Napoleon Hill Yesterday and Today!


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Subscribe to Napoleon Hill Yesterday and Today and receive a FREE copy of J. Martin Kohe’s correspondence course, “Secret of Doing Favors for People.”


We’re excited to announce the launch of the online course, Unlocking Think and Grow Rich. Based on years of research into Napoleon Hill’s published and unpublished work, this program is unlike anything you’ve read or learned before.

Some of the ground-breaking concepts you will learn about include:
• The Mind Filter
• Positive Mental Attitude
• Physical & Social Heredity
• Man-made laws and Mind-Made laws
• Going the Extra Mile

Now, for a limited time, save $100 at purchase with code TGR100

Think and Grow Rich Institute

Positive Mental Attitude:
A System of Success

Next class begins
September 9, 2020!
Sign up today!

Dear Student of Napoleon Hill,

This online distance learning course presents and examines the principles of success researched and developed by Dr. Napoleon Hill and others. It provides a framework for students to better understand life’s opportunities and the need for definiteness of purpose.

The class is based on and structured around Hill’s 17 Principles of Success. Each lesson focuses on one principle and contains online reading assignments, points to ponder, chapter quizzes, Napoleon Hill vintage audio and just released video, articles from the Think and Grow Rich and PMA Adviser newsletters, class discussion questions, journal writing assignments and, other activities that help reinforce the principle being studied. Each student in the class has a personalized relationship with a fully accredited and approved instructor for Napoleon Hill Distance Learning Courses. The class concludes with an assignment dealing with an individualized plan for personal success.

It is because we sincerely feel that every reader of Think and Grow Rich should go on into this post graduate course, that we take the liberty here of giving a few brief side lights upon this brilliant work. Napoleon Hill’s Course presents the true Philosophy upon which all lasting success is built. Ideas, when translated into intelligent plans of action, are the beginning of all successful achievement. So this course proceeds to show you how to create practical ideas for every human need. It does it in easy-to-understand lessons. Napoleon Hill spent the better part of twenty-five years in perfecting this Philosophy of Success.

During the long years he has worked on it, some parts or the whole of it, have been reviewed and praised by many of the greatest Americans of our times. Among them are included four Presidents of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Wm. H. Taft; Thomas Edison, Luther Burbank, Wm. J. Wrigley, Alexander Graham Bell, Judge E. H. Gary, Cyrus H. K. Curtis, Edward Bok, E.M. Statler — dozens of glowing names in Politics, Finance, Education, Invention.

Don’t waste your own precious years blindly searching for the hidden road to the heights. Profit by the dearly brought experience of America’s leaders. Over 500 great and prominent men of America were minutely analyzed — their methods, motives, strategy — to find out the secrets that put them on top. No matter whether you are rich or poor — you have one asset as great as the richest man living — and that is TIME. But with each setting sun you become one day older, and have one day less in which to attain the success and wealth you desire. Thousands of progressive people throughout the North American continent have realized this mighty truth, and have sought the help so clearly and inspiringly taught in Napoleon Hill. You cannot afford to let day after day slip into eternity, without getting possession of this course. You will profit greatly from the lessons in Think and Grow Rich. You will take even more brilliant and gratifying rewards from this course. The cost is trifling; the benefits are tremendous.

For more information please go to or contact Uriel Martinez at

“Any business whose management has the foresight to adopt a policy which consolidates management, employees and the public it serves in a spirit of team work, provides itself with an insurance policy against failure.” ~Napoleon Hill

Have you been inspired by Dr. Hill’s words? Subscribe to Napoleon Hill’s Thought For The Day.

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“I am a graduate of my Grandfather’s philosophy. I studied Napoleon Hill for years, reading Think and Grow Rich now eight times. I even used his philosophy to change my life —twice! In spite of this, the course pulled the philosophy all together for me and gave me a deeper understanding!”

