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“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

Dear Readers,

The Napoleon Hill Foundation Board of Trustees and employees are proud of the accomplishments the Foundation has made since 1962, the year the Foundation was formed. The same motto that was adopted in 1962 still guides our work today, “Making the world a better place in which to live.”

One of the goals of the Napoleon Hill Foundation was to make Napoleon Hill’s teachings on success available all over the world. Napoleon Hill’s books are popular in many countries such as Russia, Japan, Korea, Brazil, France, Germany, and many others. With the help of over 300 publishers all over the world, Dr. Hill’s books sell better today than when he was alive.

Years ago, the Foundation taught the success principles in a correspondence class by mail. Napoleon himself sold these classes and included recorded lectures in his voice to help students learn. Currently, our course is taught online and in seminars. Even though the class is online, we still have personal contact with students who are now instructors that have nearly twenty years of teaching experience.

The success course leads to being certified as an instructor, and many certified instructors have licensed the course in countries all over the world. You can learn more about this wonderful opportunity by visiting our website,

The current online class that began on January 8th will conclude by allowing the students to visit the Napoleon Hill Foundation offices in Wise, Virginia. While in Wise, students will be able to see original manuscripts such as Law of Success and Outwitting the Devil. Students can also view Napoleon Hill’s personal copies of books, his eye glasses, letters and notes from his life, and various landmarks associated with his life.

I assure you, if you decide to become a certified instructor, you will not regret it. You will not only have a better understanding of the success principles, but also will be certified by the Foundation to teach others.


I wish you the best,
Don Green
Executive Director Napoleon Hill Foundation

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The Law of Success


by Napoleon Hill

No man’s education is ever finished.

The man whose Definite Major Purpose is of noteworthy proportions must remain always a student, and he must learn from every possible source, especially those sources from which he may acquire specialized knowledge and experience related to his major purpose.

The public libraries are free. They offer a great array of organized knowledge on every subject. They carry, in every language, the total of man’s knowledge on every subject. The successful man with a Definite Major Purpose makes it his business and his responsibility to read books relating to that purpose, and thus acquire important knowledge which comes from the experiences of other men who have gone before him. It has been said that a man cannot consider himself even a kindergarten student of any subject until he has availed himself, as far as reasonably possible, of all the knowledge on that subject which has been preserved for him through the experience of others.

A man’s reading program should be as carefully planned as his daily diet, for that too is food, without which he cannot grow mentally.

The man who spends all of his spare time reading the funny papers and the sex magazines is not headed toward any great achievement.

The same may be said of the man who does not include in his daily program some form of reading that provides him with the knowledge which he may use in the attainment of his major purpose. Random reading may be pleasant, but it seldom is helpful in connection with one’s occupation.

Reading, however, is not the only source of education. By a careful choice among his daily associates in his occupation, one may ally himself with men from whom he can acquire a liberal education through ordinary conversation.

Business and professional clubs offer an opportunity for one to form alliances of great educational benefit provided the man chooses his clubs and his close associates in those clubs with a definite objective in mind. Through this sort of association, many men have formed both business and social acquaintances of great value to them in carrying out the object of their major purpose.

No man can go through life successfully without the habit of cultivating friends. The word ‘contact,’ as it is commonly used in relationship to personal acquaintanceship, is an important word. If a man makes it a part of his daily practice to extend his list of personal ‘contacts’ he will find the habit of great benefit to him in ways that cannot be foretold while he is cultivating those acquaintances, but the time will come when they will be ready and willing to render aid to him if he has done a good job of selling himself.

As I have stated, a man with a Definite Major Purpose should form the habit of establishing ‘contacts’ through every source possible, using care of course to choose those sources through which he is most likely to meet people who may be helpful to him.

Source: The Master Key to Riches Chapter 7, Pages 86 – 88

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Contentment, Comparison, and Complacency

by Jim Stovall

Much of what we seek as we strive for this thinG we call success is actually contentment. Contentment is an elusive and complex state. To be content, we must accept things as they are but not necessarily accept the current condition as a permanent situation. Contentment comes only when we judge ourselves in light of who we know we should be and can be.

There is never any comparison involved in contentment. Contentment cannot be achieved if we compare ourselves to what other people do or what they may have. I find many unhappy people around the world failing in an attempt to reach someone else’s goal. Only you can determine who you are and where you want to be.

While there is no comparison in contentment, there is also no complacency. Being content with where we are does not mean we are satisfied to stay in our current position. If you are taking a road trip from your home to a destination 200 miles away, as you reach the halfway point, you will have traveled 100 miles. You may be very content with your progress thus far as long as you don’t compare it to your destination or become complacent and accept your journey half traveled.

Your academic performance as a fifth grader may have been judged exceptional, and therefore, your teacher gave you an A on your report card. If you compare yourself to students who didn’t perform as well, you might become complacent and stop studying hard and doing the things it took to achieve an A on your report card. If you’re performing as an A-level fifth grader when you arrive in the 10th grade, you will likely receive an F on your report card and fail the course.

We must find a balance between determining who we are and where we are without comparing ourselves with others or becoming complacent and accepting our current status.

Learning is a lifelong process, which is why I believe the graduation ceremony is called a commencement. A commencement means the beginning of a process, not the end.

If you had studied computer science and had become a leading authority in the world ten years ago or even five years ago, you could have achieved many things; but if you compared yourself to less-accomplished people at that time and became complacent, your five-year-old computer skills would be totally obsolete today.

The great mountaineer, Sir Edmund Hillary, had many failed attempts to reach the summit of Mount Everest. He felt each of these expeditions had achieved a certain level of success that he knew would eventually culminate in his reaching the top of the world. He became famous for giving speeches to raise money between his various attempts to climb the mountain. On each occasion, he would stand in front of a giant mural of Mount Everest, and as he closed his remarks, he would turn and speak directly to the mountain, proclaiming, “I will eventually succeed because you can’t get any bigger, and I can.

As you go through your day today, be content with where you are without comparing yourself to others or becoming complacent about the future.

Today’s the day!
Jim Stovall

Source: Wisdom for Winners, Volume III

Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network as well as a published author of many books including The Ultimate Gift. He is also a columnist and motivational speaker. He may be reached at 5840 South Memorial Drive, Suite 312, Tulsa, OK 74145-9082; by email at; on Twitter at; or on Facebook at

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These Legacy Collection Gold Edition Medallions commemorate Mr. Hill’s work and inspire a whole new generation to adopt Hill’s tried and true philosophy of success. Each keepsake Medallion, offered exclusively by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, is crafted by artisans to inspire, encourage, and motivate. Individually each Medallion carries its own profound message. As a Set of Ten, the Medallions come together to display the overarching secret to success. Get your set here.

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Wisdom for Winners


Foundations for Success

The Little Book of Leadership


Think and Grow Rich – Over 80 Million Copies Sold

by Napoleon Hill

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The most famous of all teachers of success spent a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort to produce the Law of Success philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized and explained for the general public in this book.

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