNDATED PLANNING PAGES: With undated weekly and monthly planning pages, this journal and activity record will help you align your actions with your definite major purpose, prioritize your tasks, boost your productivity, and assess your progress so that you can create lasting success. A year-in-review section provides a clear path for evaluating your goals and revising your plans so that you can gain momentum as you enter the next phase of your success journey. HIGH-QUALITY 2-IN-1 JOURNAL/PLANNER COMBO: Encased in a soft leatherette cover with ribbon marker, this dual journal-planner combines the power of to-do lists, habit tracking, and mindfulness exercises. Journaling is a proven system for achieving your big goals, and the generous lined space provided in the planner will help you organize your thoughts and actions so that you can strengthen your success mindset, become clearer about your priorities, and actualize the vision you have for your life
    Now you can quickly and effectively study and put into practice the greatest personal development program of all time. In only ten minutes a day, you can begin to implement the success principles that have made more millionaires and top influencers than any other achievement philosophy. Fame? Fortune? Impactful service? More meaningful relationships? You can have anything that you want in life when you discover the secret contained in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. Originally published in 1937, Think and Grow Rich helped end the Great Depression with its 13 steps to amass riches. It holds the keys to financial independence, harmonious relationships, power, happiness, fulfillment, and peace of mind. All forms of wealth can be yours if you are willing to pay the price…and that is, to THINK—to enlarge your mind, take control of your thoughts, and leverage the power of the vast mental resources available to you in order to translate your greatest desires into their material equivalent. As Hill said, “There is no point in having such a great potential for achievement unless you do something to convert it into an actuality.” Think and Grow Rich in Ten Minutes a Day extracts the key principles, instructions, and stories from Hill’s original, unedited masterpiece and provides updated, relevant examples—in modernized, easily accessible language—so that all readers, regardless of how busy they are, can benefit from the timeless wisdom found in Hill’s book. Action items added to the original text will help readers expertly apply each chapter’s lessons. Your master key to success is already in your hands! Let this book show you how to use it efficiently and effectively to unlock the storehouses of riches that are within your reach. Harness the power of thought to distinguish yourself like you never imagined possible…for “anything the mind can believe, it can achieve!”
    (Free shipping in the continental U.S. For orders in Canada, please contact us before placing an order for additional shipping charges.)
  • In 1964, Napoleon Hill presented a series of lectures that have never been published—until now. “The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between a penny and a million dollars. It does not know the difference between success and failure, and it’ll work just as hard to make a failure out of you as it will to make a success out of you if you don’t condition your mind to keep the subconscious mind working with and for the things you want and away from the things you don’t want. “The majority of people spend their lives worrying and fearing and fretting over the things they don’t want, and that’s exactly what they’re getting out of life. I try to make allowances for the weaknesses and for the mistakes of other people that affect my interest. I don’t always do a good job of it but I try. I try to keep my mental attitude positive at all times toward all people about all subjects. I want to tell you that this effort on my part has gone a long way toward placing me in a position where I can say, as I said to you this morning, that I have acquired in this life everything that I need, everything that I want, everything that I desire. I have no fears, no frustrations, no disappointments. I have good, sound health. I have a happy home.” —An excerpt from one of Napoleon Hill’s last public lectures—available for the first time from the Napoleon Hill Foundation.
  • Napoleon Hill spent twenty years of his life interviewing the most successful men in America in order to write the first book on the science of personal achievement. In the course of his studies, he developed seventeen success principles. These teachings explain each of them, In order, they are Definiteness of Purpose, the Master Mind Alliance, Going the Extra Mile, Applied Faith, Self-Discipline and Cosmic Habit Force.  Hill often referred to these as the most important of the success principles. We hope you will enjoy and benefit from this newly discovered treasure trove of “Napoleon Hill’s Positive Influence”. Available in paperback and on Kindle.
  • In this breakthrough new book, the world's foremost expert on Napoleon Hill, Don M. Green, distills the essence of Hill's world-famous success principles: NAPOLEON HILL'S SECRET. In a word, that secret is "Action." According to Don Green, who is also the Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, if you can master this concept, you truly can achieve the success in your life that you envision. NAPOLEON HILL'S SECRET will teach you how.
  • This book provides a synopsis of the original 1937 text of Hill’s masterpiece, Think and Grow Rich. It extracts the key principles, instructions, and examples so that the modern professional, regardless of how busy he or she is, can benefit from the timeless wisdom found in Hill’s book.
  • El más famoso de todos los maestros del éxito gastó “una fortuna y la mayor parte de una vida de esfuerzo” para producir la filosofía de la “Ley del Éxito” que forma la base de sus libros y que se resume y explica tan poderosamente para el público en general en este libro.
  • The vast majority of people avoid answering this daunting question. As a result, they spend their days aimlessly drifting or scrambling from one task to the next, never deciding upon a larger goal or plan for their future. However, studying the lives of the world’s highest-achieving individuals quickly reveals an essential truth that success—along with meaning and fulfillment—are found in the pursuit of a Definite Major Purpose, a goal so compelling that it inspires you to take action every day toward its attainment.
  • Unlock the path to personal achievement and extraordinary success! From the author of the timeless classic Think and Grow Rich comes this transformative guide that unveils four key principles of success, with practical steps on how to achieve your dreams. Benefit from the enduring insights of one of the most influential self-help authors, Napoleon Hill. His philosophies have empowered countless individuals to take control of their lives and turn dreams into reality...
  • Motivation is more than a feeling—it’s a state of mind! In this book, you will learn the secrets to creating a motivated mindset from Napoleon Hill, author of the international bestselling books Think and Grow Rich and Outwitting the Devil. Like any state of mind, motivation must be cultivated through the repeated expression of thought habits. Discover how you can take control of your mind power and direct it to attain the things you desire in life—all through the application of simple principles and daily practices that condition your mind for success...
  • Now available in French:

    L'entrepreneur Ramy El-Batrawi répond à la question posée par Pouvez-vous Réflechir et Devenir Riche? Avec un Oui retentissant! Au cours de sa vie parcourue des 48 dernières années pendant lesquelles il a perdu et regagné sa fortune plus d'une fois, l'auteur a appliqué les principes de Napoleon Hill "Réflechissez et Devenez Riche" pour parvenir à un retentissant en se créant ainsi une vie extraordinaire. Ramy a quitté la maison à l'âge de 12 ans et il n'a jamais voulu faire marche arrière, poursuivant sur un chemin qui lui a mené à faire des accords commerciaux avec les millionnaires et milliardaires les plus influents du monde mais aussi des batailles judiciaires avec des procureurs ainsi que des investisseurs qui manquaient d'éthique. Ce livre ne parle pas seulement du triomphe ultime d'un homme, mais plutôt d'une démonstration que vous aussi pouvez réussir en suivant les mêmes principes et clés que Ramy suit chaque jour. Lisez "Pouvez-vous vraiment Réflechir et Devenir Riche? Les clés pour s'ouvrir à une vie extraordinaire"si vous voulez changer votre propre vie- dès aujourd'hui.      


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