~ Dr. J.B. Hill
(Napoleon Hill’s Grandson)

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Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet

Dear Readers,

Since I was a lover of books on success, including biographies, I became partial to Dr. Napoleon Hill because his works have endured for close to a century. Napoleon Hill’s classic, Think and Grow Rich!, was first published in 1937. When I was in my twenties, I discovered Think and Grow Rich!, which had sold out its first printing in six weeks—even though it was priced at $2.50 in the middle of the Great Depression. This bestseller was reprinted three times in its first year. Today, first editions are offered for sale for $1,000 or more. It has been continuously in print for more than 70 years and still sells well. A recent survey of bestselling business books ranked Think and Grow Rich! as the number 15 motivational book of all time. Most such bestselling books disappear from the bookstores after 12 to 24 months, but continuous demand worldwide has made this one of the champion titles in history. Think and Grow Rich! has influenced millions of people. Motivational writers and speakers today will quickly tell you that they were deeply affected by the book.

Next Monday, October 26th, we will be celebrating Napoleon Hill’s birthday with a special online presentation honoring Napoleon Hill on our social media pages. We are doing this in place of the usual in-person Napoleon Hill Day celebration that, under normal circumstances, takes place here on the campus of the University of Virginia’s College at Wise. I hope you can join us as we honor our native son of Wise, Virginia!


I wish you the best,
Don Green
Executive Director
Napoleon Hill Foundation


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Napoleon Hill, pioneer in the study of the American philosophy of personal achievement, was born in 1883 in Wise County, Virginia, a region in the Blue Ridge Mountains where illiteracy and superstition were widespread. His father was a blacksmith, and the family lived in a one-room, dirt-floor cabin, common in the region.

Young Napoleon Hill (named for a rich uncle) was an unruly, aggressive child. When he was 9, his mother died, leaving him with his father who had difficulty disciplining the boy. Napoleon enjoyed playing pranks on neighbors. As he grew more daring, he carried a six-shooter (he idolized outlaw Jesse James). He was the toughest boy in the county, and proud of it.

Fortunately, his stepmother took him aside, and calmly and compassionately said something to the boy that would cause a dramatic reversal in him.

“She called me into the living room in private,” Hill later recalled, “and not only changed the course of my life, but also planted in my mind a desire to become self-determining by rendering useful service.”

“She said that people misjudged me—I was not the worst boy in the county, only the most active, and I needed a definite purpose to which I could direct my attentions. She told me that I had a keen imagination and plenty of initiative. She suggested that I become a writer, saying that if I would devote as much time to reading and writing as I had been to causing trouble in the neighborhood, I might live to see the time when my influence would be felt throughout the state.”

The following year, at 15, Hill completed grade school and began to work part time as a newspaper reporter, writing local items for a dozen small town papers throughout Virginia. Looking back he admitted that his writing wasn’t “brilliant,” but that it was “readable because it was written with so much enthusiasm.”

After completing his school, Hill enrolled in a one-year course at a nearby business college.

At 18, fascinated by legal work, Hill felt he would make law a career and hoped to enter Georgetown University Law School. But there was an obstacle: he had no money to finance his education.

To earn his tuition, he decided to return to journalism and to specialize in biographical stories about successful people, something several magazines of the period were publishing.

His first step was to approach former Tennessee Governor Robert L. Taylor, publisher of Bob Taylor’s Magazine. It didn’t take long for Taylor to recognize potential in Hill; he hired him halfway through their meeting. Taylor offered to compose letters of introduction for Hill to prominent individuals who might make good subjects for profiles, and he tossed out names for Hill’s consideration: Thomas Edison, Hohn Wanamaker, publishers Edward Bok and Cyrus H. K. Curtis, Alexander Graham Bell, and Andrew Carnegie. Dazzled by these prospects, Hill decided to give up his plans to study law and spend all his time writing.

