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The Napoleon Hill Foundation proudly introduces the Napoleon Hill Medallion Collection

These Legacy Collection Gold Edition Medallions commemorate Mr. Hill’s work and inspire a whole new generation to adopt Hill’s tried and true philosophy of success. Each keepsake Medallion, offered exclusively by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, is crafted by artisans to inspire, encourage, and motivate. Individually each Medallion carries its own profound message. As a Set of Ten, the Medallions come together to display the overarching secret to success.
Get your set here.



“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

Dear Readers,

The offices of the Napoleon Hill Foundation are located on the beautiful campus of the University of Virginia’s College at Wise. If you ever get the chance to visit our office, you will see the brand new sign that welcomes visitors. It was just placed in the ground this week by the UVA-Wise staff.

Additionally, you will also get the chance to see the bronze plaque honoring Napoleon Hill. This plaque was previously located at the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center and is a great memorial to Napoleon Hill’s accomplishments. When you step inside our offices, you will be able to view original manuscripts such as Outwitting the Devil and Law of Success. For many of you who might not know, the original manuscript for Outwitting the Devil was unpublished for many years because of its controversial nature. However, a few years ago we finally published this great book and it has been a best seller ever since. We also have many artifacts associated with Napoleon Hill’s life such as pens, honorary degrees, books, typewriters, and even his marriage license.

The Napoleon Hill Foundation not only continues to publish Dr. Hill’s message, but also preserves mementos from his long career in the personal development field.

If you have completed one of Napoleon Hill’s courses that we provide, you qualify to attend our next Leader Certification coming up in May, 2018. I hope you can join us to see the original manuscripts and experience the mountains of Virginia, the birth place of Napoleon Hill.


I wish you the best,
Don Green
Executive Director Napoleon Hill Foundation

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The Law of Success


The Voluntary Establishment of a Habit
by Napoleon Hill

There are only three principles underlying the voluntary establishment of a habit. They are very important, so remember them well:

a. Plasticity, which is simply the property or capability of changing or being changed. It also implies that once a change has been made, the new form established remains until a subsequent change modifies it. In other words, plasticity is the sort of flexibility found in a piece of modeling clay used by children in school. It may be molded into any desired shape and it will remain in that shape until it is molded into a different shape. Man, of all living creatures, is the only one who possesses this characteristic of being plastic, of being capable of change, and his plasticity lies, of course, in his mental faculties. Man may be changed by external influences or his environment; or he may voluntarily change himself, by exercise of his will power. This prerogative obviously is a basic necessity for the formation of voluntary habits.

b. Frequency of Impression. As we have seen, repetition is the mother of memory. It is also the mother of habits. One of the factors affecting the speed with which a habit can be established is how often the action or thought involved is repeated. This, of course, varies with the individual, the circumstances, and the element of time. A thought can be repeated only so many times a day, for instance, and if a man is at work, circumstances may prevent his thinking of the particular habit he wishes to establish. There is also the matter of personal initiative. A man may be lazy and indifferent, or he may be ambitious and energetic. This will affect the number of times he will repeat the action or thought. This, in turn, affects the length of time it will take him to establish the habit.

c. Intensity of Impression. Here is another variable in the process of establishing a habit pattern. All through these principles you have been told of the importance of a strong, compelling motive, and a burning desire, as essentials. Here is the reason. If an idea is impressed upon the mind, backed with all the emotion you are capable of, it will become an obsessional desire. Thus it will have a greater impact than if you simply express an idle wish, even though the words you employ are identical. The degree of intensity of impression is, therefore, another factor which affects the speed with which a habit may be developed and set.

Source: PMA Science of Success Course. Pgs. 505 & 506.

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Lessons from A Funeral
by Jim Stovall

Sometimes, in the midst of Grief and despair, we can learn lessons that help us to emerge as better people. Recently, I had the difficult task of speaking at a funeral for someone I really cared about. This experience caused a flood of emotions. Inevitably, on such occasions, you reflect upon the brevity of life and the misguided priorities that we all pursue on a daily basis.

After the funeral, I had the opportunity to meet and greet a number of people. I was struck by the number of individuals who told me, “I really hadn’t talked to her or seen her in over a year.” And similar comments.

These are people who had not been in contact with the deceased recently but would take half a day out of their busy schedule to come to a funeral. While I am not critical of the fact that these individuals would pay their respects by coming to the funeral, I do believe that there is a lesson here for all of us.

Like any other positive thing in our life, staying in touch with those
we care about should become a habit.

Think of all the people that you may not have talked to or seen in months or even years. Ask yourself: If these people suddenly passed away, would I take several hours out of my schedule to attend their funeral? If your answer is Yes, why don’t you take five minutes out of your schedule today to write them a quick note, send them a brief e-mail, or call them on the phone?

Like any other positive thing in our life, staying in touch with those we care about should become a habit. As human beings, we would like to tell ourselves that we do the right thing for the right reason, but rarely.

Today’s the day!

Jim Stovall

Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network as well as a published author of many books including The Ultimate Gift. He is also a columnist and motivational speaker. He may be reached at 5840 South Memorial Drive, Suite 312, Tulsa, OK 74145-9082; by email at; on Twitter at; or on Facebook at

Source: Wisdom for Winners, A Millionaire’s Mindset by Jim Stovall

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Wisdom for Winners


Foundations for Success

The Little Book of Leadership



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Believe in yourself…Have faith. We often hear these expressions. But faith is not enough. We need Applied Faith. In three hard-hitting chapters, motivational master Napoleon Hill teaches you how to transform belief to action, and faith into real-life plans.

Application. Enthusiasm. Action. These are the three keys required to do more than just “believe in yourself”–but to actually BE the person you want to be.

Wishes Won’t Bring Riches provides you with the missing link necessary to go from visualizing your dreams to living them.

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How to Own Your Own Mind

by Napoleon Hill

Locked in a vault since 1941, here is Napoleon Hill’s definitive lesson on how to organize your thinking to attain success!

In How to Own Your Mind, you receive a one-of-a-kind master class in how to think for success from motivational pioneer and author of Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill. In three compelling chapters, Hill demonstrates how to organize, prioritize, and act on information so that it translates into opportunity.

Knowledge is not power. Only applied knowledge is power. This book teaches you how to use what you know, and how to know what’s worth knowing.

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The Path to Personal Power

by Napoleon Hill

This true lost manuscript from the “grandfather of self-help,” Napoleon Hill provides timeless wisdom on how to attain a more successful and wealthy life using simple principles.

Napoleon Hill first wrote The Path to Personal Power in 1941, intending it as a handbook for people lifting themselves out of the Great Depression. But upon the bombing of Pearl Harbor and America’s entrance into World War II, these lessons were put aside and largely forgotten–until today.

Discovered in the archives of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, this never-before-published work is made up of three easily digested lessons, each its own chapter: Definiteness of Purpose; the Master Mind; and Going the Extra Mile.

This concise book is a powerful road map that leads to a single discovery–you already have the power to attain whatever wealth, success, and prosperity you desire in life. All you need to do is walk the path without straying, and the rest will follow.

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