Search results for: Don Green

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Napoleon Hill’s Success

2022-06-25T11:47:26-04:00June 25th, 2022|, , , |

In this breakthrough new book, the world’s foremost expert on Napoleon Hill, Don M. Green, distills the essence of Hill’s world-famous success principles: NAPOLEON HILL’S SECRET. In a word, that secret is “Action.” According to Don Green, who is also the Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, if you […]

Ezine 778 | December 10, 2021

2021-12-12T11:06:57-05:00December 10th, 2021|Ezine, Uncategorized|

One day while I was in class, someone from the principal’s office called the room over the public address system and said, “If Don Green is in class, tell him his mother called and said that his black bear had got out of his cage and his mother said for him to come home...

Ezine 530 | 17 March 2017

2017-03-17T11:05:41-04:00March 17th, 2017|Ezine|

I would like to introduce you to Don Green, the Executive Director for the Napoleon Hill Foundation. You probably already know him, but just in case you don't I will give you a little background. Don and I have worked together for the past 17 years in all things regarding Napoleon Hill, and I have come to know a great deal about him. For example, he once carved his wife's name - Phyl (short for Phyllis) on a silver dollar and still has it as a keepsake. Who could give that up? Worth far beyond its face value in precious memories. Also, as I do, Don loves animals and has raised a bear, a monkey, and even some snakes (he can keep the snakes!) but I always wanted a pet monkey and bears seem so worthy of friendship because everyone can relate to Smokey the Bear!

Napoleon Hill’s Greatest Speeches

2017-01-23T12:56:57-05:00June 21st, 2016|, |

We are pleased to present this never before published collection from the one and only Napoleon Hill.

Along with other never before published material, this volume includes the speech that inspired the worldwide bestseller Think and Grow Rich.

With a foreword by Napoleon’s grandson Dr. J.B. Hill and introductory comments by Don […]

El Sendero A Las Riquezas en Piense y Hágase Rico (Ebook)

2017-01-23T12:57:14-05:00September 12th, 2015|, |

Napoleón Hill nos recuerda a menudo que cuando el alumno tiene disposición aparece el maestro. Este libro le ofrece a usted, el estudiante, un gran conglomerado de profesores, que fungirán como guías en su travesía, quizás profesores con almas gemelas, con plena convicción y seguridad de haber descubierto y aplicado […]

El Sendero A Las Riquezas en Piense y Hágase Rico

2017-01-23T12:57:14-05:00September 12th, 2015|, |

Napoleón Hill nos recuerda a menudo que cuando el alumno tiene disposición aparece el maestro. Este libro le ofrece a usted, el estudiante, un gran conglomerado de profesores, que fungirán como guías en su travesía, quizás profesores con almas gemelas, con plena convicción y seguridad de haber descubierto y aplicado […]


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