In the fall of 1908, As Hill described it, “The Hand of Destiny reached out.” He was on his way to Pittsburgh. Andrew Carnegie had granted him an interview.

Hill went directly to Carnegie’s office and dove into the questioning: “Mr. Carnegie, to what do you attribute your phenomenal success?”

The industrialist, then 73, opened up quickly and, with wit and his unrivaled gift for anecdote, began to relate the story of his achievements.

Hill could hardly keep up his shorthand notes when Carnegie then began to expound on his own and others’ theories of personal achievement.

Then Carnegie lamented. “It’s a shame that each new generation must find the way to success by trial and error when the principles really are clear-cut.” He suggested to Hill that the world needed a practical philosophy of individual achievement that would help the humblest worker to accumulate riches in whatever amount and form he might desire.

After a three-hour session, to Hill’s astonishment, Carnegie invited him back for three days, Carnegie elaborated on his idea, describing how one might go about the organization of such a philosophy.

“You now have my idea of a new philosophy,” Carnegie said, “and I wish to ask you a question in connection with it, which I want you to answer by a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no.’”

“If I give you the opportunity to organize the world’s first philosophy of individual achievement, and introduce you to men who can and will collaborate with you in its organization, do you want the opportunity, and will you follow through with it if it is given to you?”

Hill stammered for a few seconds and then blurted out with characteristic enthusiasm, “Yes! I’ll undertake the job—and I’ll finish it.”

Carnegie drew out a stopwatch and told Hill that it had taken him exactly 29 seconds to respond to the question, and he had been giving him a maximum of 60 seconds to reach his decision. If he had gone over that time, the opportunity would have been withdrawn: “It has been my experience that a man who cannot reach a decision promptly cannot be depended upon to carry through any decision he may make. I have also discovered that men who reach decisions promptly usually have the capacity to move with definiteness of purpose in other circumstances.

“Very well. You have on of the two important qualities that will be needed by the man who organizes the philosophy I have described. Now I will learn whether or not you have the second.”

“If I give you this opportunity, are you willing to devote 20 years of your time to research the causes of success and failure without pay, earning your own living as you go along?”

Hill was stunned. He had assumed that Carnegie would subsidize him from his enormous fortune.

“It is not unwillingness to supply the money,” Carnegie explained. “It is my desire to know if you have in you the natural capacity to go the extra mile—that is, to render service before trying to collect for it.”

Napoleon Hill met Carnegie’s second test. He would go on to write the American philosophy of personal achievement. He would also become an esteemed lecturer, educator, and confidential adviser to two presidents, as well as a prolific author on the subject of personal achievement.

Throughout Hill’s years of research, Carnegie remained steadfast. He did not reimburse Hill for his efforts, compelling the young man to work to support himself, and later a family. As a result, Hill’s professional life took many turns.

When the United States entered World War 1, President Woodrow Wilson (who, when he was head of Princeton University, had met Hill through Andrew Carnegie) asked Hill to come to the White House to serve as his public-relations advisor. Hill jumped at the opportunity. He was at Wilson’s side in 1918 when a dispatch announced that the Germans were requesting armistice, and he helped the president formulate his reply.

With the election of a new administration, Hill left Washington and spent a brief stint editing and publishing Golden Rule magazine. But his thoughts began to turn back to the field of education and, after a year, he left Golden Rule to spend his time teaching and lecturing. Soon he became a widely acclaimed and much-sought after speaker.

He always spoke on the “Law of Success,” spreading the ideas and philosophy that he was gleaning from his study of the factors that produced success and failure.

In 1923, Hill began to transcribe his voluminous notes to manuscript form, and in 1928 the 16-lesson course, Law of Success was finally in print. It had taken Hill 20 years to complete this project, exactly as Carnegie had predicted.

With the publication of Law of Success, Hill’s star skyrocketed. His royalties hit $2,500 per month and stayed there for years. The book was eventually distributed worldwide.

