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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

Dear Readers,

It is easy to understand that a positive mental attitude is an extremely important principle on the journey to success. All riches, no matter what they are, begin as a state of mind. Napoleon Hill often wrote that each of us was provided with complete control over nothing except the power to shape our mind and thoughts.

The mental attitude one has is often compared to a magnet. This magnet attracts the physical counterparts of our dominating thoughts, whether good or bad. So, if we think positive thoughts, we attract positive things to our life. Likewise, if our thoughts are negative, we will attract negative things to our life. Today, this idea is more commonly referred to as the Law of Attraction.

A positive mental attitude also contributes to harmony in the home where all family members can live and work together in a friendly atmosphere. Some of the benefits of a positive mental attitude include:

  • Sound health
  • Financial independence
  • Success consciousness

Additionally, in order to develop a positive mental attitude, you must first decide what you want from life. Then, you can make plans to obtain that goal and put willpower and persistence behind it. Along the way, if you stay positive and optimistic, you will reach a level of success that others only dream about.


I wish you the best,
Don Green
Executive Director Napoleon Hill Foundation

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Napoleon Hill Foundation Leader Certification participants. May 24, 2018.

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The Law of Success


A Positive Mental Attitude
by Napoleon Hill

Important notice: This principle presents the means by which the entire Science of Success philosophy can best be assimilated and put to practical use. You cannot get the most out of the other sixteen principles without understanding and applying this one. You should study it thoroughly to understand its meaning.

At birth each of us figuratively brings with him two sealed envelopes: one is labeled Rewards, and the other Penalties. In the first envelope is a list of the benefits we may enjoy by taking possession of our own mind and using it for the attainment of the things we desire in life. In the second is a list of the consequences nature will exact from us if we neglect to control our mind and direct it toward desirable, worthwhile objectives.

The foregoing paragraph is so rich in significance that it will pay you to read it, analyze it and meditate on it before you go ahead with the remainder of the lesson. Read it at least three times.

In this lesson we shall break the seals of these two envelopes and present you with their contents. But more important than this, you will discover for yourself that these sealed envelopes are real. They can be the means of putting you on the success beam, enabling you to ride to victory and destination of your own choosing.

You will not understand the full meaning of this lesson unless you are ready to receive it. And you will not be ready to receive it until you have mastered the six preceding lessons.

There are two things which nature discourages and severely penalizes: (a) a vacuum (emptiness) and (b) idleness (lack of action). Remove any muscle of the body from active use, and it will atrophy (waste away) and become useless. Tie an arm to your side and remove it from action and in time it, too, will wither and become useless. The same law which governs other portions of the body governs the brain, where the vibrations of thought are organized and released.

A positive mind finds a way it can be done,
a negative mind looks for all the ways it can’t be done.

You either use your brain for controlled thinking in connection with things you want or nature steps in and uses it to grow a crop of negative circumstances you do not want. You have a choice in this situation: You can take possession of your thought power, or you can let it be influenced by the stray winds of chance and circumstances you do not desire. But you cannot sit idly by and thus free yourself from the influence of these two sealed envelopes.

Nature allows you to fix your mind on whatever you desire. Nature also allows you to create your own plan for attaining your desire. She crowns all your efforts with those benefits which come in the sealed envelope labeled Rewards. But she discourages idleness and penalizes it wherever it exists.

Out of the truth has grown the saying: Success attracts more success while failure attracts more failure – a truth which you may have observed many times although you may not have analyzed why it happens this way.

If you put your mind to work with a positive mental attitude and believe in success as your right, your belief will guide you unerringly toward whatever your definition of success may be. If you adopt a negative mental attitude and fill your mind with thoughts of fear and frustration, your mind will attract to you the penalties of these undesirable thoughts.

Or you may make no attempt to control and direct your mind, opening it wide to every influence with which you come in contact, and it will yield you the things listed in the second sealed envelope, which are the Penalties you must pay for your neglect to possess and direct your mind.

Source: PMA Science of Success by Napoleon Hill, pages 221 and 222. This from Napoleon Hill’s “Masterclass” on the science of success.

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by Jim Stovall

I have a friend who, for years, has ended all of his conversations and correspondence with the phrase, “The best is yet to come.” This is more than a pleasant platitude. It leaves you with the positive expectation that it’s going to be a good day.

As our population ages, our society is looking at the prospect of caring for older bodies and minds. The critical element of the quality of one’s life is not how old is your mind and body, but how old or renewed is one’s spirit. We all know people who are elderly in their spirit in their 20s or 30s. On the other hand, like me, you have probably met people in their 80s or 90s who are still young at heart and full of life. I believe the difference lies in my friend’s motto, “The best is yet to come.”

We become old in our attitudes when we begin to believe that our best days or the best things in life are behind us. We begin to cling to memories instead of the expectation of tomorrow. On the other hand, no matter what age we may be, if we assume “The best is yet to come,” it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and will ensure us a great day ahead.

We have spoken before in these little visits I call Winners’ Wisdom about the three elements necessary for happiness: Something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to. If we can live with the expectation that “The best is yet to come,” we will always have something to look forward to, and we will find it much easier to identify something to do and someone to love.

We all have tough times and bad days. The difference lies in how we look at these experiences. Some people view difficulties as the normal course of their existence. Others look at troubles as a brief parenthesis in life that will be followed by exciting things and better days.

Remember, we don’t always get what we want, need, or earn. We do, eventually, get what we expect. Go through today with the highest of expectations, and you will, like my friend, discover that “The best is yet to come.”

Today’s the day!!

Jim Stovall

Source: Wisdom for Winners, A Millionare's Mindset.

Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network as well as a published author of many books including The Ultimate Gift. He is also a columnist and motivational speaker. He may be reached at 5840 South Memorial Drive, Suite 312, Tulsa, OK 74145-9082; by email at; on Twitter at; or on Facebook at

Source: Wisdom for Winners, A Millionaire's Mindset by Jim Stovall

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The PMA Bookshelf

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Think and Grow Rich


Master-Key to Riches


Truthful Living

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Twenty years before the publication of his magnum opus Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill was an instructor, philosopher, and writer at the George Washington Institute in Chicago, where he taught courses in advertising and sales. These rare, never-before-seen lectures were thought to be lost to history. Until now.

Given exclusive access to the archives of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, Jeffrey Gitomer has unearthed Hill’s original course notes containing the fundamental beliefs in hard work and personal development that established Hill as a global leader of success and positive attitude.

In Truthful Living, Gitomer has captured Hill’s foundational wisdom for the twenty-first century. These easy-to-implement real-world strategies for life, family, business, and the bottom line prove as energizing and inspiring today as they were nearly one hundred years ago.

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Think and Grow Rich

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