Hill described his work as a “blueprint that may be followed straight to success” and claimed he was simply “organizing old truths and known laws into practical, usable form, where they may be properly interpreted and applied by the workaday man whose needs call for a philosophy of simplicity . . . .”

“My purpose was twofold,” Hill said. “First, to help the earnest student find out what his or her weaknesses are. Second, to help create a definite plan for bridging those weaknesses. The most successful mean and women on earth have had to correct certain weak spots in their personalities before they began to succeed.”

“You cannot enjoy outstanding success in life without power, and you can never enjoy power without sufficient personality to influence other people to cooperate with you in a spirit of harmony. This course shows you, step by step, how to develop such a personality. The student who takes up this course with an open mind, and sees to it that his or her mind remains open until the last lesson has been read, will be richly rewarded with a broader and more accurate view of life as a whole.”

Hill served President Franklin D. Roosevelt as an adviser throughout most of the Depression years. He said that as a presidential speech writer, he wrote much of the contents of the famous Fireside Chats and he conceived the theme, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”

Source: From the archives of the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Napoleon Hill: The Man by Judith Williamson.

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Napoleon Hill
by Jim Stovall

When Don Green, who runs The Napoleon Hill Foundation, contacted me about presenting some of my columns, I was excited about the opportunity. All of us who write books, make speeches, produce movies, or even submit a weekly column with the thought of making people’s lives better, stand atop the giant shoulders of Napoleon Hill. Anyone who has written a self-help or personal-development book in the last 75 years enjoyed an advantage that Napoleon Hill never had. We have all benefited from Hill’s masterpiece, Think and Grow Rich, and Napoleon Hill was forced to blaze that trail, breaking new ground within the science of human success.

One of my favorite authors, Louis L’Amour, often said, “No man can be judged except against the backdrop of the time and place in which he lived.” When you consider Napoleon Hill in this light, his accomplishments are unparalleled.

We live in a world in which we are constantly bombarded by countless images and messages on a daily basis designed to get us to act in certain ways, buy certain products, and think certain thoughts in order to benefit others; it is, therefore, imperative that we control our own thoughts and actions through the input of positive messages designed to move us toward our own success. I am proud, pleased, and humbled to be associated with Napoleon Hill in Wisdom for Winners.

Many Fortune 500 executives have read the same books, but the title most cited by these elite performers was Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich.

As a young man, Napoleon Hill approached Andrew Carnegie, the first billionaire, and asked about the key to success. Instead of giving some routine or flippant answer, Carnegie agreed to sponsor Napoleon Hill on a quest to find the keys to achievement and launch the science of success. Carnegie introduced young Napoleon Hill to Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and dozens of the business leaders of the day. This collective wisdom emerged in Hill’s 1937 classic book Think and Grow Rich.

Many of the people Napoleon Hill interviewed found their success in the 19th century, Hill compiled and wrote about it in the 20th century, and this timeless wisdom is available to you and me in the 21st century.

As you go through your day today, remember, you become what you think about, so commit to applying Napoleon Hill’s philosophy in your own life.

Today’s the day!
Jim Stovall

Source: Wisdom for Winners by Jim Stovall

Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network as well as a published author of many books including The Ultimate Gift. He is also a columnist and motivational speaker. He may be reached at 5840 South Memorial Drive, Suite 312, Tulsa, OK 74145-9082; by email at; on Twitter at; or on Facebook at

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The PMA Bookshelf

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Master-Key to Riches

The Master-Key to Riches

by Napoleon Hill

The Master-Key to Riches, a powerful formula for self-improvement, shows you how to harness the powers of your will and mind so that you can achieve mental happiness, business success, spiritual vitality and financial superiority.

Millions of readers all over the world are grateful to Dr. Napoleon hill for his now classic Think and Grow Rich. The Master-Key to Riches provides the key to why some people become successful and how you can become one of them. The Master Key is a marvelous device which, once discovered, may be used to:

• Open the door to sound health
• Reveal the method by which every disadvantage and disappointment can be turned into advantages of priceless value
• Open the door to love and romance
• Renew the spirit of youth
• Lift humble men to positions of power, fame and fortune

Based on the Andrew Carnegie formula for money making, The Master-Key to Riches describes in step-by-step detail the greatest practical philosophy of success. ”Riches means all riches not merely those represented by bank balances and material things,” says Napoleon Hill in the introduction to this master-manual for personal achievement.

This amazing philosophy, culled from the success experiences of many of the world s most powerful and wealthy men, will show you how to succeed in any path of life, whether it be love, wealth, personal satisfaction, faith, or any number of other goals.

The material woven by Napoleon Hill into The Master-Key to Riches has the endorsement of many men whose names have become synonymous with great achievement in the fields of industry, finance and statesmanship.

Available on Amazon!

Andrew Carnegie’s Mental Dynamite

by Napoleon Hill


Based on a series of booklets written by bestselling motivational writer Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie’s Mental Dynamite outlines the importance of three essential principles of success: self-discipline, learning from defeat, and the Golden Rule applied.

In 1908, Napoleon Hill met industrialist Andrew Carnegie for what he believed would be a short interview for an article. Instead, Carnegie spent hours detailing his principles of success to the young magazine reporter. He then challenged Hill to devote 20 years to collating a proven formula that would propel people of all backgrounds to happiness, harmony, and prosperity. Hill accepted the challenge, which he distilled in the perennial bestseller Think and Grow Rich.

Now, more than a century later, the Napoleon Hill Foundation is releasing this epic conversation to remind people that there are simple solutions to the problems troubling us most, everything from relationships and education to homelessness and even democracy. This is revealed in three major principles: self-discipline, which shows how the six departments of the mind may be organized and directed to any end; learning from defeat, which describes how defeat can be made to yield “the seed of an equivalent benefit” and how to turn it into a stepping-stone to greater achievement; and the Golden Rule applied for developing rewarding relationships, peace of mind, and a strengthened consciousness.

Each chapter draws on Carnegie’s words and advice as inspiration, with annotations by Napoleon Hill scholar James Whittaker explaining why they are essential for reaching your goals and prospering—for you, your family, and your community.

Available on Sept 8

Truthful Living

by Napoleon Hill, annotated by
Jeffrey Gitomer

What readers are saying:

“Another Gem Amongst His Many Gems – Truthful Living is NOT just a book for people in sales; it is for people who are still breathing or in other words, EVERYONE!” ~ Gymbeaux

“A Masterclass in Napoleon Hill’s Foundational Wisdom and Real-World Application – There is a reason why I ordered copies for my entire team and all of my mastermind students. Don’t just buy the book, buy additional copies for those you care most about. They’ll thank you and you will have given them a gift that could change their life.” ~ Joe Soto

The foundation of Napoleon Hill’s self-help legacy: his long-lost original notes, letters, and lectures – now compiled, edited, and annotated for the modern reader, brought to you by New York Times bestselling author, Jeffrey Gitomer.

Thank you to everyone who has bought this book. Please leave a review here.

Available on Amazon!

The Little Book of Leadership

By: Jeffrey Gitomer


This comprehensive book will help you understand your situation, identify your opportunities, create your objectives, execute by action and delegation, and establish a leadership position through enthusiasm, brilliance, action, collaboration, resilience, and achievement.

The time for real-world leadership is NOW. This is a leadership book that transcends theory and philosophy, and gets right down to brass tacks and brass tactics, and adds a few brass balls.It’s full of practical, pragmatic, actionable ideas and strategies that when implemented assure respect and loyalty – and ensure long-term success and legacy.

The 12.5 Leadership Strengths revealed in this book will challenge you, admonish you, guide you, and create new success opportunities for you.

Buy The Little Book of Leadership TODAY!

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